Chapter 20 Baby Sitting

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Chapter 20 Baby Sitting

Two weeks later I found myself in my own house. I was house bound for most likely another two weeks. Spencer had come home with me and stayed over most of the time when he didn't have to go away for a case. He was even walking my dog for me because I wasn't allowed to be on my feet. I had been given a wheelchair till I recovered. At this current moment, Garcia was helping me with my shower, keeping my stitches dry. Spencer was out walking my dog and Aaron had gone to the store for me.

I was running low on food for me and my dog. "Tell me if I'm being too rough," Garcia said scrubbing my back. I shook my head, reading her lips from the reflection in the mirror. Once I was clean she wrapped me in a towel and helped me to the toilet to sit. She then started to brush and untangle my hair. Once she was done with that I felt the heat from the hair dryer. I loved to have someone playing with my hair, it felt good.

I felt the vibrations of two people and one dog walking in the front hall. The boys were back. Another twenty minutes went by before Garcia took me to my closet to pick out some clothes. I choose loose fitting yoga pants, loose fitting tee, and a hoodie. I put my hearing aids back in and turned them on. I could hear my brother putting things away in the kitchen. I could also smell coffee brewing.

I made my way into the kitchen to start lunch. "Leandra?" my brother asked. I turned to look at him. "We have a case in LA. Would it be all right if Jack came here tonight?"

"Of course Aaron, just call the school and the bus barn to have him dropped off here. He has a few clothes and I have a couple of extra toothbrushes set aside."

"Thank you," he said pulling out his phone. "Oh and Reid, we'll need you to come with us." Reid nodded as Aaron turned back to his phone, setting everything up for Jack to come here for a while.

As they were heading out the door I called, "Keep me in the loop. I'll work it from here!"

"Will do my fine furry friend," Garcia said pulling the door closed behind her. The others just waved. I turned back to the stove and continued to cook. I was making myself an omelet. The afternoon went by slowly with no word from the team. At 3:30pm Jack came through the door.

"Hey buddy, how was your day?" I asked from the sofa as he locked the door.

"Fine Auntie Lea," he said coming to sit beside me. He started pulling out his homework as I turned off the TV. Two hours later we were fixing dinner, Jack was being my little helper. We were having pizza. "Thank you for letting me stay with you Auntie Lea," Jack said as we set the table.

"You are most welcome," I said.

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