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Another day on this island. Another day stuck at camp while the older lost boys hunt for out food. Peter makes me stand and watch the younger ones play all day. Its not a laborious task, but the day goes by so much longer.Seconds feel like minutes, and minutes feel like hours. I guess thats what time does to you on a timeless island.

I sat down in the lush grass at a clearing that the younger ones were playing at. I think that they were playing a Neverland evolution of tag. They would chase each other around, until one of the boys attacked the other. It very confusing. I had Peter tell me how to play one time, but all he said was that its not a girl's game.

He can be so sexist sometimes.You got to love him though. He is just so damn charming. Plus, Peter does surprisingly well with children. Its so adorable to see him play hide-and-go seek with them. Of course, Pan never fails, but he makes it seem that the kids are giving him a hide for his money.

"Y/N," Felix calls. I quickly turn around and see Felix in his everyday entire. His dark hood was up and he appeared to be holding a smile to his face. I haven't seen him smile in all my time here.

"Hey," I call back. Felix comes over and sits next to be on the grass. "What do you need?"

"Pan wants you back at camp. I am here to take you off your shift of babysitting," Felix smiled again. This is getting weird. Felix never smiles, I mean NEVER.

"Oh, okay. Is something wrong?"

"You'll just have to find out yourself."

Rolling my eyes, I left the clearing and started to hike back up to camp. What could Pan possibly want from me? He hardlly even talks to me, and whenever he does, Peter is giving me orders.

You see, it wasn't Peter's idea for me to come to the island. It was Felix's choice. Felix thought that they needed a Feminine touch to the island. At first Peter didn't even want me here, but he now tolerates me.

I see the back of the notorious Peter Pan and sat on the log next to him. The new fire lit his face in the most attractive way possible. It was enough to make a girl melt.

"You asked for me?" I meant to say it as comment, but it came out as a question.

"Yes, love. In deed I did," His soft voice murmurs. I could feel his breath against my ear as I stared at the fire.

Peter never likes it when I look at him in the eyes. Nor does he like it when I call him Peter, but I do it any ways. It's fun to bug the most villainess villain in the world.

"Well, um, what do you need from me?" I asked with my voice slightly hitching when Peter put a hand on my knee. The sensation created shivers that vibrated through my whole body. I had to bite my lip to prevent a slight moan.

"I know that I haven't been," he paused, thinking over what he was going to say. "welcoming, but I do apologize for those actions. I just can't let myself open up to anyone new. My past doesn't have the smoothest road, nor the kindest, but it's my life."

I remained silent. All that could be heard was the light crackling of coals starting to burn in the fire. I turned to look into his gorgeous hazel eyes and he started into mine. There was a sheet of tears glazing over his eyes.

"I really want to get to know you, love. There is just something about you. I can't get you out of my mind," Peter spoke, with vulnerability laced in his sweet voice.

I waited to say something, say anything, but I couldn't open my crapped lips to talk. Something was holding me back. I wanted to tell him that I felt the same, because I did. Whether I like to admit it or not, I am slowly falling in love with the first lost boy.

"Say something, please," His voice cracked at the last word. I can tell that he usually doesn't do these types of things.

"I don't know what to say," I mumble under my breath.

"I love you, okay? I saw you on the first day on the island and I fell in love with you! I understand if you have feelings for Felix since he was the one who saved you. He was kind to you while I was rude. You are my world now," Peter whispered directly into my ear. His arms some how snaked there way around my hips and tried to pull me up onto his lap.

I was too dazed to say anything. The infamous Peter Pan loves me. It's all too much. Without thinking, and letting my heart take control, I hopped up on Peter's lap and straddled his body.

I saw him smirk slightly as we kissed. His warm and refreshing lips moved like a graceful, flowing stream of water. Ever moving, ever changing, everlasting.


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