Getting Ready...Wedding here we come

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So today is the Day that I'm Marrying the man I love the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with, and trust me I'm never ever going to regret anything I’ve done for him because our love is true and unbreakable, Its unconditional. I'm awoken by people jumping on my bed and bouncing up and down shaking me, my eyes flutter open to see Holly, Clair and My sisters they have the most idiotic smiles on their faces and it makes me chuckle.


Jessie: Really (I say sarcastically)


Then my mum shouts up the stairs


Holly: OK!

With That Holly leaves for the shower and Clair goes in my en-suit but before Clair leaves she has to leave a comment.

Clair: I don’t want to imagine what happened in here

Jessie: My dressing room at the voice (I state simply)

Clair: your mum and dads kitchen though (she says proud with herself)

Shit oh my god Hannah and Rachel don’t know about that now they are gunna be intrigued fuck..

Clair soon goes in and shuts the door and I sink my head back in the pillow and wait for my sisters out bursts of questions not exiting but I think I might use the ‘Don’t this is my big day’ and as I thought correctly the questions begin.

Rachel: Mum and Dads Kitchen?

Jessie: Don’t know what she means

Hannah: come on Jess we have all done somewhere exiting

Jessie: Awh spill!

Hannah: ahhh errr the summer house at mum and dads

Jessie: HANNAH all our childhood memories are there

Hannah: I know I know

Jessie: Rach?

Rachel: The. The…London eye

Hannah: that sounds fun I wanna try

Rachel: Jessie’s got more chance

Hannah: I wouldn’t be to sure on that rach 

Rachel: Oh my god Yeah I forgot

Jessie: why do I always get the feeling you two tell each other everything and when you talk about it I'm left out of our sisterly loop.

Hannah: No.. Its Rachel has a very good tendency to sneak up on me and find out everything and anything I don’t want her to know

Jessie: Oh yeah?

Rachel: That’s right come on tell her

Hannah: There isn’t much to tell!

Jessie: come on tell me!

Rachel: she has a new fella

Jessie: will I have to kick his butt because this time Dan can’t stop me?

Hannah: Not that it stopped you last time you knocked Rob out cold.

Jessie: I know now stop changing the subject and tell me more.

Hannah: ok I have to be quick though mum will kill us she wants us down for breakfast all the kids are up.

Jessie: That’s a point why haven’t I heard the Girls cry this morning

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now