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Yes, this update is a day early but I wanted to give people one last chance to put their names into this thing I'm doing. Just comment your favorite OneChicago quote this time and you will be entered. If you commented on the last one, along with this one, you will have your name in twice. (You lucky ducks.) Anyway, last chance, favorite quote? Mine, you ask? "I want the bad guys to get what's coming to them" -Erin Lindsay.

She shut the door and sat down on the floor, not bothering to move over to a chair or couch. Erin couldn't think, breathe, or even move after her butt hit the floor. This was it. Her life was over. She finally broke out of the trance and searched for her keys. When she found them, she grabbed the document and her phone and left the apartment, going over to Will's.

She banged on the door furiously.

Jay opened the door, "I don't want to talk to you."

"Divorce? Jay, divorce? That's your solution?" Erin asked.

"You aren't the same girl I married. You changed, and I know some of it is because of your depression, but to kill a baby? That's not you, what happened to you?"

Erin froze, she never told him that she didn't have the abortion.

"Jay, I...," Erin started.

"Save it, you've got nothing to say that I want to hear. Just sign the god damn papers," Jay stated.

Erin walked inside and grabbed a pen. She scribbled her name on each of the lines and handed the papers to him. "If that's what you want, but just know," she paused, thinking about not telling him about the baby. She smirked.

"What's so funny?"

"Sign them for me now, because the Jay I married isn't the one standing before me."

"I didn't change, you changed and you don't see it, Erin. You're different. Just go," he said as he signed the document.

She slammed the door behind her. Damn, it was truly over. She wasn't sad though, it was the first time in a long while she didn't feel sad. She clutched the papers in her hand, wondering where to take them and then figured she would just take them to Stone and ask if he knew where. 

Once she finally rid herself of the papers, she knew it was too late to turn back, she knew that it was definitely over and that she didn't want to tell him about the abortion she didn't follow through with, she knew she had to, but she didn't want to.

She got a call on her phone.


"Hi, this is Doctor Jons, you never came into your appointment scheduled for earlier today, do you still want to terminate? I have some time open."

"Actually, I'm gonna keep the baby, but thanks."

She turned off her phone. She thought about driving to a bar and drinking a few beers but realized she couldn't do that. At least she couldn't drink beers, but she could still go to a bar. 

When she walked into Molly's, Hermann greeted her with a smile, "beer?"

"No, just a water, please," She replied, hoping he wouldn't think anything of it. Seconds later, her water was sitting on the counter, she took it and searched for someone she knew. Antonio.

"Hey, what's up?" She sat across from him.

"Just thought I'd stop by on my off day, the kids are at school, so it's like nice free time. I guess," he drank his beer slowly.

"Rough day?" She asked.

"I guess you could say so," he looked up at her, "why are you here? And why isn't there a beer in your hand instead of a water?"

He knew. She could tell he'd figured it out.

He smiled, "Congratulations are in order, so how have you been?"

"I've been good," She turned her head, not letting him see the problem behind those words.

"Explain, please. Something's wrong."

"Jay and I are getting a divorce. He filed and we signed."

"What happened?"

"I wanted an abortion at first, he didn't. I didn't get one, but he thinks I did. Oh fuck, I surely did screw up this time. The weird thing is though, that I'm happier now than I was when I was with him."

Also, season 4 finale of Chi-PD!!! Very exciting, I'll be watching, who else?

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