lingering touch part 3

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AU: okay so,I haven't written in ages so this is going to be awful... I am sorry. 

Robbie's grip maintained its original strength as yours began to weaken, your breaths became laboured and slow her body began to slump, her muscles relaxing as your drained away.

your head fell backwards, your hair cascading toward the floor and your eyes closing shut.  Robbie released his grip allowing your body to crumple to the floor. He stood tense, with a rigid demeanour his shoulders rising and falling as he breathed heavily.  Slowly Robbie turned, his fists clenched, eyes staring at the rest of the vampires around the room. His fangs protruding and mouth dripping your crimson blood staining his skin.

There seemed to be a tension within the room, each moment filled with anticipation everyone waiting for what would happen next. The red head boldly stood forward, strutting toward Robbie  her energy held within her chest cockily displaying pride. A wicked smirk sat on her lips, she placed one hand on Robbie's shoulder and forced him to turn and look at her, using her other hand she gently swept her thumb across his chin collecting your blood the whole room was silent. Teasingly she brought her thumb to her lips and sucked the blood off never breaking eye contact. Her hand delicately moving to Robbie's hair, she pulled him in gradually.  The nearer they drew to each other the more they were able to feel each others shallow breaths, Robbie's becoming even more intoxicating as blood still remained, enticing the redhead even more.

The redhead brought Robbie to her lips as they both reveled at this new sensation, their lips moving#gainst each other, closing their eyes at the contact, they both broke away but with barely any distance between them, the redhead whispered into Robbie's ear. "get rid of her body". Although it was spoken in a whisper, the redhead had a monotone voice that showed no remorse or a glimmer of regret for her actions. 

Robbie's head snapped to look at the carcass on the floor, his heart still drummed against his chest but now it began to slow to a steady rhythm. His veins no longer struck out as the poisonous black colour began to fade, all the wounds on his body that he had received from the beatings had begun to heal, the bruises disappeared and the cuts turned to scars. Slowly he walked toward it, his eyes running over your lifeless body, the colour of your complexion matching the cold skin of the vampires.


Robbie knelt down beside you, placing his hands under your shoulders and knees and he lifted you effortlessly. He walked through the building, its long corridors empty, leaving him alone to gaze down at you. How your eyelids had closed heavily, your lips parted slightly, your beauty still present even in death.Yet, he shared the same blank facial expression as the redhead. Robbie reached the outside, the cool wind making no impact toward him. He moved toward the street and walked with you in his arms down it, despite the vampires taking over, the majority of civilisation remained intact, only the occasions window broken and deserted home. Robbie's feet glided across the tarmac as he walked, his gaze remained forward, unwavering to anything around him. He didn't blink, he just - stared.

 The moon shone brightly and the sky pitch black covered in thick heavy clouds.  Robbie brought you toward a cemetery, the old tombs had been overgrown with plants, marked with graffiti and cracked over time. 

Since the vampires came no one buried the dead, the people were often changed into vampires or used to fill their appetites, as a result,the cemetery became the most undisturbed place in the city. Robbie walked deeper into the grounds, the trees twisted and bare branches stretching out like the arms of the deceased. Robbie finally stopped, he had walked down the hill in the cemetery away from all other graves. Kneeling down he pulled his arms away from your body letting you lay against the cold soil. Robbie didn't say anything, and his face remained expressionless.  Standing up and turning his back on you and walking back toward the vampires.

When he returned the redhead was waiting for him, she stood upright and held her hand on her hip. Robbie continued to walk toward her, she rose her arms up and wrapped them around his neck. Robbie moves his hands from by his side, to slide across her hips, he smiled and bit his bottom lip. "well done" she speaks quietly, rocking her hips from side to side, shifting her weight. "you've proved you might be worth something to me". The redhead moved to stand at Robbie's side linking their arms together she lead them deeper into the building, taking him down corridors with wooden doors on each side. The carpet stained with blood in several different places. The redhead stopped at one of the doors on the right, she carefully removed the small silver key from her pocket and placed it into the lock, opening the door into her bedroom. "You can stay here" she said smiling, gesturing for Robbie to enter. 

He walked in keeping his eyes on her, she chuckled as she shut the door, winking flirtatiously as she did so. Robbie stopped in the middle of the room observing everything that was placed in it. Thick dark curtains to black out the sun, white walls with mirrors that showed no reflection and a bed for two that would barley have one. Robbie saw the bed and decided to lay across it. Closing his eyes  and allowing his body to rest. 

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