Never Ran So Fast

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I was on the jet now you have no idea how much I had to pay to get on it because it wasn’t there for me, and as much as people swear otherwise I do not own a Jet it was there for someone else I think Chris Brown. Yes I just got on Chris Browns jet and I didn’t feel bad at all about it Holly and Clair were by my side and I still hadn’t told them what was going on I was still hysterically crying. And I couldn’t stop the rush and panic was filling my heart I could only imagine what state her and Danny were in and it was killing me to the bone. I sat on the seat and the plane took off. This way was quicker to get home so id be home in 6 and a half hours that was still far to long I needed to be home NOW. Holly and Clair had been supportive and not asked any questions and that’s what I liked bnecause I couldn’t answer now what state would I be in to even answer all they would get out of me would be *eigwbvfci* and that wouldn’t be  a whole load of good. I was shaking and this Jet wasn’t going slow it was mega fast but id rather scare myself shitless and get home quicker than go on a blane that takes 8 hours.


That was the most bumpiest and what felt like the most longest flight I've ever done and it made me cry even more. As soon as it hit touch down I flung my belt off standing up and chucking my bag at one of the girls, don’t even remember which one. I legged it off the plane I've never ran so fast out of the air port right across the run way even though I was told not to. I got through the airport no one even noticing me because I was running like a mad woman. I got in the first taxi I could see I know someone was waiting but I got in anyway chucked money at the person outside and then at the taxi driver shouting at him to take me to the hospital and to put his foot down. He refused to break the speed limit until I doubled what I gave him I don’t even know how much that was. I got to the hospital in like 25 minutes. Today had to be the day when every London driver was on a slow go. I was shaking and flapping in my seat. He drove me to the door and I flew out slamming the door and just zooming up to the kids floor I used the stairs lifts were to slow…for today anyway I got there quicker than id even gotton anywhere before what was meant to take me 1 hour to get from the airport to here took me about 30 minutes. I ran to the reception desk she looked busy but I didn’t care I pushed in and I don’t care what looks I was given I had make up all still running down my face I was sweating from the running and I was wearing hoodie and track suits. I slamed my hands down on the desk not in demand but because I had to stop myself from falling into the desk.

Jessie: Help me please!

Receptionist: mam you’ll have to wait


The receptionist saw my face but I don’t know if she recognised me…probably not from what I looked like now but the look on my face showed that I obviously wasn’t fucking about I was being serious and I was pancaking and shaking and she knew just by this how desperate I was. She obviously hadn’t noticed me by her next question.

Receptionist: name of your daughter please mam?

She obviously wasn’t from around theses part her accent showed it and the way she kept calling me mam..

Jessie: Ros-ie….Rosie O’Donoghue

Receptionist: omg Jessie…right quick I'm sorry to everyone in the cue I just have to lead this lady somewhere

She made me follow her and I went down some corridors

Jessie: whats wring with her. Whats wrong with my daughter

Receptionist: I don’t know that information I'm sorry Mrs O’Donoghue I'm only a receptionist, but I'm glad you are here Mr O’Donoghue is not coping well at all, all he has said is where’s Jess and that he needed you and we felt pity on him. He made us promise to bring you down the corridors when you were here she’s right down the bottom he’s gone private as she was getting crowded on by the public they wanted pictures with him and it was just making him more and more upset.

Jessie: is she awake you must know that and where is Shaya…my other daughter the twin

Receptionist: Jessie I am going to be honest, all I know is that when Danny came in with her she didn’t look…good and no she isn’t she’s unconscious still I'm sorry. And Shaya yes I've seen her she’s with I think it’s your mum errr Rose?

Jessie: oh….and yeah that’s my mum has she taken her home she doesn’t have to be here

Receptionist: I don’t know anything on Rosie’s condition like I said Jess so I could be wrong I haven’t seen her in half hour and I think she took her home yeah

We got to the end of the corridor when she nodded in a direction so I saw Dan she squeezed my arm and walked away. That was a sight I had wanted to see for the past week and a half just not in this state and for the condition we are here. I was heartbroken and I could see he was too. He hadn’t seen me yet I ran over to him and as soon as he seen my feet he stood up and  we cried together we were a mess and that wasn’t what we needed to be for Rosie but how do you expect us to act.


Hello guys how are you all hope your well…thank you for your uncanny support

GENUINE ;) aha

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now