cracked back into place

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After Jess kind blanked out I was worried, well obviously she’s my wife what do they think I'm gunna do sit back brush my hair do a crossword, ha, no. I'm just stood there in hock and the Nurse pushes me out the way not out the room which I'm surprised at because normally its ‘You can’t be in here can you leave’ but today they seem to just let me watch whilst they work around me. They don’t really seem to be doing much to her just hooking her up to the heart monitor thing that they normally do when she’s in here and like some other machine, when I'm dragged out of the bubble that’s surrounding me by the Nurse she speaks to me softly.

Nurse: Mr O’Donoghue

Danny: Y-yeah, w-what’s going on what’s wrong with her, what’s wrong with Jess?

Nurse: Mr O’Donoghue, please don’t look so worried Your wife just blacked out because of the shock and the stress of it all, she will come around again in a few minutes don’t worry. But we will have to push her rib back into place like we said else it will be to late and she will have to go in for an operation and with her history in here I don’t think either of you will want that, just do me a favour Mr O’Donoghue?

Danny: Danny…call me Danny and Call her Jessie

Nurse: thank you okay Danny that favour

Danny: sure anything

Nurse: I need to go and check some other files so if Jessie’s heart monitor changes, press that orange buzzer will go direct to me don’t press the green or red they either go to reception or main site ok?

Danny: sure I will

Nurse: she will be awake again 5 minutes to 10 doctor will be in, in half hour ok?

Danny: okay thank you

She gives me that ‘sure’ smile and walks out, I simply go over to Jessie’s side and talk to her that’s how I get my comfort.

Danny: Hey Baby, you are always the one to give me heart attacks, I hate seeing you in this state I really do, to be fair I've scared you one hell of a lot as well this better be it now baby because we need to get this all sorted health and stuff after you’ve recovered, come on Mrs O’Donoghue wakey wakey.

I feel Jess squeeze my hand after that and I smile as she fidgits her head and I just know Jess in the mornings when she move’s her head its normally move into me closer or turn onto her side so I hold her still not hurting her mind. When she cant move she opens her eyes and peers up at me and gives me that weak smile.

Danny: oh Hello missy, they are going to give us an assigned room here soon saying ‘O’Donoghue residence’

She chuckles and soon regrets it and clenches her ribs

Jessie: I wouldn’t be surprised

Danny: don’t move baby

Jessie: Danny I'm scared?

Danny: what of

Jessie: the pain is excruciating and what’s gunna happen when they crack my rib into place

Danny: Sweet heart look at it this way, you’ve had to babies you can do it I know you can

Jessie: I guess

Danny: no Jess not I guess, I know you can do it

Jessie: how do you always know how to say the right thing

Danny: because I know you, and you me well enough to know what I'm thinking sweet heart I've never been so proud of anyone as much as I'm proud of you, the things you’ve conquered the things you’ve fought the things you’ve done Jess baby your my life do you know how much the words that you said on our wedding day meant to me.

Jessie: n-no I just thought you thought I was just saying it I wasn’t it came from my heart every word every last word I said I meant…

Danny: baby I never thought that, I knew you meant it as did I I didn’t take one word from my thing I wrote

Jessie: I know you did I love you Mr O’Donoghue

Danny: I'm Glad because I love you too Mrs O’Donoghue

Jessie: that never gets old

Then after what feels like 5 minutes whitch is actually like 30 the Doctor comes in and Gives Jess the ‘You Ready?’ look she just looks at me worriedly and I smile at her to let her know I'm here for her and that I'm not going anywhere, her grip on my hand became tighter as the doctor came nearer.

Danny: its okay baby

Jessie: N-No its gunna hurt Danny make it stop I don’t want this please danny.

Danny: Baby it will hurt I'm not gunna lie to you because you know when I lie but as soon as its done it will feel better

Jessie: Promise

Danny: I promise, I will be right here squeeze my hand as tight as you can

Jessie: I love you

Danny: I love you too

Doctor: ok, Jessie as Danny just said yes this will hurt and it will feel better than it does now when its done ok ?

Jessie: j-just do it just get it over with please

Doctor: ok 1-2-3

That’s it on the ‘3’ he cracked Jessie’s rib in place Jessie let out a load cry and when he was done he noded at me and left the room Jess fell into my side and cried before making me laugh.

Jessie: now that hurt like a bitch

Danny: I'm so proud of you, you know that?

Jessie: you do know, I wouldn’t have done that if you wernt there right babe

Danny: I know id of been the same if you wernt there id be like ‘get Jess here else yous can fack off’

Jessie: I know you would

After 25 minutes Jess calmed down a bit and the doctor came in again to talk to us.

Doctor: right Jessie you can go home whenever you feel up to it Danny she needs rest a lot of it so no ‘Do it like a Dude’ moves for a week or two Jess I'm sorry

Jessie: god damn it was gunna go down town later and do my first gig back shit..(she says sarcastically)

Doctor: Danny can you sign Jess out please sign here please

Danny: sure, I've signed a few of these in my time, ey Jess

Jessie: ey Dan

I give him the form back and he leaves we soon pack up and we go out the back exit because of the paps we saw from the top floor and we are soon on our way back home Jess obviously in a LOT of pain which is understandable.


emotional Day...:'( dedicated to anyone else who is feeling down..

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now