am i the Joke?

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So Kyle has been sat in hospital with me and the others for about an hour and a half and part of me is thinking maybe he really is trying maybe he has changed, but the other half of me is thinking is it just a front when I turn my back will he change back will he hurt what’s like my sister and my niece and Nephew. Do I trust him or do I just shut myself off from being involved in his relationship with Clair, but then I'm thinking if I do that then Jess and Clair won’t see each other that much then Clair will turn to Holly and Jess will be excluded, I just don’t even know what to do I will do whatever makes Jess happy because if she’s happy I'm happy. My little angels are sleeping in there pram in the corner Glen has Harry and is feeding him and Mason is sleeping on Clair’s front so all In all quite a silent room until Kyle pops up.

Kyle: Dan, you know at your wedding you said you Hated me did you mean it?

Danny: Kyle, I never said I hated you, I just didn’t particularly like you then but to be honest would you blame me. The only person running the word Hate towards you is Clair and even she’s been more than forgiving to you if I was her id have ran for the hills and found someone better.

Kyle: Dan I know your never going to trust me, but I'm never going to give up trying to get you to say I'm your brother again and actually mean it.

Danny: you should have thought of that before you hurt Clair and Mason then shouldn’t you, and Kyle you still didn’t even ask what was wrong with mum.

Kyle: I didn’t need to I already knew months back

Danny: what do you mean you knew months back?

Kyle: when I was back in Dublin before I moved to London she was starting to have problems with it and I rang Dara about 20 minutes ago and he told me everything because he’s the only one that has actually spoken to me since I'm worried Dan, she might hate me but she’s still my mum.

Glen: why are you two talking in cryptic like you can’t tell us what’s wrong with her Dan me and Mark have known her since I can remember just tell us.

Danny: Kyle, I know I am to but let’s just take one thing at a time I need to get out of here first and I'm confused as to why I didn’t get told before and I'm actually quite offended and Glen what part of I can’t tell you here do you not get I will tell you later no dought you’ll tell Holly witch I don’t mind.

Clair looks like she’s thinking hard oh shit please don’t figure it out please please….oh shit

Clair: So if Jess knows and Kyle knows and you’re going to tell Mark and Glen witch is going to Tell Holly why don’t you just say?

Danny: errrum well I just cant bring myself to say right now

Clair: or there is something your all trying to hide from me because I can read through Kyle and most certainly Jess so just spill it Daniel and cut  the crap.

Jessie: Just say Dan she wont mind she’ll find out sooner or later weather you want her to or not she’s sneaky.

Clair: well said Jess

Danny: fine my mums got...eurnm

Kyle: our mum has a heart disease….

She stays silent and then just mutters something that we all here

Clair: Fuck..

Kyle: its alright babe we can pray I'm Christian, when I was in Australia I helped an old lady to church she asked me to go in so I did listened to some god stuff  

 Clair: now I've heard it all

Danny: Kyle, Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

Kyle: and I did a good deed though Dan I helped her press the traffic light button and cross the road

Danny: you’re a pleb

Kyle: hey you know what I was thinking I know its probably the wrong time to come out with this but you know at the wedding mum was calling me every name under the sun

Danny: do you blame her

Kyle: no but she didn’t really think of the irony if calling me a-son-of-a-bitch did she I just thought of that like 20 minutes ago am I clever or am I clever

Glen: you really haven’t matured in age fucking hell Harry talks less shit than you

Kyle: he doesn’t talk

Glen: exactly

Jessie: come on you lot stop taking the piss out of one another

Danny: but its like talking to fucking Dorey

Kyle: I have good memory actually

Mark: and would you have remmbered that the lables in your chloths are meant to go the other way your shirts in in side out.

Kyle: I know but…do you know what I don’t even care you 3 have done nothing but pick on me for the last hour and  half and to be quite hinest its been quite boring

Holly: or funny?

Kyle: yeah but Holly you don’t hide the fact you hate me

Holly: Damn right you’re a dick and thank god that’s not my brother doing that to my best friend else he would be dead

Kyle: no one would care if I wasn’t alive anyway

Mark: If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

Kyle: see another dig fuck of you ginger prick

Mark: I could quite happy batter you right now but there are to many babies in the room you’re a dick you know that

Danny: your doing an amazing job of trying to convince me Kyle, or not

Kyle: tell your friends to stop winding me up then

Danny: stop reacting then and they wont

Kyle: there knobs come on give me some slack

Danny: why Kyle they are my best friends they have been there more for your son than you have, Kyle dont fight fire with fire your fingers will get burnt,   if you want to get past a day without me thinking you’re a knob sit down shut up and don’t talk because your giving me headache ok

Kyle: ugh fine!

Jessie: do you want your Glasses

Danny: please babe

Jessie: here I cleaned them

Danny: thanks baby

Jessie: no worries I love you now try sleep you’ve had enough excitement for one day, ok babe

Danny: I love you to and ok wanna get on here with me

Jessie: I don’t want to hurt you though

Danny: come on Jess they all have comfortable chairs you have a plastic one now if you don’t I might have to get out and get you

Jessie: good luck when you cant feel your legs

Danny: Don’t argue with me Mrs. O’Donoghue

Jessie: fine move then

I do as Jess says and scooch over and Jess snuggles into me and everyone else settles down in there blankets I smile in content as I see my Family and friends well Kyle I don’t know what to call him yet but I will figure it out soon, I hope.


This Chapter is 100% dedicated to @Dannys_Glensgirlx because she was feeling down and I wanted to do something nice to cheer her up, that’s why I did another chapter tonight I hope this puts a little smile on your face I hate it when people are upset makes me sad, @Dannys_Glensgirlx don’t be sad and don’t be afraid to pop up for a chat, thank you so much for the support all the way through this book.

And thanks to everyone else as well like I said on last chapter means so much love you all xxx

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now