Janny Paps

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I think it took a while for it to sink into what I was saying to Glen well Jess but still I don't think anything we said to him sunk into him. I would be the same if Jess flees not only the country but to the other side of the world just to get away from me. Thank god I know Jess wouldn't do that to me we are so in love and I don't even remember he last time we had an argument that wasn't just a silly one that we could laugh off. I looked into Glens watering eyes even though his glare wasn't on me it was somewhere else. I shook his shoulders but his glare stayed on Harry's toy. 

Danny: Glen... Speak to me your scaring me 

As soon as my voice filled the room his eyes snapped into mine...he cleared his throat and talks with by sadness in his voice.

Glen; she..she really went to the other side of the world to get away from...me do you know how much that pains. And don't tell me 'well I wouldn't know what to say because Jess wouldn't do that from me' yes I know she wouldn't because Jess loves you and you love her, but I love Holly but she obviously doesn't lie me anymore 

Jessie: don't talk shit Glen you know she loves you I know she does she told me. Go get your son and girl back Glen before she thinks you don't care, I know Holly well enough to know that she knows me and she knows I would have told you eventually so I will text you the hotel go get on that plane. There is one in 2 hours you better pack and leave 

Glen; Dan Jess you are amazing I love you guys 

Dan: oh stop you'll make my make up run 

Glen: I always thought you wore make up...you little slut 

Danny: do you want a punch and what happened to I'm  going to change change he sarkeyness you have 24 hours on that plane have a long hard think 

Glen: I know I was joking 

Danny: yeah that joke before Holly obviously took seriously 

Jessie: now Glen good luck, we'd love today and chat but we have 

Some much needed ' Janny' time the past fee weeks have been stressed to the brim and we don't get the girls back until tomorrow so yeah 

Glen; Have some nice sex then I will see you whenever I get back with or without Holly 

Jessie: in putting my bets on with

Danny: same...come on then Mrs O'Donoghue 

Jessie: bye Glen 

We both smirk at each other and walk out of Glen and Holly's as soon as we get in the front door and it's shut I slam Jess up against it and start to kiss her deeply this kiss was heated as soon as it started she of course kissed me back as soon as she registered what was happening. Soon my lips went to her neck and she was removing my top. These were the times that me and Jess need our relationship has never ever been boring in the bedroom and I don't think it ever will, every time is different but there is one thing that every time stays the same...love. It's never just sex and it never had been I love this woman more than my life it's self. My wife do you know how much pride I have on that I love telling anyone that hasn't already read it in the papers.  Soon we were in our room naked once again this never gets old soon it a began we had our Janny time and that lasted over an hour with a few breathers we soon ended up back in the shower. This was the life. After that we once again got ready for the second time today me doing her hair and make up again and we doing my hair before I told her I would take he shopping I told her I didn't care about the paps if they wanna take a picture of us that's cool I don't care today because we don't have the girls even though the world had seen a picture of them I didn't want to scare them they aren't old enough yet to understand mine and Jess lifestyle, they get that we sing but not that the paps come with it . I don't expect them to wait her at the age of 1. I take Jess's hand and lead her to my car he smiles as still to this day I open the door for her that's never change in fact we still act the same as we always had together. We took the short root the shopping mall and then ended up finding a car park that wasn't that fall unfortunately on the way the paps had clocked us so they were hot on our tail. Something we knew would happen. 

Jessie; what if they call us bad parents

Danny: so what you saying Jess that parents have their children with them 24/7 no and if they do say that it's because they have nothing else to say. We are on our day out and we will do what we want wether they watch us or lot take pictures that's nothing new it will be fine baby 

Jessie: I know I know, you'd think id be you'st to it by now 

Danny; you always say going in the public eye isn't something you learn about in school, and it's very true Jess now let's go 

Jessie; alright then I know when I'm with Holly and Clair always a bit unsure of the paps but when I'm with you that's nothing because your like my safety net I love you baby

Danny: Jess there is nothing more that I wanted the day we met is for you to say you trusted me an when you found that trust in me it made me complete it made me realise I wasn't just a bum I love you and you've changed me into a person who I want to be I want to be a good person you made me into that. I love you too Jessica

I lean in and kiss her and she does the same before we walk out of the car park and into the mall here we go... 


Thank you for all the comments I love reading them honestly if there is only like one I'm like ohh...but thank you for all of them looks like everyone wants a girl then:)

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now