Is it an Act?

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Right now I was raging, me and Jess had got ready from our shower and if had done Jessie's hair and make up she did my hair. Now we were ready to go and sort Glen out my anger at him right now was through the roof, I know what he said to me wasn't meant to effect Holly but it did she's one of my best friends and also is like my little sister so she wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to me Jess and Clair, also Jess family she's a genuine person that is nice all the time apart from when you piss her off. You wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of Holly when she's in a shitty. Trust me I've seen it luckily not aimed at me and I'm glad to say that. Holly in Australia alone makes me in easy I don't want her to be out there by her self I'd be the same if it was Clair and I know Jess is constantly thinking if it. I kiss Jessie's head and tell her that it's time to go face Glen she smiles at me weakly, I know she doesn't want to do this. On the day we are alone I mean the day we have just me and Jess, but we go hand in hand next door and let our self in as we both have a key. Because we both know Glen wouldn't let us in if we just knocked. That's just Glen. Me and Jess hunt around and to my surprise the house is spotless yeah NO beer cans or anything the fresh smell of polish. Weird as we don't have any luck in finding Glen downstairs we both venture upstairs we look in Glen and Holly's room no luck. The last room we check is Harry's and yep glens in there sat by Harry's cot holding his blanket, to our surprise again Glen is clean been showered and everything what this isn't the Glen we know what times get hard he normally sits and drinks until things sort itself out? But not this time though. I went over and sat down by him as Jess leaned in the door way. He didn't look at me.

Danny: what's going on Man?

Glen: Holly won't come back?will she?

Danny: Glen I-

He cuts me off

Glen: save it Dan I know she rang you and Jess telling you not to tell me where she is this is all my fault I just miss them so much. Dan I'm sorry I didn't mean what  I said to you I was just getting annoyed I don't want The Script to get lost I miss the lad time but I guess you've given up on that. I've realised what you meant on that flight I know you said Jess Rosie and Shaya mean more to you. Back then I thought your were being selfish. But now I've had nearly two days not knowing where my son and my girl is I know what you mean I miss them more than anything I'd give my life just to know they were ok. I've tried everything cleaning I've even organised Holly's wardrobe, like she likes it I've done the washing brought Haryy and her some new stuff for when they come home but nothing's working. They are still on my mind 24/7 I need to know they are ok she's six months pregnant and has my son in toe

Jessie: she's fine...that's all I'm gunna say Glen just stressed and confused I think. She wants your attitude to change Glen she wants you to be like Dan that's what she said.

I was trying it be calm with him but Jess just comes in and says it how it is 

Glen: I can't be like Dan, I can't be someone I'm not. I have had these past few days to reflect on how shit i was towards her I get that I do 

Danny: man by the way you can see your face in he door nobs I thinks you've tried just man me this promise best friend to best friend 

Glen: yeah ok 

Danny: promise me you won't hurt her anymore, promise you'll try change your sarkey comments just treat her how she want to be. Like a princess like it was when you first were dating. That's the thing with me and you were different every day I spend with Jess I never take a second of it for granted that needs to change Glen don't take her as a scape goat she'll look back and think he doesn't care when obviously you do  

Glen: I live her and Harry more than my life and and this new baby I just want them home now I need them right now The Script is the last thing on my mind. I mean what Jess said on the plane about the meeting?

Jessie: it's been pushed back

Glen: what why

Jessie: we need holly there 

Glen: oh..

Jessie: go on the meeting 

Glen: yeah that would make more sense to me me as well that way we can be in sink if Holly is with you Jess

Jessie: thanks for actually listening to me 

Glen: I was stupid and I know it, this way mark won't be in at us for saying we miss them hey Dan 

Danny: to be honest I don't care what Mark thinks anymore if I miss them I'm gunna say it I'm not gunna dress it up and say that I don't like he obviously wants me too 

Jessie: I'm the same when my manager tells me not too 

Danny: they won't understand until they have a live like ours 

Glen: what you tryna say

Danny: you know mark and Rinas life is patchy that's why he's touchy when we mention Jess and Holly 

Glen: fair 

Jessie: thank god you two have figured it out 

Danny: Jess do you believe him?

Jessie: for the first time i actually believe you 100% 

Danny: why don't we just tell him then holly will thank us in the end 

Jessie: I was thinking the same, and I know what part she's at 

Glen: tell me don't leave me hanging 

Jessie: she's in Australia.. 


Hey guys Boy Or Girl for Holly? You decide who ever had the most vote is what it will be get commenting if I don't get any ideas then well...the book joke 

It takes two to make love work a Jessie J and Danny O'donoghue fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now