1 more chance?

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I awake and the surrounding around me is empty beeping machines I feel so drowsy, my first thought was where is Jessie,  I turn over on my side but the shooting pain in my pelvis is unreal. After a while I notice a button by my bed so I press it three times me still being drowsy. Several minutes later a nurse pops round the corner and I smile weakly at her my eyes dropping shut but I manage to get words out before my eyes shut.

Danny: J-jessie?

I then here her do the sympathetic sigh as she sees me barely conscious all I remember then is everything going black again. Soon I feel my hand become light as there is another hand holding mine I'm about to open my eyes but I let out a louder wince of pain than I intended to.

Danny: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Jessie: Shhh shhhh baby its ok I'm here please stay strong open your  eyes please your scaring me

Jessie’s voice then fills my ears and makes me be calm a little I think I can hear the pain in her voice from seeing me like this, all I want to do right now is hug her and tell her I'm sorry for making her feel this way but honestly I feel so weak next I still can’t open my eyes but I barely string a proper sentence together.

Danny: J-Jess…..This….ahhhh….Hur-ts…so…Mu—ch i…fee-l… so..dro-wsy…worse…than….last time….AHHHHHHHHHHHHH….help…..Me…Ple—ase….Ba-B-----y  

I hear sobs coming from Jess and this is killing me I don’t even know why I cant open my eyes but I'm just focusing on breathing through this pain and honestly its 100 times worse than the pain after the last operations I've had, they say nothing is imposible then why can’t I get up and show Jess I'm alright, maybe because I'm not I really need to get this paint to go away, maybe my sentences aren’t amazing right now but I need to get help.

Danny: J-Ess please this….i.snt right…..i….nee-d….he…lp

After that I feel Jess stand up and whack the button beside my bed hard like 11 time and voices over fill the room and then I hear Jessie talk.

Jessie: Help him, he can talk a little but he cant open his eyes because the pain he says is unbearable

Nurse: Mrs O’Donoghue you have to stay calm please let me talk to Danny

Jessie: ok please help him I cant watch him like this

Nurse: Ok, Danny can you hear me?

Danny: Y-e-ah

Nurse: Danny we are going to put, some anastetic I your wound

I interrupt her


Jessie: don’t put him to sleep he doesn’t want to go again

Nurse: no we aren’t going to it will just numb his stomach and pelvis then he will be able to go up to the room and he will just be numb but able to speak.

Danny: T-Ha-nk Y-o-u

Nurse: Jessie, hold his hand Danny squeeze Jessie’s hand this will hurt a lot and I'm not going to lie but it will be over in like a couple minutes ok

Danny: J-ess where is you-r h-and

Jessie: Here babe cant you feel it

Danny: N-o why can I feel my hand

Nurse: Jessie hold his other hand that one seems it hasn’t woken up from the operation yet but it will in a bit

Jessie: ok….Dan an you feel my hand now

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now