Christmas part 2

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So after Riley has insulted practically the hole room everyone is now on presents so we are all giving out stuff and what ever everyone got the girls we let them open it with them so its fair the girls have been spoilt and that's probably an understatement the kids are still opening presents as all the adult have a conversation.

Rose: Holly, what's with the santa thing then

Holly: I was waiting to explain this

oh god I shuffle uncomfortably because to be honest I don't want my hole family to know about my sex life but it holly and she and Glen will get pleasure out of embarrassing me and Danny.

Steven: go on then

Holly: well Dan and Jess were having a nice time last night very loud so I decided to text them and tell them to shut up and then they text back saying they were seeing santa and we didn't believe them so they actually went after we said something so thi would happen today but hey hooo

Jessie: im going to go check on the food

Rose: wait Jessica

oh god lecture here I come

Rose: what did I tell you don't have sex with the kids in the house I would have had them

Jessie: mum like I said we didn't we were at the mall

Glen: agh Jess please no faster

Tyler: what you going faster at auntie Jess


Danny: yeah can we quit this convo now before it gets to weird

Jessie: please?

Clair: so what you get Dan for Christmas Jess

Jessie: show them go get it

Danny: ok

Danny goes upstairs and shortly comes back with his new guitar and hands it to Glen and his face is like omg.

Glen: isn't this the new limited edition Gibson?

Danny: Damn right

Glen: wiked

Danny: that's what I thought

hours pass and everyone is now sat at the table eating lunch well we just sat down and im still ploting around in the kitchen babies asleep so after a while I go and sit down at the table Danny smothered in kids, kids beside him kids opposite him so im just like yeah okay lets sit next to clair seen as kyle isn't there

Danny: wanna hand little man

Riley: yes please but Auntie Jess wanna sit here next to uncle Dan

Jessie: No your alright you can have him for a while

Riley: cheers

Jessie: not long now Clair

Clair: mmmm

Jessie: getting cold feet

Clair: not me..

Jessie: what does that mean?

Clair: don't worry

Jessie: sure?

Clair: yea

Hannah: so im moving house

Jessie: really where

Hannah: erm...

Jessie: where

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now