The shadows form

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Warning : trigger , I do not promote or romanticise self harm in any way I write about it because I know that some of you may feel this way and I want you to know its okay to doubt yourself but to realise what you can do , if you ever need anyone I am here for you and that's a promise xx,
Also please go and read Deception In Disguise by Dusk_x

Just one more , thats all , just one more cut along your skin to try to feel something . The blade was familiar in your grasp and too many times had you found yourself dragging the metal across your skin . You were never like this , not really , never the girl to be depressed . you were the girl that was normal, smiled and got along with life . But it wasn't even the outside world that had caused your pain . it was you , you possessed sickening thoughts of self hate and loathing , despising every part of your body . Suicide had crossed your mind over and over , even as a young child but at that age you never really understood you just knew that you wanted to know what death was like . A terrifying thought to be had by a ten year old .

Hidden away on your upper thigh is where the scars lurked , where they would remain . You looked at yourself and saw only faults , nothing that would be considered desirable . Your mind was corrupt to be thinking in such a way but it also aloud you to dream and wonder about all the possibilities in the world ,all the 'What If's ' what if you could disappear from the harsh pressure of today's world and go on to explore new places - but you knew that would never happen , despite knowing this there was the small desperate part inside of you that still liked to dream , that liked to think that maybe the impossible is possible.

Old scars still remained present but now you were carving over them creating new ones . The deep red soon broke through as the blade carved in , sometimes you would carve an image just so that at least the scar would be pretty . The blood ran along your leg into the water turning a rusty colour before disappearing down the drain . You had done enough for one night the blade was flat in your palm . The worst part is always the first time you do it -because once you break the skin And see the crimson flowing you are aware that you can do it , there's no longer that barrier of being afraid, you've done it before so why not do it again. then , if anyone found out you would be categorised as another self harming attention seeking teen . So you pretended like nothing happened , wore the smile that everyone expected to see so they wouldn't think differently of you .

After you had placed the blade back in the jewellery box hidden under the foam you found yourself to tired to do anything else , exhausted from keeping up the rouse and pretending that everyday life wasn't a struggle . You fell back onto your bed pulling the duvet over you in a feeble attempt to protect yourself and pulling the pillows toward you to try and make yourself comfortable even though you knew like most nights you would probably struggle with getting to sleep and then stare blankly at the seeking watching shadows run across as the night went on. You tossed and turned trying to get comfortable but too many thoughts raised through your mind. You could never stay on one fore a few minutes before the next one bombarded you needed attention . your mind was like New York on New Year's Eve full of commotion and things that didn't quite make sense . But some how in all the mess and noise you were able to find a moments piece and were greeted with the much needed sleep you had been longing for

You could hear the beating of your heart drumming into your ears as you ran , you didn't know where you running to or what you were running from , just that you needed to , everything depended on your feet crashing down against the broken earth . Your lungs burnt from the amount of oxygen needed and the little amount you had . Beads of sweat trickled down your skin as parts of your hair stuck to it. your breath increasingly heavy , running for so long , you knew soon you would have to stop . But still there was this unanswered question , what were you running from and why ?
You pace had slowed and soon you hunched against a fern tree gasping for air as you were in oxygen debt desperate for air . In the distance you hear the snap of a twig ,
Your instincts kicked in and immediately you hid behind a collection of bushes that concealed you nicely. You watched quietly as a figure emerged from the path you had just come from . A gasp slipped through your lips as you took in everything about the figure , they had the same Y/H/C hair as you , it hung loosely flowing down their back stopping at the same point as yours , the figure was your height and possessed the exact qualities you did . The figure was you . But even more so, the figure in front of you was darker. paler skin that broke and marked easily , rather then having colourful Y/E/C eyes the figures were a deep grey and un-human essence about them . Unlike you , this figure wore a smile , however this smile was one created because of the chase , the thrill of making others afraid , thriving off the negativity . Yes this figure was you, but there was no doubt this version of you was dark .
The figure slowly began to turn around , you held your breath hoping that they were searching of something else , but the figure stopped - facing you directly. It smiled and began to creep toward you , it crouched down to your level reaching out a pale hand , marked with cuts and bruises exactly like yours and a few extra . Suddenly the figure was pulled back , a ear piercing screech filled the air . you peered out to see a boy fighting the figure . The figure hissed and snarled at him but the boy stood there - unafraid . He brought out a dagger that was tucked away in his belt . The figure cowered before scattering away, vanishing into the darkness . You still hadn't moved from your hiding position, but the boy soon caught sight pupils and began to make his way over
to you . " Are you okay ? " He asked , his voice like velvet in a smooth calming manner . you nodded sheepishly in reply . " What was it ? " You asked afraid to know the answer .
" That was the shadow , it takes the form of either your biggest enemy or your biggest fear " he pondered for a moment. " your afraid of yourself , you see yourself in that way, and therefore cause yourself to become isolated "
You wanted desperately to run from the boy but for some reason you stayed , anchored to the spot you were standing on. " Am I right ? " He asked. again you nodded in response, but felt complied to utter two words to the boy . " Thank you " you looked up making eye contact with the boy for the first time. " your welcome " the boy held his hand out for you to shake . cautiously you took it but all if a sudden his grip tightened and he began to drag you along behind him .he smiled back at you as you ran ,
You felt a blush creep into your cheeks , you weren't afraid with him beside you. " where are you taking me ? " You yelled , most of your voice getting lost in the air. " somewhere fun ! I am Peter by the way" He yelled back smiling at you.
"Y/N " you replied
He pushed through the last few shrubs that blocked your way before arriving at a place filled with all kinds of things. The thing that was directly in front of you was a barren tree it had no leaves on its branches but had rope strung all around . In the distance you could see the glimmer of water sparkling . On the other side beyond the trees to could hear chanting and saw smoke rose. You turned to Peter a questionable look on your face whilst he stood there smiling . Peter then ran in the direction of the tree before jumping and lifting into the air in flight . you were amazed at this . Peter saw your face a laugh escaping his perfect ,plump lips . He flew toward you reaching his hand down , you grasped his whilst he continued to fly ,soon you were beside him flying too. he wrapped your arms around his neck ( if you have seen Peter Pan return to Neverland , picture the part with Peter and Jane )
You smiled as the wind blew through your hair . Peter brought you too a waterfall where you both dived down into the clear water , Peter however flew along the surface of the water. When you rose you pushed your hair out of your face and saw Peter sitting in the air , By a cave .You swam over to him a smile playing on repeat on your lips . Peter pulled you out of the water and sat you down on a large rock nearby . " You could stay here Y/N - if you wanted " Peter had suddenly gone quiet ! this was unlike the loud free spirit you had come across , he seemed vulnerable .
"Really ? " You asked " Peter , how did I get here ? " The question had been playing on your mind all day . " Your not here Y/N " Peter replied " its a dream " you felt your heart break, none if it was real . you had made up this place . " Your wrong Y/N " you looked up at Peter as he continued
" Neverland is real and tomorrow night I will come to your window and get you - do you still want to come ? "
" Yes of corse "you said enthusiastically . Peter took hold of your hands and began to lift you into the air with him , slowly he began to lean forward , and you did to . Peter placed a loving kiss on your lips , it was innocent and only lasted for a moment , but when you opened your eye's you found yourself back in your room . You smiled at the thought of your dream anxiously waiting for the night .
When the right finally came you sat hoping that the dream was real . your blades from the night before shined as the light from the moon hit them , temptation whispered in your ear as you reached for them . You stopped when you heard a knock at your window . you turned to see Peter , you opened the window allowing him in . he went to a small pouch around his belt , he took out something that glimmered and sparkled . golden dust he laid his hand flat out in front of him before blowing the dust onto you .
" Pixie dust will help you fly " Peter explained grabbing your hand and bringing you to you window . " Ready " he asked " defiantly " you replied , just as you were about to fly away you caught sight of your blades again , you turned away from them knowing you weren't going to need then any more .

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