My hopes are like a YoYo

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Jess has been trying to sleep for the past hour or so but every single time she wakes up screaming, having the same nightmare to be honest it was scaring me knowing what's going through her head. Rosie's hasn't made any sign of moving apart from her little chest but I still had hope and I hope Jess  does we have to keep at least hopeful if nothing else. She had kind if given up on even trying to sleep so she was leant back on me. My mum as sisters were all looking at her in sympathy but she was just staining blankly at a wall as I held tightly onto her waist so she felt at least a little safe. Today we were getting the results on how or if Rosie would wake up and I was scared to say the least all I wanted to do was break down and cry, but if I did that how is Jess going to hold up knowing I know something anything could go wrong in the blink of an eye, I had to sty strong for her, for me and for Rosie. Why does this happen to us you always think it's someone down the street and that it won't happen to you but I guess  I'm in the wrong. What I for understand is why her why our little girl she's barley lived more than a year or two why can't it be me lying there. I should be the one fighting for my life not my little princess. It's not's not.

Jessie: Dan?

Jess brought out of my thoughts and I was surprised by it actual considering she hadn't spoken much in the last 4 days only little words really.

Danny: yeah babe?

Jessie: w-what if she doesn't-

Danny: doesn't what. Sweet heart?

Jessie: make it?

She said with hesitant tears rolling down her face and her breathing I could tell was going shaky, I was going to reply but my sister jumped in first

Andi: Jessica listen to me?

I could  Jess was taken back by my sister using we fall name but I know that Jess and her are close so she should listen to her, instead of replying she just turned her head to look at her so Andi knew she was listening to her.

Andi: listen Jess if she is anything like you she's stubborn and so are you she won't give up she won't let herself you know what re doctors said most children her age give up within 2 days because the force is to strong for them but no Rosie's hung in there she's still fighting against this. She will fight and fight Jess but you have to believe, believe in her getting through this.

Jessie. It's hard not to I'm trying my hardest to be positive but it's hard when your drained and scared that your nightmares will a reality or that if I fall asleep I'll wake up to something I don't even know how to put in a sentence.. 

Dara then popped in and tried to reassure her I can't even focus because I feel no better than Jess

Dara: Jess no one said this was going to be easy, but you and Dan have to go through this with your heads held high be there for each other like you always ate anyway you can do this Jess not eating isn't good for you and it's not good for Rosie when she wakes up 

Jessie: no one understands the only one who does is Danny and I know all he wants to do is be like me but as trying to act brave for me it's hard it's really hard 

She brakes down in my chest full on crying and it breaks my heart for the final smash I just break something I've tried so hard not to do I cried into her and she held me right I did the same back we were an emotional mess but what do you expect. Then the thing we've been trying to brace ourself for happened  the doctor came In...I was not ready for this. I could feel Jess tense up and I did the same...then he spoke.

Doctor: Mr, Mrs O'Donoghue, can you follow me please

Jessie: Y-yea

Danny: sure, mum keep an eye on her please

Ailish: of course I will son you two it will be ok

We both smile at them and go hand and and following the doctor it almost felt like I was supporting all of Jess's weight when we were walking down the corridor it was like she was limb, it took us less time to get there this time because of how un prepared we were this time last time we had much more hope than we do now, for sure, we took a seat just like last time and he joined us opposite not long after. He started with the usual clearing of the throat ugh. 

Doctor: so Mr Mrs O'Donoghue I've done some more tests on Rosie and...

That same and again for duck same what's wrong with doctors this isn't a game to us we don't enjoy sitting here if we did we'd be sick but we love our little girls more than anything and I don't think any words would explain how much to be honest. But the and didn't last for as long as I first thought it would.

Doctor: And Rosie seems to be giving it he all she really is 

Jessie: what I don't get it, if she's trying this hard why hasn't she moved why hasn't her eyes opened dot give us hope if it's gunna be smashed down, don't blow smoke In my head 

Doctor: that's a valid question Mrs O'Donoghue she may be fighting it but that doesn't mean she's out

Of the woods that's not what I'm saying at all I'm just trying to say she's putting up a better fight than we've seen in anyone her age she's do so well, two more days like that and we might b getting somewhere we understand how hard it is for you to see your little girl...practically fighting for her life it's hard and I know that but you have to understand we are trying our hardest to try and make her at least a little better. As you know this illness is rare so bare with us whilst we try at least to help her 

Jessie: yeah I know your trying your best I'm just tired and impatient we want to know more than you can tell us so thank you just please keep us informed if you know anything else 

I was shocked how much Jess had perked up I think it was the fact the doctor was giving her hope that Rosie is actually putting up a good fight. No she didn't have a smile but she's spoken and that's big even if her voice is cracking and she's got tears streaming down her pale face, it's a step. We shook hands with the doctor and walked back to the room and that's when Jess went back to the same as she was before, it's like she was expecting her to have her eyes open when we got

Back, to be honest I was hoping that didn't happen...


Loook I updated, because I felt bad it's taken me all day a sentence at a time ha, its pathetic but still its an update. im sorry ok? hopefully the updates will be better because I will hopefully will get better soon...lets hope.

I didn't read through this I have no energy sorry

dedicated to




- pop up please, if you don't mind cheer me up

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang