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I was panicking like crazy as you can imagine I was shaking and so was Danny he was breaking he speed limit but neither of us actually cared right now to be honest. Shaya was ill and that's all we knew thank god at this time if night no paps were out to get us. As soon as we palled up me and Danny both flung out of the car and got the girls out before slamming the doors shut and locking the door and running through the hospital and to the children's ward I ran to the desk passing Rosie to Danny also. 

Jessie: we need to see someone!

Receptionist: calm down what's the matter please tell me your situation

Jessie: my daughter has a rash and is burning up and throwing up can we please see someone 

I tried to be as calm and as nice as I possibly could  in that situation but who could be calm as a cucumber in that situation? If they are it's beyond me.

Receptionist: ahh Jessie?

Jessie: yes now please...please let us see someone

Receptionist: which twin is it?

Jessie: Shaya

Receptionist: Room 5 Jessie

Jessie: thank you 

I point to Danny taking Rosie back off of him and knocking on the door they soon tell us to go in and we do. We take a seat.

Doctor: hello I just got an email Shay? Has a rash?

Danny: yeah we put the glass on it but some of it went but the rest stayed 

Doctor: I'm guessing the one that is sweating and red is Shaya

Danny: yeah this one 

Doctor: could you lay her on the bed please Danny

Danny: sure

Danny gets up and lays her on the bed whilst the doctor checks her over and writing some stuff down before passing Shaya back to Danny and sitting down opposite us again.

Doctor: so I can see why you were worried its nothing major major but it's not brilliant

Jessie: well what does that mean?

Doctor: Shaya basically has an infection and not the normal kind she has two I'm sure one of the infections you are both get aware of 

Danny: that being

Doctor; so the less major one would be tonsillitis 

Jessie: oh.

Doctor: and the one that is making her have the sickness and stuff is an infection in her stomach and kidneys

Jessie:Well what does that mean?

Doctor: means Shaya will need round the clock care for at least two weeks preferably from one of you two

Danny; what about another family member

Doctor: no it would preferably be one of you to 

Jessie: how do we sort these infections out then 

Doctor: tonsillitis there is a spray you will have to spray down her throat 4 times a day and right now I'm going the I have to put an injection in her for her stomach that won't heal it completely it will just make it more bearable for her but she will be given antibiotics for all three of them she will be very sick the next two maybe three weeks with this kind if illness your looking at about 6 weeks for a full recovery 

Jessie: but after she'll be fine yes,?

Doctor; yes but before she gets better she'll get worse and you two need to be very prepared for that I know how hectic your life's are 

Jessie: we are all quite until the summer so that's ok it's just my sister is not well and we have to be there for her too

Doctor: well one of you will have to stay home with Shaya because any stress will rattle her system and looking at both of the girls with you two now they look very clingy as Shaya showed when she had to let go of a Danny back there

Jessie: yeah that's fair enough, and yeah they are som clingy

Rosie: mummy?

Jessie: yes baby?

Rosie: I go see auntie Han Han?

Jessie: not now baby 

Rosie: pleeeeaseeeee

Jessie: Shaya isn't well baby 

Doctor: how I'll is your sister, I'm not being rude

Jessie. She she...has ....cancer 

Doctor: Shaya and Rosie going to see her wouldn't be a bad idea for Hannah normality is what your sister would need I'm not that kind of specialist but I was told that when my brother went through it 

Danny': would Shayas illness effect her though?

Doctor: no no, for her sore throat Shayas that is, ice cream

Jessie: Danny will live the next 6 weeks then 

Danny: of course 

Doctor: so I'm just gunna go and get her prescription made up you wait her I'll be back in a minute

Jessie: ok, thank you 

He walks out and I turn to Danny

Jessie: are you tired?

Danny: yeah but I don't think we'll sleep tonight 

Jessie: should we got to macdonalds get ice cream and then go and see Hannah for an hour?

Danny: she needs you now so yes of course I want to see her as I didn't go yesterday and were not going tomorrow 

Jessie: thank you babe 

Danny: she's my family as much as yours now 

Jessie; I know I know 

Danny; Shaya baby are you ok?

Shaya: hurt dada 

Danny: I know sweet heart do you want some of mummy's water?

Shaya: yes pwease 

I hand it over to Dan and he holds it there for her and she sips the smallest bit they aren't youst to drinking out of big bottles yet. The doctor soon walks in giving us the medicine luckily it's all strawberry then the worst but he holds her down and does this injection thing that looks massive Shaya of course cries and you can hear the pain in her throat. But soon it's over and We all leave and he'd through the driver through to Marcie's to get ice cream and coke. Well coke for mean do Danny water for Shaya as that's all she's drinking..weird and a shake for Rosie.


How was your valentines day?....I spent mine cuddled up in bed with a blanket Ill good way ha.

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now