S2.13_ Announcement + video -

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"Not at all," Hanmin half-smiled.

"Since you are here, I will take my leave," Hanmin said, knowing when he was the third person.

Jieun and Jun then left for a drive, as she requested they drove to the beach.




It has been weeks since Jieun left. No contact or any news since that day. When she said 'the last trip', Jun didn't expect it to become a reality. Sitting at the couch in the huge living room of the Hwang House, Jun let his thoughts travel to the last time he saw her. The day Jieun left after bidding her goodbye.

Flash back ~

"Destination?" Jun asked from the driver seat.

"The beach," Jieun answered with a smile.

They arrived at the beach. Waves dispersed as it reached the shore. The smell of salt was harshly felt through her nostrils, she narrowed her eyes looking at the blue sea glistening as a carpet of diamonds. They walked on the dry sand next to each other, Jieun gave Jun the look as if she was facing a weirdo.

"Did the heat get to your head?" She said earning his glare under the dark sunglasses.

The sun is burning she couldn't understand why Jun was wearing a scarf that covered half of his face. Ironic how celebrities disguise themselves to go out only to gain more attention. Didn't he see how abnormal it was to wear a scarf in 30-grade degrees?

"What are you doing?!" Jun shouted as she pulled his scarf off. Luckily no one was at the beach to notice him.

"You eat like a beggar dress like a beggar and now act as a criminal on run?!"


"What else would you call a person who is covered up every time he is out and has to avoid people's eyes?"

Flashback end ~

Jun was attending a family meeting. One of those his grandpa would make him regret not showing up. He couldn't concentrate. The mind always shifted back to their last trip. She said it was time to part there at the beach, that she needed to go back to her family, he didn't want to let go of her but at the same time couldn't make himself ask her to stay.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for young masters," a grey-haired man said as he entered the gorgeous big living room.

"Why do we have to wait so long?!" Baekeun whined next to Jun on the couch.

"Mr. Lee what's the occasion?" Hanmin asked gently across the table.

"It must be important?" Joonha stated more than questioned.

"Cool down guys, let the old man breath," another said. Only Jun and Jeongso didn't make questions or seemed curious. Jeongso even seemed to enjoy the expression of his cousins, he looked as if he was looking forward to something.

"Indeed young masters. I have a big announcement to make" Mr. Lee declared, hooking the attention of the audience.

"It's regarding the engagement-"

"GRANDPA IS GETTING ENGAGED?!?? AGR!!" Joonha slapped Jinsoo in the back of his head while grimacing, others shook their head and breathed out in despair.

"Of course not idiot!! Grandma isn't dead yet." Baekeun retorted.

Bunch of idiots Jeongso sighed heavily.

"Like I was about to say" Mr. Lee cleared his throat, ignoring the rising awkwardness.

"Our third young master is getting engaged"

"What?!???" Half of the crowd chorused in shock and the other was left with confused eyes directed at Jonghyun who seemed rather carefree.



Is she rich?

Poor girl.. mixed thoughts crossed the mind of the crowd.

"I showed up. Notice grandpa that" Jun stood up and grabbed his jacket, not interested in hearing the rest. Everything regarding Jeongso meant nothing to Jun.

"At least pretend to have some manners" Jeongso stood up too. Everyone felt the lightning tension as the two strong figures looked at each other with passionate glares.

"The Hwang family is getting a new member... oh right you're not a Hwang or what? Lee Jun-ssi?" Jun never felt that proud of the last name Hwang, which was why he changed his name completely as soon as he started his acting career. Hwang Junso was a name he wished were buried from the earth's surface. The only living person was Lee Jun, the actor with no connection with the Hwang family.

"Who said that he isn't a Hwang?" The husky voice came from an old man, he was supported by a nearly same aged woman.

"Grandpa, grandma!" The guys chorused, stood up at their appearance, and bowed. The old woman looked with narrowed eyes and shook her head at Jinsoo and Baekeun making them look at the floor.

"If he really considered himself as a member of the Hwang family, he should at least show some respect for his brother?" Jeongso questioned.

Brothers? Jun felt disgusted by the word.

"He's a shame even his lowly mother abandoned him."

"He brings disaster wherever he goes"

"Mom I don't want this toy anymore the orphan touched it!"

The voice rang in his head as was it yesterday. Jun tried to hold back his trembling fist as the memorious hit him with no mercy.

"Jun So-ya" His grandma called gently as in the old days. Jun's birth name was only expressed in an affectionate warmness whenever his grandma said it. For the sake of his grandma, Jun sat back on the couch. He sat hands folded on his knees without looking up, obviously not interested in the conversation at all.

"Child come in" the old Chairman Hwang called with his rusty voice, Jeongso put his hand in the pocket and looked in the direction of the light footsteps.

A girl came dressed in a light cream colored summer dress. Her black hair curled in natural waves. Everyone was flabbergasted upon her appearance.

"Moon?!! What are you doing here?!??" Baekeun nearly dropped his jaw to the ground.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ha Jinah."

The voice confirmed whatever Jun was hoping for to be a lie. He slowly lifted his head and looked at the girl that was standing beside his grandparents. Mixed emotions rushed through him.




This is the life you wanted to return to?

Their eyes meet, judging from the outside appearance Jun maintained an emotionless expression, but every nerve in his body betrayed him.

"I see you guys already know each other" Their grandfather noted with a kind smile.

"Just a coincidence" Jeongso walked towards his fiancé and crossed his arm, Jieun naturally linked her to his.

"I'll take my leave now if that's okay," Jun said and stormed out of the room. Jieun unconsciously was about to follow him, but Jeongso held her arm tight making her unable to move from the spot.

"You'll feel anything than okay if you dare make a move" he threatened through gritted teeth, lowly, so only she could hear.

A/N: Made a little video hope you guys enjoy. Have a nice day^^

A/N: I've changed the character's name, look at the chapter "Character name list 01" on the last page to see the changes.

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