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(A few swear words) this is for xAlpha_Beta_Omegax
Hope you like it, sorry it took so long xxx

Run !
That's what Peter had yelled at me right before they came, it was quite for a moment as Peter and I listened knowing something was wrong. He turned to me a look of panic in his eyes before they appeared. The lost boys tore through the trees heading straight for me. Peter jumped in front releasing his sword as he fought against a few, his sword swinging through the air and burring itself on another. Immediately my limbs began to move and I found myself dashing through the forest in a feeble attempt to escape. Branches gripped at my clothes, the ground uneven beneath my feet causing me to stumble. I could hear their cries and yells as they got closer, gaining on me with every second fleeting away.
Every time it happened I prayed they would no longer find it amusing, no longer try to hunt me down and no longer be these vicious and cruel boys I didn't know.

"Run bitch" one of them spat, their words were so harsh and angry. The others laughed filled with malice joining in on the brutal attack.
I could feel the aggressive beating of my heart against my chest, a fire kindling in my lungs waiting for combustion. I turned sharply through the trees my mind desperately running through Neverland so that I could figure my way out. All that came was the memory of last time, their sickening smiles and remorseless faces.
Just ahead I saw a sturdy tree with a branch low enough I could grab. It was integrated with the many other trees which created the forest. I increased my speed as much as my body would allow giving me the smallest gap between me and them. I jumped forward grasping the branch. I scrambled to reach the next one. I climbed, grabbing onto an array of thick and thin branches, placing my hands and feet on any nook or support the tree provided. But as I began my ascent the lots boys began theirs. I could see it was Thomas climbing, his eyes were dark his light brown hair had dirt pushed into it, his cheek cut open blood dripping down. He stared at me, the dark eyes looking over me as though I was the reason for all the pain that had happened. And they despised me for it. He reached out and grabbed my ankle. " gotcha " he sneered the other lost boys cheering. He yanked forcefully causing me to loose my grip and plummet to the forest floor. Twigs broke beneath my skin from the impact of my body. Stones dig into my flesh, my head had collided with the hard earth and now all my senses had disintegrated, my vision blurred, I could only see fuzzy silhouettes as they began to surround me, a ringing in my ears prevented me from making out the words the lost boys spoke but I could still tell they were yelling. Now they had me- they won.
And they celebrated by each taking a turn in abusing me. Some used their hands and feet, others grabbed rocks and weapons to aid themselves. Once they were done they spat on me proving that I was nothing to them. But when they did finally stop pain racked my body when I tried to move and so I laid there in the dirt bleeding letting my eyelids close.

I awoke back at camp, the four walls creating Pans cabbing surrounding me. I turned to my right to see Peter sitting in the rocking chair beside me. I reached out my hand and he took it gently love. " I am so sorry" he whispered, his voice shaking he was looking down but I could still see the few tears that slipped down his cheeks.
" why do they do it? " You asked tired of it all.
" I don't know love" he paused for a moment thinking of all the different occasions it had taken place and the new injuries he would find.
" All I can figure out is every six weeks they change for a day, they become these relentless brutes that don't stop. They search for you, they only ever want you- and I can't stop it. I've tried using magic I've asked them all when they return to normal but they never remember any of it. Every six weeks they begin to loath the person they love most. You. "
As Peter spoke his voice filled with sorrow, he moved from the rocking chair and onto the bed with you, wrapping his strong arm around you.
" I promise if it happens again, I'll fight harder I won't stop until your safe and they can't get to you. you mean everything to me and I can't stand to see them mark you, beat you and treat you'll that. you deserve so much much better, your blue eyes sparkle more than mermaid lagoon, your velvet red hair can only compare to the magic of an eclipse. your bravery and kindness toward others, how your forgive even when people treat you wrong. Your amazing, smart in ways no one else understands, your strong. And whatever they try to do whoever it may be if they upset you or harm you they are dead. You are so much better, you deserve better"

" Your everything I need Peter" I confessed, he had always been there, before it started and when it did he stood by my side. he takes care of me and I don't know what I would do without him. He leant down and kissed me my bruised lips appreciating his soft ones. As long as I had Peter I had my strength and it didn't matter what they did to me.

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