Chapter 56 A Night in SC

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A/N: Happy New Year!

Chapter 56 A Night in SC

"What happened Lea? I heard the shot, how did you survive?" Spencer asked once we were in the hotel room. I was busy working conditioner through my hair so I could easily detangle it later.

"My vest, and the shot that you heard wasn't him shooting me; I shot him," I said as I put my hair up in a plastic bag to let the condition sit.

"We couldn't trace you. Why would you block it?" Spencer asked upset. I took both of his hands and pulled him to sit on the end of the bed with me.

"I didn't block it hun, he removed the tracer. It's a very short list of people who knew where it was: my brothers, my father, myself, the guy who put it in, and the doctor who told me he couldn't remove it."

"How was it removed then?"

"Spencer, Spencer calm down," I said as he started to hyperventilate. I moved even closer to him, "I don't know how it was removed, that alone," I trailed off. He didn't need to know that. "However he did it I'm still alive and I'm here now. He's not here and his hide out no longer exists. When he went down he fired his shot gun and it set off an explosion. I got out before the place burned." Spencer was really upset now. "Spencer look at me," I said grabbing onto his arms.

"Hun look at me," I said a little more firmly when he just kept shaking his head. "SPENCER REID!" I said a little more loudly than I had intended but it had the desired effect, he looked at me. "I'm sore, tired, and dirty. I'm no longer hungry or thirsty thanks to Darren down at the diner. I have my boyfriend at my side and I'll be home soon enough. I'm okay, just breathe hun. I'm sorry that I scared all of you, I didn't mean to hurt you. I got word out as soon as I could, I hopped out of the train at the first sight of a town there was. I'm so sorry hun, I didn't want to put you through that."

"Why call me and not Hotch?"

"If I didn't make it I wanted to be able to say goodbye to you Spencer. I never got to say goodbye to Warlock and I regret it. I wasn't going to make that mistake again. I also didn't want you to make the same mistake I've made in not moving on, it makes things so much harder. I'm trying Spencer but it isn't easy, I didn't want you to shut everyone out and not grieve the way I did. It doesn't help when people think you should grieve in a certain way. Plus I wanted to hear your voice one more time."

"You just wanted to tell me that you loved me no matter what happened?" Spencer asked looking at me.

"Yeah hun, I wanted you to know that. I wasn't sure if I would make it home or not. How long was I gone?"

"From the time you were undercover till now, three months three weeks four days five hours thirty minutes and 16 seconds," he said trying not to cry. I just pulled him to me. I didn't know what else to do. He had thought me dead for nearly sixteen weeks. My cell phone had saved my life; it had helped stop the bullet that would have ended my life. "You should go take your bath. You really do stink," Spencer said to me making me laugh. "Where the hell were you anyway?"

"Somewhere past where Jesus lost his scandals," I replied.

"What?" Spencer asked.

"BFE," I replied. He just looked confused. "Bum-Fuck-Egypt." He still didn't get it. "In the middle of nowhere hun. I have no clue to where I was, that's why I took a train north. It was the fastest way back since I had no money and no phone."

"Oh," he said. I just smiled at him.

"I'll be right back hun. I'll go take that bath. I might need your help to detangle my hair when I'm done though." With that, I went into the bathroom and drew a hot bath. When I was done I put some of Spencer's clothes on since mine were completely ruined. We spent the next several hours untangling my hair. We had to work on each knot separately and separate each hair so as not to break any. I left my hearing aids out; Spencer had learned sign language, all of it so I didn't need to use them with him. I could be myself.

During that time Garcia had a web cam open on us so that we could talk. I had to keep telling her to slow down so I could read her lips. The whole team was there and all them were surprised that I was alive. I kept telling them I was fine and I would be back with Spencer in a day or two. I just needed some rest. Everyone wanted to know what had happened. I told them I would tell them the story when I got back. I didn't want to tell the story half a dozen times. Garcia and Derek were also giving me a hard time about wearing Spencer's clothes as they were too big for me but it wasn't like I had extras of mine with me. The ones I had been wearing were trash.

I wasn't about to walk around naked, Spencer would probably have a stroke if I did that. I had already put him through hell; I didn't need to make it worse by walking around the room naked. I was having a hard enough time trying to get him to eat anything. He had hardly eaten a thing since I had disappeared. He looked awful. He had lost weight, he was paler than usual, he had dark circles under his eyes, he needed to shave, his hair had grown longer—which I liked—he needed a bath. He was just a wreck. So I worked on getting him taken care of that night so tomorrow we would both be clean and rested so we could go home.

Silence in the BAU Office a Spencer Reid love storyWhere stories live. Discover now