Diminished hope

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Pan stood arm out stretched. A harshness in his eyes and rage kept behind his teeth. As a thick strand of deep purple magic waving through the air and around your ligaments. The magic bonds were tight and allowed for no movement.
Surrounded by the four walls of your cabbin, you were trapped. Here Pan liked to prove his power and punish you. And here it was hidden.
When all of Neverland had given into to their worn bodies and been silenced with sleep. Pan felt an urge, each and every night. Therefore this was not the first time you had been subjected to Pans power, or even the touch of his skin coming into contact with yours over and over.
Pans eyes were black as he stood. Magic surging through him, The girl trapped in his grip, breaths were light and few her body now numb from the countless times Pan had brutally beaten her. Most days now she would wake up with pain consistent through out her body. The girl would take a moment each morning to gaze upon the marks that remained and the ones newly created. The girl assessed each new bruise and cut and thought of how she could conceal them and what excuse to use if anyone asked.
This girl had lost her spirit that she came to Neverland with. her bubbly personality was now a quiet one, she now flinched at any movement close to her. Her eyes that once stared at everything with wonder now looked at the world with solace. The world was now bleak in her eyes and she had accepted it. Yet she still offered a fake smile to those who looked upon her. The lost boys pretended not to know, they pretended not to notice the bruises or dried blood that appeared every morning. But every night they were kept awake hearing the cries and screams that came from you. Whilst they cringed and hid from the haunting noise Pan relished the pain he brought you.
It had become routine now after each meal the lost boys would be left to clean and tidy away,sharing uneasy looks whilst Pan would grab ahold of your wrist and drag you back to the dark cabin where each time your hope would diminish.
It was not simply a physical beating that occurred. As Pan had magic he chose to use curses and spells upon you. creating fire in his palm and placing it against your smooth skin which would then blister and burn, causing extreme amounts of agony. Pan would then use his magic again to heal the wounds he had caused. Only to inflict the pain again. You had bruises on your thighs and arms of his finger prints . Permanent dents from where the bonds had cut into your skin for so long. When Pan had decided he no longer desired to cause pain through abuse but through hunger and malnourishment leaving you tied and trapped for days. Dimply so he could watch you decay.

sometimes when the lost boys looked upon you , you would hope that maybe they would attempt to stop Pan. But you also knew that it would result in the suffering the same fate. And thy is something you wouldn't wish on anyone. You considered venturing to the pirates and seeking a place aboard their ship. But the plan would fall through as you had little to no strength that would carry you to the desires escape.

It seemed in between the beating, burning and starving the only time you could find peace is when your body collapses from exhaustion and you sleep. For in the day you were nervous, anxious and always on edge. The smallest sound would make you jump the lightest touch on your skin would cause you to flinch and cower in pain. However Pan managed to invade your dreams too and you couldn't even escape him in sleep. Your life on Neverland had become a nightmare you were unable to awake from.

Hey. comment what you thought and tell me a little bit about yourself. favourite Band ? Colour Ect .
. I know a lot of you have requested Lagoon part 4 and because I am awful at writing smut the other author Panswendy said she will . she is going through a rough time and I hope you will all be kind and patient.

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