Stronger Than Most

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The strong and aching winds hurl up against my old and rusty window. The noise that echoes through my century old house is enough to scare the most courageous of folk. Just a few more pages of this book and I can finally go to sleep. I have to stay up and read or else the teacher will throw me out of class, again. I don't think I can survive another day of pure humiliation from my peers.

The storm continues to bellow and wheep. I pull the covers over my head to try and zone out the loud cracks of thunder and concentrate on the old and boring story. I saw the lights flicker out through my thin duvet and everything because dark.

I rush quickly to the other side of my small room and grab my lavender scented candle. The matches where just to the right of the my pencils, I think. As I blindly search for the matches. My right hand knocks them off of my drawer and they scatter across the wooden floor.

"Fantastic," I mutter to myself with annoyence laced into my tone. This is just what I need.

After several moments of searching my floor for one single match, I feel one slip away from my finger tips. I quickly grasped it and struck the match against the floor. Thank god for the person who invented the Strike-Anywhere matches.

The light radiated off of the match and gave the room a faint, but large glow. I lit my candle and brought it to my bed side table. All I have to read is one final page and I can finally let the sensation of sleep overtake me. Just as I doggie ear the page, two distict male voices pierce my silent room.

They sound as if they are right outside my window. Thats impossible though. I am on the third floor of my house. No one can reach the window without having to climb up the gutter and on to my balcony. I would've heard that for sure. I remain quiet as I try to listen in on their conversation.

"I don't know, Pan. She's a girl. You can't trust girls," A slow and even paced voice said. I couldn't tell if he had an accent or not. His voice was too hushed to tell.

"C'mon Felix, it will be fun. We need a girl to spice up things at camp," I louder and cockier voice stated. I could tell that his british accent was well practiced. "And besides, she's stronger than most."

They couldn't possibly be talking about me. Could they? I mean, the boy are outside mine window. But I'm not strong. I can even stand up for myself when it comes to bullies, nor can I pick up something that is over half my weight. I am weak and pathetic, everyone knows that.

I heard them whisper my name as I pass by, whispering nonsense to their friends and act like that I can't hear them, that I don't have feelings of my own. I whipe my tears from the rude memories and continue to focus on the mysterious boys.

"Pan, just give this up. What makes you think that she will actually want to come with us?" The slower voice, that was recongized as Felix spoke.

"She has gone through shit too. Its just not the way you have," the pan man speaks.

"Whatever, but if she does anything to ruin Neverland I won't hesiate to-"

"Enough Felix," The boy spoke, interupting Felix. A stroke of lightening flashed through the windows. I vaguely saw the outline of two boys.

A sharp knock sounded in my room. I cowered under my blankets and squeezed my eyes shut. Praying that the boys would just go away if I remain silent, I covered my ears with my hands. Please go away, they have to go away.

"Y/N, I know you're in there. Please open up," Pan murmurs, but I can still hear his voice. I shake my head slightly, trying to snap out of this dream that I am having. It has to be a dream. Nothing else would make sense.

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