Chapter 27 The Pit

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. This is also short so sorry about that. I'm currently working on a Sherlock Holmes story which will be posted soon. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted for this story. This update is for all of you. Enjoy!

Chapter 27 The Pit

"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor," Sholom Aleichem. Morgan called my brother as we stood in the darkness close together for warmth. The wind from the north pierced our clothes like blades, our breath rose in clouds around our faces like smoke rose from a fire. "He'll be here soon, I told him to follow the mark on the trees." Morgan rejoined Spencer and I, "how did you know that was a trap?"

"I may be only 23 Morgan but I have been many places, seen many things, been through things that most couldn't even begin to imagine. Traps like that are set to catch and kill and I have built them, that is my design. I taught a class on survival a few years ago, he must have been there, most in that class would fit the profile."

"And you didn't realize this till now?" Morgan asked.

"There was nothing to indicate that I knew him before and my design is common enough, he may not have even been in the class. Hell, I put them up on the internet for hunters, it was an online class." I looked away from him ending the conversation. I listened to the forest; everything had gone quiet, too quiet. "Listen guys," I said looking around.

"For what?" Spencer asked.

"Exactly, it's quiet, too quiet, where are the forest animals?" All of us stood there listening when suddenly someone was moving in between us, cutting us from each other, then everything went dark. "Evil is always devising more corrosive misery for man's restless to exact revenge out of his hate," Ralph Steadman. When I woke it was still dark, so dark that I couldn't see anything other than the darkness pressing down on my vision like heavy blankets. I heard breathing around me and smelled one other person, Spencer. Where was Morgan?

"Derek?" I asked, trying to figure out if he was here or not. I got no answer so either he was sleep still from whatever knocked us out, he got away, the unsub left him behind for a reason, or he was dead. Whatever the case I hoped he was alive. "Spencer?" I asked to see if he was here and wake. I knew he was in the room.

I heard him moan before asking, "where are we?"

"I don't know I'm trying to figure out what the best move would be." I moved as much as I could figuring out that I was tied to a chair, hands tied behind my back and over the back of the chair. If I could dislocate my shoulders I could probably get free. I once again had a restraint around my waist. This time though I had one across my chest, just above my breasts and my legs were tied to the chair, feet wrapped around the legs. I was secured quite well. I continued to wriggle, trying to loosen the restraints enough that I could wriggle free.

"Can you see?" Spencer asked.

"No," I replied still trying to get free. I had taken escapology classes so I was hoping they would help me. I soon found the chair was bolted to the floor. Well that would help me get free if I could manage the task.

"Welcome to the pit," a deep voice with an Irish accent spoke.

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