Soulmate au

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Hey, I hope my writing hasn't become like every other imagine book, and that you guys actually think it's good and not reading it just because it's another book. But please comment with your opinion. I do read them and it's so nice to get support especially as I do want to become an author. Or leave some advice so I could improve, hope you like it. Xxx

It was a life of stillness, unable to feel or understand what the wind was like, or how the warmth of the sun felt against your skin, it was all impossible for her to understand. Yet she longed to know. She could see other people reacting to the world, pulling on their coats , wrapping their scarfs around them , raising their hands to shield the rain - and yet to her everything was always the same, She could see how some days were brighter than others but she couldn't understand why people then went around in shorts or how when the days were darker they dressed themselves in an accumulation of layers and oddities such as scarfs and gloves.  To her even the trees swaying back and forth was a mystery,
But it wasn't just her, everyone without their soulmate would live this life. Unable to feel the weather. She had watched her friends find their soul mates, how suddenly they would shiver or remove a jumper before the realisation hit them as quick and harsh as the wind or rain. Then a smile and a lifetime of happiness would follow.
She didn't long for her soulmate, she longed to feel the world around her, the  tapping of rain upon her skin, her hair blowing in the wind, the gentle kiss of the sun upon her skin.  There was no point in asking anyone because any description they gave she wouldn't understand, or they would say the same generic answer. "It's something you will only understand once you meet them" So whilst her life was still she did what she could to make sure it was exciting and eventful. Going to coverts and hearing her favourite band up on stage, dancing, the entire crowd singing all together. Their voices lost amongst everything but coming together to create a beautiful melody of unison, regardless of gender age sexual preference. When everyone sang, everyone was one.
The bass running through the earth and into the hearts of everyone their. The pounding of their hearts matching he banging of the drums. She loved it there where she could actually feel something. Trying new things, she walked on the pavement one foot In front of the other on to the wet surface soaking her shoes but she didn't know. She walked as normal but around her she could see a few people pulling at their clothing and running to get inside. But what was the point. She couldn't feel what ever it was they were feeling so why should she act the same.
She had one hand stuffed in her pocket the other had grasped her phone, her thumb sliding across the screen as she searched for a song she was in the mood for. Fall out Boy, Black Veil Brides, 5Seconds of summer, Ed Sheeran all came up but she finally stopped when Halsey, ghost appeared. The song began to play and immediately her imagination began to run thinking of how a group of people could create a sequence of movements, dynamics shifting of short to harsh and bold. The transitions into a new formation including floor work and tutting sequences. A dance group like a shall of fish moving together against the current of social norms beautifully as one.
The rain continued and so did her choreography focussing on her aspirations and up coming madness to distract from the mundane life of stillness.when madness strikes how can you tell? When your reality shift and changes, distorting from what it once was.  When sanity becomes a question rather then the expectation.

And that's exactly what it was. Madness. The sudden feeling the light tapping on her skin the trickle of water on her flesh, the realisation of the wind pulling at her hair the same way it took her breath when she realised. When it hit the same time as him. And for the first time she shivered but she couldn't tell if it was from excitement or this new sensation running through to her fingertips- this numbness. Looking up from the floor and toward the figure that had collided wit her she saw the same expression she suspected was on her face too. Shock, curiosity, disbelief all conveyed with a small smile slipping on their lips and wonder in their eyes.
" hi " he said smiling, looking down at her. His height forcing him to tower above, but he was far from intimidating - he was inviting, with his flopping brown hair sticking to forehead from the rain his dark green jacket soaking through with hands in pockets and the potential for insanity. His voice was low and soft and she just knew that underlying it was the possibility for the boldest of words thrown together creating a melody, of power, passion, hope, anger and rage. And all she desperately wanted to hear, wanting to learn everything, like a lion so beautiful and rare so much more to discover.
"Hi" she smiled back at him, both still in disbelief. " I am Robbie "
"Y/N" she replied. " I don't care what you were going to do, right now your going to take my hand and come get a coffee with me " she grinned taking his hand and pulling him forcing him to run with her to the nearest coffee shop.
His hand in hers felt as though they had been created by an engineer so that nothing else would fit so perfectly.

Taking shelter they both admired each other again, it was impossible not to. Their soulmate standing in front of them, drenched in rain but both slipping into the madness of love.
"Y/N " she turned back to face him.
" tell me about yourself " and with hot drinks in their hands they sat and talked. He spoke about his passion for acting and every question that could now be answered with her by his side. She spoke about anything, it all falling out of her mouth as though containing it was poison she had to expell. But both of them came to the conclusion that they had a whole new world to explore a world where seasons meant something. And where madness meant seeing thing for as they really were.

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