He Hits You

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Okay so , I wanted to do this imagine two different ways where it's accidental and deliberate . I do not think that Robbie would ever do something like this , I was simply interested in writing an imagine about it .


The grip on your arm tightened as he brought you closer to him . Bruises patterned your body from head to toe from today's events . You knew Robbie wasn't this kind of person and You did your best to try and convince him that but all You succeeded in doing was earning yourself another bruise across your cheek .

You and Robbie have been together for three years today . It was your anniversary . You had planned to have a romantic night together and reminisce about the last three years -but- thanks to the media , plans changed . Paps had caught pictures of you and your best guy friend the morning after a party in which you both got incredibly drunk . As the party was at his house , he allowed you to stay the night , nothing happened and nothing would but the Paps said otherwise , they started the rumers that clouded Robbie's mind . They planted the seed of doubt and once it's there it was only going to grow . He began to question how long ? Do you really love him ? - Why ? This doubt turned to hate - he never even gave you a chance to explain .

Rage was the only emotion present in his eyes . Your apartment that had once been clean and tidy now had broken objects scattered across the floor along with your furniture overturned . You had never been afraid of Robbie before but recently it was all you felt towards him . You braced yourself as another punch came your way . You wished that the next punch would be enough to kill you or at least make you numb , then you wouldn't be able to feel anything . At least death would bring you some piece ,even when the beating stopped you could still feel pain . His tight grub on you arm stayed as he threw you to the ground causing you to bang your head against an over turned table . " Slut " he spat towards you , his words hurt more than the bruises . The fact he believed the media and never gave you a chance to explain what really happened . As Robbie left you gazed up to his his once kind emerald eyes staring at you in disgust , his eyes were now hard and angry , his jaw clenched as well as his fists that now showed bruises and cuts from repeatedly hitting you. His harsh gaze made you feel violated , he used to look at you with love , but now he barley looked at you at all , you laid there discarded and broken the salty liquid known as tears running down your cheeks , nothing stopping them from flowing continuously . You had seen other people in the same situation as you , you always thought they were stupid for not leaving . One hit , that's all it would take and you would leave , that's what you always said . But now you were in that situation for yourself you realised it was never that simple . You loved Robbie - despite this side of him . you promised , you promised on your wedding day that you would stay by each others side for better or worse till death do you part . an you intended to keep that promise .

"Please just let me explain," You called out to him for what felt like the billionth time. He just looked at you with his stern eyes and just scoffed.

"What is there to explain? I can't believe that I've spent three years of my life believing that you were the one. I loved you so much and yet you slept with him! You slut!" Robbie cried and swung his arm towards your face again.

You cry out in pain as the man you love brutually beats you. All the emotions that you feel are worthless now. Nothing you can do can stop Robbie. His rage, his depair has exceeded far beyound the normal level. 

A hard knock at your apartment door sounds and thats when it gets quiet. The air stiffened and Robbie glared at you once more before stalking across the room towards the door. The familar face of Parker Croft was seen and his face drops as he sees you all bruised and beaten.

"Robbie, what did you do?" Parker asked awestucken. He obviously has no idea on what to do. When ever he saw you two together he would always believe that you guys were the perfect couple. But the 'perfect couple' has its defaults.

"Leave Parker," Robbie threaten and tried to slam the door only to have it stop by Parker's foot.

"I will not let you do this to her. Do you see y/n? Can you seen all the pain that you are putting her through? Look into her eyes, Robbie," He tries to calm your angry boyfriend down. Robbie stared inot your eyes and they soften. "What did she do to deserve this Robbie?"

"She slept with another guy," Robbie growled. "It was all over the media!"

Parker cracked up. Laughter sprung from his mouth in this serious moment which left Robbie and you in a state of bewilderment.

"That's what caused all of this? Can you be that stupid Rob? Don't you see how much she loves you?" Parker said through fits of laughter. "I can't believe that you bought all of that crap that the paps were making up."

Robbie walked over to you which made you scurry into a corner of your apartment to get away from Robbie because you were scared that he was going to hurt you again. Robbie furrowed his eyebrows and walked to the corner and squated down so that he was at your eye level.

"Y/n what happened last night?" His voice was stern and demanding, but it was better than before.

"Nothing Robbie!" You squeled as he placed a hand to your bruised cheek. "You know that he is only a friend!"

"Then why did the paparazzi think that you guys slept togther? You were obviously drunk last night and hung-over in the morning," Robbie's voice softened even more. What once was a harsh and dominate tone has transformed into a regretful and sorrowful one.

"They like the attention, Robbie! I love you and only you! You should know that by now! I love everything about you. Nothing can change that. Nothing would make me love another," You told him. He pulled you towards him and you fell on his chest. 

"I am so sorry y/n. I don't deserve you. I never think that I am good enough for you and when that story came out I just assumed that it was all true. I love you so much, so so so freaking much. I am a horrible person, just forgive me. Please babe, forgive me."


Hello! So it was a collab imagine!!! YAYAYAYA! Dusk wrote the first half and I finished it :)

Love you all! Please, we take requests so use it before you lose it XP!


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