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You lived in America, and as long as you were friends you had discussed going to Paris with your best friend. SO as a surprise for her 18th, you were celebrating by taking her to Paris, even getting passes to allow you into the VIP lounge. You planned to arrive at the airport early so you had some more time there, allowing the pair of you to indulge in all the perks it had to offer.
Whilst waiting for the plane you took your friend into the VIP lounge, walking in you saw to your left a buffet of all kinds of food, to the right was a bar and in front was very comfortable looking sofa's and spiralling stairs that lead to more comfy sofa's computers and a little section where a movie was playing . You looked over at Y/B/F/N and saw a ginormous smile stretching her lips . Immediately she was as the buffet filling her plate with chocolate chip muffins, breadsticks, toast and hot chocolate. You put your luggage down beside a sofa and table and decided to join her . only placing a muffin on your plate with a hot chocolate in your hand as you had already eaten this morning.

You turn around to return to your seat when someone collides with you causing you to drop the plate and spill hot chocolate all over yourself. You bit your tongue holding back the profanities from the scolding milk on your torso and the embarrassment of everyone looking at you. " I am so sorry " The person who went into you expressed you opened your eyes to see a very good looking boy standing in front of you scrambling to get napkins. He began dabbing your torso which was now red when he stopped suddenly realizing what he was doing " no its fine . honestly " you say, only now realizing who you're talking to . you take the napkin off him and began to try and clean your stained shirt yourself. " I am Robbie by the way, " he says whilst picking up the broken pieces of your plate. "Y/N nice to meet you Robbie " you say bending down to help him .
' Hey . would you like to come and join my friend and I at our table ?" you offer to Robbie . " That's a very kind offer. Unfortunately, my plane's leaving soon so I have to get going " he says regrettably " but it was very nice to meet you Y/N " he holds his hand out for you to shake " you too " you say smiling shaking his hand .
You go your separate ways and go back to your friend who had almost finished her plate " what took you so long .?!"
" I just met Robbie Kay " you say in disbelief. her eyes widen and she squeals " tell me all about it ! what happened to your top? " she asks only just noticing. You and Y/B/F/N continue to talk and enjoy the features of the VIP lounge until your flight is called.

. You arrived at your hotel a couple of days ago and Y/B/F/N couldn't have been happier she had squeezed all the oxygen out if you when she found out and had done the same when you arrived at your hotel .
The hotel had told you about a nearby club that would be perfect to celebrate her birthday you could get in for free and it was a completely safe. There was just one catch you had to dress up. Continuing with the surprises you kept this a secret from Y/B/F/N. You even went out and got cute costumes. you got Lara Croft for Y/B/F/N and Tinkerbell for you. You were completely dressed in you Tinkerbell costume waiting for your friend to arrive so you could surprise her. She came back into your Hotel room holding some trinkets she bought from the shop to bring home. " Why are you dressed like a fairy?" she asked confused when she saw you. "Because you and I are going to a party and the only way to get in is to dress up. Here you're going as Lara Croft " you say handing her the outfit. Y/B/F looked at you with mixed emotions. you could tell she was excited about the party but nervous about the costume. You turned her around and urged her to get changed . She sighed and began to change out of her denim shorts and flowy top into the Lara Croft costume. including guns to match. You had finished tying your hair into a beautiful bun with a plat running through when you decided to French braid Y/B/F hair " It completes your outfit " you persuaded Y/B/F.
After completing the whole outfit you were finally ready. You both put on long coats to hide our costumes from judging eyes and made our way to the club. As you waited in line you saw a complete variation of costumes and quality, ranging from adding simple cat ears to full blown costumes with every accessory available. After around half an hour of waiting you were at the front of the queue. The security guard looked you and Y/B/F up and down before smiling to himself. You and Y/B/F looked at each other aprohensively. "good costumes girls " he said smililing. "thank you"you both replied. The security guard stepped aside allowing you to pass you quickly made your way inside. The night went on and you Y/B/F were enjoying it. Y/B/F had been staring at this boy all night. Biting her lip, twirling her hair and dancing in a seductive way. you had tried to leave her to get yourself but she would always stop you saying she didn't want to look like a loner and because this was for her birthday you had to stay with her. Eventually, you got to the point where your throat was as dry as the dessert. You snuck away from your friend and finally made your way to the bar. You found a stool and sat down pulling at your sparkly green dress so that it didn't come up too much. " Can I buy you a drink? " A familiar British accent caught your attention. you turned to your left to see the one and only Robbie Kay sitting at the stool beside you. He gave you his signature smirk as you gazed into his eyes. " Yea that would be nice thanks. Ill have a sunrise please " Robbie nodded to the bartender who brought you a sunrise winking at you as he set it down. " So what are you doing in Paris ? " he asked. Unlike the other guy's who had approached you throughout the night, Robbie didn't appear to have any underlying intentions. Despite the both of you already having a few drinks in your system, there was something that seemed genuine about Robbie, something rare in today's society " it's my best friends birthday. she's always wanted to come here so I surprised her . we thought this would be a good way to start it off" when you finished Robbie continued to ask you more questions, firstly apologizing again from bumping into earlier. As you continued to talk you took it in turns to buy drinks. Your head would fall to the side slightly easier and your coordination began to fail. Then you noticed Robbie gazing at you, his gaze would slip from your eyes to your lips, as though he was focused on every word that fell out of your mouth. " So what did you come dressed as to get in ?" Robbie asked curiously . You stood up from the stool you were sitting on and twirled, stumbling a bit, showing Robbie your complete costume including wings, your hair in a beautiful bun and the green slippers with the Pom Pom's on the end . "Tinkerbell " you said with a smile across your face " and what did you come as . ?" Only now had you began to pay attention to the dark green clothing Robbie had on. " I am the one and only Peter Pan " you both smiled at this coincidence ." Well what great adventure took Peter Pan away from his home Neverland? " You asked playfully

" There were roomers of Wendy growing up. I had to make sure it wasn't true when I found her window I looked inside expecting her to be telling stories if our adventures to Michael and John . Instead, I saw Wendy old telling stories to her daughter Jane. she had broken her promise to me so I flew away " You were shocked at the amount of information Robbie knew about Peter Pan , you knew all of this any way but that was because Disney was your thing you knew the majority of all there is to know on the subject .
" You know , Jane would make an excellent lost girl " you said pushing his boundaries of knowledge . (( if you haven't seen Peter Pan 2 return to Neverland this may not make sense ))
" Oh I know , she's feisty and stubborn but has a good heart and is courageous. But, no one seemed to notice was how Tinkerbell had all the qualities of Jane and Wendy and provided the best companion for Peter" Robbie looked you up and down stretching his arm out tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear . " let's have an adventure " he said staring into your eyes. Caught up in the moment you agreed, quickly finding your friend who was dancing with the guy she had been staring at all night you told her you were leaving and she was fine with it. You made sure to get the number of the guy she was dancing with, and reminded her to text you every time she went somewhere else and when she got back to your hotel room. Robbie took your hand and lead you through the streets of Paris. you were glad you were wearing green slippers as they would have been much more comfortable than Cinderella's . Paris was filled with beautiful fairy lights decorating the streets . Robbie lead you to a park where your inner child escaped and immediately you were climbing a very tall tree . You looked down to see Robbie standing at the bottom with a nervous look on his face. " Robbie what's wrong ? " You called down to him . " I am afraid of heights " he called up to you only looking you in the eye at the end.
" Come on. Where's your sense of adventure "you teased. But when Robbie didn't move you knew that it wasn't just a dislike of heights he was petrified. You climbed back down the tree to Robbie and interlocked your fingers with his. " Hey " you said soothingly " its okay " Robbie looked at you his mouth firm , he let go of your hand and stormed over to the tree . Cautiously he began to climb he stopped when he reached a branch thick enough to sit on . You climbed up behind him and sat beside him resting your head on his shoulder. " Paris is so beautiful " you muttered .
" I am so glad I got to meet you. " He said pecking your cheek . you felt your cheeks heat up with a blush forming " me too. " You agreed . " Maybe , we could have more adventures together " Robbie suggested . Robbie's eyes sparkled as the moonlight shone down upon the two of you . in that moment you both leaned in and aloud for your lips to Connect . pushing against each other ever so softly , the kiss was slow but still included all the passion and love. After that night you and Robbie shared many adventures through out your lives together .

I am sorry I haven't updated . I've been lazy with all my stories .ops . I am busy every day this week so it's going to be hard to update but I promise I will try . okay love you guys xx

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