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Your POV

We're in the middle of a war ! an on going war that doesn't seem to end . Each day the Army sends soldiers to collect the remaining men . Here in London things were increasingly getting worse . Only a few weeks ago my dad was sent into war . before he left he asked me to take care of my mother and little brother . I just want out family to be whole again . Living a normal was near impossible . Even walking around the streets became a task . Never knowing if each step was going somewhere , not knowing if each breath is your last . In a blink of an eye your life could be over .

It was my brothers birthday and his present was at the post office , it was getting dark and I had to be quick . I had just picked up the package holding my brothers present when the bomb ease alarm began . oh no . I thought to myself . I ran through buildings that were now rouble , pushed through piles of debris and jumped over craters .Wiz bangs were falling . Crashes and explosions were all around me . Everyone had turned there house lights off and I was traveling through the pitch black night using my memory . The streets were like the bark of a tree . Grooves and dents running along . Every nook and grannie running into another .
A whistle rang around me . I looked up to see Bombs falling directly above . My legs were in motion as I scrambled to get home . Bombs descending from the plains to the ground beneath my feet diminishing everything around me leaving only ash .A bright light filled my eyes followed by an almighty explosion meters away . I covered my eyes but fell back . falling back I hit my head against the remains of a building .


I awoke my head throbbing and my vision blurred. I pushed myself off the ground and discovered agonising pain in my right ribs and shoulder . I took a few steps and felt the ground slip away beneath me . I staggered and sliped but managed to remain standing . I held my hand to my head and realised I was no longer in london . There were all kinds of tree's infront of me and a crystal blue ocean behind me . I staggered toward the forest infront of me . Each branch cracking under my feet . Suddenly the distance between a nearby tree and I become no exsistant as my back was slammed against it . I cried out as braches stuck into my back . " WHO ARE YOU " a voice said . I opened my eyes to see a boy around my age standing infront of me . Brown hair swooping to one side. Wearing worn dark green clothing , A coat that was thick but sleeves came above his elbows . What strange attire , i thought to myself . The boy pressed his arm against my neck . " I said who are you " His eyes staring at mine . " I am Y/N . And i would be very grate ful if you took your arm away from my neck " The boy looked slightly stunned for a moment before moving his arm away . " Can you please tell me where about in England this is ? " I asked . The boy just looked at me his eyes shifted from right to left with. one eyebrow cocked. " We're not in England love, were in Neverland " He replied .

" I must have hitten my head really hard . to believe any of this " I said laughing to myself

" Neverlands Real love , just as real , as the war in England " My eyes became wide at what he had just said . The war . " I have to get home " I urged " Please can you take me back "

The boy stood infront of me and laughed " why would you ever want to go back ? . Here in Neverland you can stay young and live " I began to think about what he was saying . It was true the war didnt seem to be ending anytime soon , the lives that people were living wernt living , everyone constantly afraid , starving and living in terrible conditions . All my life ive thought of others . For one I was going to be selfish . " Okay , Ill stay " I stretched out my hand for the boy infront of me to shake . He took my hand in his " well Y/N . I am Peter Pan , and welcome to Neverland " He held onto my hand tightly , before i knew it we were above the trees and flying , I looked down at the island below and smiled . it was beautiful . I looked over at peter and saw him staring at me . I turned away a blush forming on my cheeks and we landed in the middle of an open area .


Time is impossible to measure in a place where it stands still, but I think I've been here for 4 months now . Peters showed me to the lost boys the first day I arrived . After that everything was just , tranquil but not in the sense if doing nothing in the way where your bit stresses . The boys and I got along really well . to be perfectly honest I was never really very girly . I would barley where skirts and preferred to where shorts . Every time I saw a tree all I would think about it climbing it . Make up wasn't for me . Ive seen the assault courses in the army and to be honest where most girls would be upset they got muddy I wouldn't care . And in the war going on in London I didn't want to be building the bombs and farming the fields I wanted to be on the front line , where I could really make a difference.It all just seemed like a new adventure . " You look like your in deep thought ' Peters voice called
" What's going through the intriguing mind if yours ?" he whispered next to my ear moving a stray piece of hair .
" I was thinking about my place , I never quite knew where it was . I never felt as if I had a spacific road to go down . my options were all open but i never knew which rout to take "
Peter grabbed my hand and brought me to the cliff . The night sky had taken over the days and the starts twinkled between the clouds laying softly on the sky of dark sapphire and grey. " your place , is by my side " Peter spun me around so I was facing him . his eyes went from mine to my lips back to my eyes again . He leaned in and kissed his soft plump lips against mine . I wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly he began kissing down my neck . " Don't ever forget who you are "

Thimble_x here . This was for Goodmorning . hope you like it .Sorry if it wasn't that good I was a bit upset . if you would like an imagine message us . Please vote and comment . Love you all , thanks for reading . byeeee xx

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