After party 3 (ski trip)

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Hey, so i know this is very long and isnt adventerous with plot twists or anything, but i tried to create something that was more realistic than someone confessing their feelings after something happens and having a happy ending as it is incredibly unrealistic. Life is messy, confusing and it definitley dosent just focus on one thing at a time or happen in a particular time frame. Which is what I am trying to show through this imagine. Therefor, I would really appreciate some feedback on this, tell me what you liked and what you didnt xx Thank you very much xxx

You and Robbie grew more comfortable around each other, exchanging smiles rather than stares. However, it was all incredibly subtle, as subtle as a leaf falling from a branch in autumn. You were in different social groups and you were both aware of it, you were friendly with everyone whilst Robbie was confident with everyone, you did every extracurricular activity that took your interest, as did he - but it was very rare that they crossed. Robbie also smoked, you didn't, as a result, he would often be around those who did.

hese differences made it so that no one else really noticed the glances across the room, the texting. The growing connection.
As the school term.progresses. Excitement grew as the ski trip came closer. Your mind swelled with all the things you could do with all your friends together. You also hadnt seen snow in so long and your heart ached to see the snow capped mountains, icicles, ski tracks, sledding, feel the cold reminder to winter and be emmersed in this experience.

20 hours. 20 hours on a bus, crammed with people all fidgeting in their seats, anxious and excited. 20 hours.

20 hours filled with the most peculiar moments. Where you could observe the entire bus drift into lucid slumber, contorting themselves within the seats to get some sleep, somehow waking in unison either to be greeted with hunger or bordem. The first 5 hours consisted of people trying to sleep, hours 6-9 gave people random bursts of energy as you all descended into the early hours of the morning. In hours 10-13 people swapped seats and created their own unique ways of passing the time. For instance, Theo, Chris, Rosie and Abi and yourself came up with a number of scenarios and thought about how other people would react in these situations. It was during the madness of the early hours you found Robbie sitting next to you.

"Hello" you smiled at him as he slumped down beside you, "hey" he mumbled back, he then leant his head on your shoulders his eyes barely open. During the journey you had grown cold, to keep yourself warm you had put on your fluffy jumper, that Robbie now seemed fascinated with as he rubbed his cheek against it, his head falling into your lap. You rested your hand upon his head and begun running your fingers through his tousled hair. Something you did to everyone who laid on you. "Comfy ?" you whispered. He nodded in response and groaned as you continued to stroke his hair. Robbie's hand was on your thigh as he laid down and now his thumb slowly began to move back and forth. His eyes remained closed but you knew he was smirking inwardly. You continued as normal talking to others acting as though Robbie's hand hadn't crept up to your hip bones. The sensation made you get goosebumps, it didn't tickle yet it was the closest thing you could think of to describe it. Possibly pleasent pins and needles. As much as you hated to admit it you liked it, you didn't want it to stop but you knew that nothing was established between the two of you and that allowing this would end just as badly as before. You gently hit Robbie on his shoulder twice, gaining his attention. "Oi, stop it" you whispered, still running your hands over his scalp. He squeezed your thigh in response, you rolled your eyes, gently hitting him again.

Robbie fell asleep on you, remaining there for around 45minutes before being woken up by an announcement. He shifted in the seat, rising suddenly, his eyes half open, eyebrow raised as he ran his fingers through his hair, out of his face.

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