Peters pov

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This is for Gantu99, I so sorry it's taken so long, thank you for being patient, and I just want to say you such a lovely person and I hope you like it :) xxxx

Y/N had been in the cabin all day, she refused to come out and enjoy the adventures Neverland had to offer. The clouds had created a blanket over Neverland as the waves grew higher, the lost boys sprite had quieten as the buzz of life in the forest grew, the chirping of nocturnal birds and the low growl of animals awaking from their slumber filled the ears of the tiresome boys. Peters thoughts drifted toward Y/N the entire day, he often found himself thinking about her and her well being, curious as to what excited her, what made her heart drum in her chest, what caused her to ache, he wanted to know her completely to understand all her memories and moments she cherished as well as her fears and insecurities.

His curiosity over came the boy as he crept into her cabin, the fallen leaves mixed with the damp soil as Peter stepped carefully toward the cabin where Y/N has concealed herself.
He opened the door carful not to disturb her. When he saw the room in darkness he opened the door completely allowing the remaining light to trickle in, illuminating the silhouette of Y/N curled up beneath a bundle of sheets and duvets.
He sighed looking upon the resting girl the silence interrupted by her sobs. Immediately Peter felt responsible an ache formed in his chest as tears slipped down her cheeks. He walked in the dim light toward her. Sitting on the side of the bed he gentle shook her letting her know he was there. Y/N's sobs stopes for a moment before she turned in the bedding, pulling the covers over herself hiding away from judgemental eyes or angry glares - but there wasn't any to hide from, Peter only sat and gazed upon her lovingly, admiring her beauty despite knowing in this moment she would consider herself to be a mess.

He was urning to know what had caused her sadness this way he could take away the pain.
" Y/N what's wrong ? " Peter asked although the only answer he was given was the muffled sound of crying. Peter took ahold of the end of the blanket and slowly removed it so he was able to see Y/N. Her cheeks are red as well as her eyes. Her knees were against her chest as she tried to hide away from it all. " Y/N what's wrong?" He asked again in the same soothing tone as before.
" Nothing I am being silly, don't worry" she said quietly, choking on her sobs.
Peter moved beside Y/N, laying beside her and wrapping his arms around her torso as she nuzzled into his chest. He moved his arms up and down her back gently, trying to comfort her. His head rested on top of hers as he spoke.
" Nothing that effects you is silly, whatever it is - no matter how big or small you think it is, if it influences your mood it matters to me, because I care about you Y/N. I don't want you to be sad, tell me what's wrong ? "
The sound of her sobs grew quieter as she looked at Peter.
" I am just a bit over whelmed, I can't stop thinking about a lot of things"

" What is it ? Maybe I can help "

" No it's fine don't worry" she persisted.
Peter took her face in between his hands and looked in her eyes, he saw all the beautiful colours that changed as the light hit and had tears streaking down her cheeks. Peter knew she wouldn't tell, she didn't like opening herself up because everyone else in her life left, and once they left they never came back, they never made an effort to try. It only left her feeling replaced and abandoned. Peter could understand why she didn't want to tell him, but he hated this feeling of uselessness. He wanted to help her, to make her feel happy, he didn't want the weight of the past to drag her down.
He placed his forehead against hers holding her close, they shared warmth between them, breathing at the same pace, their hearts beginning to beat as one. Y/N simply thought Peter was being the loving boyfriend he had always been, but she didn't realise the magic taking place.
Their bodies were against each other. Peter focused on the negative thoughts that bombarded Y/N. Closing his eyes he used dark magic to see what it was that had caused her to hide away. Invading her mind he saw every struggle Y/N had been through, he saw her life before Neverland, there were constant fights between her family, they never knew what was going on, if it would end up being them on their own or not. He saw the torment she went through, the constant fake smiles she wore. He saw the memories and emotion that resulted in her current mood. Then he took them away, he took the memories for himself taking upon all the emotions that came with it this way she wouldn't have to remember the pain she went through. When he opened his eyes, he looked into Y/N's and saw no tears.
The corner of his lips turned up into a smile as he realised she no longer had the weight of the past.
" I love you " Y/N said, gently kissing Peters soft lips, Peter kissed back happy Y/N no longer had the troublesome thoughts swirling in her mind.
" I love you too " Peter replied, holding her close. As the stars glistened and they fell asleep in each others arms.

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