Part of me 2

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Dear Y/N
Please, come home . I miss you so much and I hate the way we left things. We argued and fought and I watched you walk out the door, which is one of the most painful things I have ever witnessed. I should have tried harder to stop you, I shouldn't have let you go. But as you left our home you left my life , out life that we created together , you just walked out on it. I never know if you get my letters or even read them , but I hope that you do and that you understand what I am trying to say through ink on a page. It's so hard to describe everything I am feeling its all so hectic, the future, what lies ahead for you, for us. Is there even a future for us now. people say that life is always cloud except when you look into the past but after playing the scenario over in my head a thousand times and seeing you leave in my dreams , I am afraid that I am no longer sure which version is the truth, but that doesn't matter because each version is just as torturous as the first. Chilling me to the core, because your not here

. By my side, where I can wrap my arm around you and keep you safe, give you my coat when the wind nips and your skin or the ice fingers of winter clutch at you. When other guys look at you and want your for their own and I get a rage build up inside me , drunk on jealousy because the idea of you cuddling with another man on the sofa watching TV is enough to push me to the edge because I want to be the only man that is able to hold you, able to see you sitting all cosy wrapped up in blankets as you get absorbed in a book. The only one that gets to wake up in the morning and see a sleeping angel beside me. That gets to spoil you with everything you deserve.That gets to comfort you when your sad and make everything alright because Y/N I love you . And i do not write it as an automatic response to others that have said it before , I say it with my whole heart, Y/N you own my heart, you took it the moment we met, I fell in love with you and all the little things you do. I could sit and watch you in awe for ever as you gaze at every aspect of the world in wonder or just you biting your lip.

I am sorry that I tried to stop you from achieving this , I am simply terrified that all my chances to love you in every way have run out, and that the last time I saw you will be the last ever time I see you. I now understand how much this meant to you and I am so proud. You are brave and selfless and there isn't anybody on. This planet that could compare to how amazing you are . Please, let me know your safe.

All my love for all eternity

Robbie xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

You read over the letter again and again mesmerising ever word, picturing Robbie and he wrote and hearing him speak the words written on the page. You sighed . sitting on your coat your arms on your knee's and your head in your hands. Robbie truly meant everything to you, and as you walked out that door it took all your strength not to drop your bag and run back into his arms . You had received many letter from Robbie each one with emotion spilling out of every letter. The separation was just as hard for you as it was for Robbie, you wanted to be wrapped in his arms, having him get protective over the smallest things and watch him laugh and smile at all the amazing memories you had together.
You knew the likely good of going back was slim that's why you sent no letter back, never called or let him know anything. you thought that this way when the inevitable came Robbie would have already began grieving before the crucial blow came.
In the army you had acquired new skills that were essential in the new life you had chosen. The people standing next to you became your family and you would all do everything you could to protect one another. Every morning you would share in the same gruelling drills for physical fitness followed by weapon handling and first aid. That was all in preparation of today. You sat in the aeroplane that was carrying you to the battle field, fully clothed in the army camouflage, armour, first aid and guns needed. There was a tension through out as you all realised that this would be the last time you were all here. you could hear everyone's shallow breath at what waited for them outside the platform doors. The thought of Robbie seemed to be the only thing that plaid on your mind, the letter he had sent you still in your grasp, you folded the piece of paper into a small rectangle and placed it in your front pocket wishing you could say I love You one last time.
The plane landed and the platform doors began to open. Ambushed with the sound of guns firing and explosions filled your ears immediately. One by one all your team mates stepped off the plane out of cover and security onto the hard dusty earth. You watched as they ran to cover and began to fire. Your ears rang and the noise became muffled as you entered the war zone .

Hey it's Dusk_x what did you think ?
Part 3 ? please leave feedback in comments love you all , thank you so much for being patient with me and reading out stories i appreciate it so much !!! xxxxx

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