home clean bed

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The hours dragged until the clock hit 3 and we were allowed to

Go home. Jess got the bags

Together whilst I picked Rosie for the first time in weeks and it was then I realised how light she had become it was weird I mean her and Shaya are small kids anyway but the weight of her now....gees. Me and Jess walked hand in hand to the end of the corridor Rosie on my side of course and then it was there that we met the security guys I had called prior to the nurse telling us about how many paps were actually outside and had been camping there for the past week, quite sad really she's sick and they think that as soon as we walk out of the hospital she's gunna need fucking cameras flashed in her face no! She doesn't. Talk about have some respect! These people obviously have none I mean not only is Rosie no where near 100% alright but me and Jess both look I don't know...I'll because we haven't slept in god knows how long but that's gunna look god in the papers...right. I can see it now the headline being 'Jessie J and Danny O'Donoghue have break down after daughter rushed into hospital.' Yes! They do stoop that low and are that heartless no we aren't havering breakdowns yes we are tired and yes we are of course still upset I don't think that shock will ever fade to be honest. The security guys were either side of me and Jess, it was weird I know we are both used to having security guards but having them to take your daughter out of the hospital is a feeling that you never even want to connect with that's for sure. The nurses really weren't kidding when they said 'there are paps outside' we stepped through the double doors Rosie's face in my neck and a blanket covering her and the flashes were something not even I had seen before it was more than wild it was actually scary and that's how I'm feeling can you imagine what Jess and Rosie are feeling like. I tightened the hold on Rosie's back and gripped tighter at Jessie's hand and I could tell her getting closer to

Me as I ended up with her still holding my hand and being under my arm I could tell she was scared...no petrified. After what nearly half hour we got through as got into a car we orders to come her is I didn't have the energy to drive mine home we'd get it at a later date an if it didn't have energy then it was a no brainier of Jess having any energy se literally hasn't slept a wink. Getting in the car is sat Rosie in my lap and Jess sprawled over me, she needed sleep and I know that. We pulled up outside Rose and Stevens and thanked them for looking after Shaya and  soon we headed home! Home the things we have been wanting to say for the past I don't know how long. We got through the door and omg it felt good seriously. Rosie and Shaya were both asleep so Jess and I decided seen as they were asleep just to put them in the cots for now anyway and when they were to wake up our them in with us. But as soon as we did that Jess directed straight to our door and stripped off getting under the covers I copied and

Did the same.

Jessie: oh my god I'm so tired 

Danny: me too baby sleep

Jessie: you too I tired the monitors back on I know we haven't used them in forever but I have to be sure

Danny: to be honest I was thinking the same thing they will be ok she will be ok we just have to watch her that's all if she was really not that we they wouldn't have let us take her home and they said she has progressed better than any other child they'd dealt with

Jessie: I know but it doesn't stop me worrying and I know deep down your thinking the same, all those times we were in that hospital you were holding back what your feeling for me so that one of us were strong 

Danny: how did I even think I

Could keep it from you no I know it was stupid and I don't blame you for bringing it up but I was scared of what everyone else was to think 

Jessie: just be true to who you are

Danny: I know and nobody's perfect 

Jessie: sleeps taking me down like a domino though 

Danny: now that was clever

Jessie: even though it's like 4 in fe afternoon night Dan

Danny: night Jess I love you 

Then it must have only been like two minutes before all of Jess's weight was on me and she was completely zonked, I wouldn't have expected any different I went to bed and slept that night feeling the most content than I have since Jess left for la I can't say I was 100% ease though my daughter was sick and would be until she maybe grew out of I how do you get over that we hadn't even explained it to anyone properly yet me an Jess didn't really talk to anyone apart from each other I think hat was because me and Jess was the only ones who understood what we were both feeling but when anyone else tried to connect with us it just got annoying because they didn't actual understand they just tried to understand how it felt when actually they don't know anything until they are living in out shoes. But I would never wish this on anyone not even the person I hate the most and tans saying something honestly to have your daughter lying there helplessly and you can't do anything is truly horrible and heartbreaking it's like someone got a sledge hammer and put mine and Jess's hearts under it and then bam...


The End

thank you all for your support ill say more on the sequel it's up now so download it to your library and chapter will be tomorrow

right lets start with im SOOO sorry I didn't update 2 days in a row and I haven't looked at my inbox today so doing that next once again so sorry im still not well and I have a lot on my mind somethings I need to clear! some people know why some don't.

another thing 1 year ago TODAY Jess shaved her head for charity help me on twitter treading we are proud of you Jess

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now