Kissing In The Rain

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Storybrooke is different now. Ever since Mr. Gold caught his father, Peter Pan, the atmosphere has simply changed. The sky always seems dreary and the birds don't sing anymore. It's weird. Nothing is the same. Emma and Henry haven't said a word to another but themselves when they brought the infamous Pan to our little town.

Mary-Margaret and David hardly ever leave their apartment. It's scary silent around here. I wish we could go on with our normal lives, but Peter Pan is trapped in the cages of Mr. Gold. To be honest, I'm scared for Pan. He probably has no clue how mad his son is at him. I have a feeling that Mr. Gold won't stop torturing him, until he is dead.

A scream echoed within the small confines of Granny's Diner. I almost dropped my mug of hot chocolate when I saw him. Beaten, bloody, and dangerous he stood. A dagger against Ruby's throat and a devilish grin played on his lips.

"Pan! Let go of my Granddaughter right this instant," Granny yelled and grabbed a butcher knife from the table.

A chuckle escaped his lips. He laughed at the threat and Pan pressed the dagger deeper into Ruby's neck. Blood was visible from where the knife has slit her throat.

"What do you think you can do to me? Do you not know my level of expertise when it comes to magic?" He smirked. His eyes scoped the room like a vulture hunting for its next meal.

Our eyes connected and never was our connection spilt until Hook stepped in front of me. I saw loneliness in his hazel eyes, like something or in this cause, someone was simply not there to fill the void in his heart.

"This is not your place to be, Pan," Hook gritted his teeth threateningly.

"Oh really? And what makes you say that?" Pan played.

"You don't belong here. Now put down the lass before The Dark One finds out you had escaped."

"Only if, that little girl," Pan spoke slowly, "comes with me instead."

The room got quiet, because of Hook's stance, I couldn't see who Pan was pointing to. I craned my neck to try to catch a glimpse of the scene.

"Do we have a deal?" Pan slurred.

Before Hook could speak, Granny and her protective ways yelled, "Yes."

I heard Ruby's body drop to the ground and saw her holding onto Granny.

"Here, take the girl. No one even knows where she came from anyways," Granny said and I felt a push, losing the distance between Pan and I.

What? Me? No, I couldn't possibly be who the Immortal Boy wants. I'm just normal. There is nothing about me that stands out from the crowd. True, no one knew where I came from, but that was ignored.

"Hook, no! Please don't let him take me!" I cried and I tried to grasp on to him. He turned his head and adverted all focus he had.

A force was pulling me over to the smirking boy and my strength to resist was crippled. Once I was close enough to Pan, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. His breath was easily felt on the top of my head.

Silent tears started to stream down each curve of my face. How could they betray me like that? I always looked at Hook as the older brother that I never had and he simply turned a blind eye to the whole thing.

"It's okay, love. I'll only bite when the moment is right," I physically felt the smirk on his face. "You're my possession now sweetheart."

I bit back anymore tears, I will not be weak in this time of hopelessness. I refuse.

"There you go. No more tears. Tears are not tolerated in Neverland," he spoke directly into my ear that was covered with my hair.

"Please don't take me to Neverland, please," I murmured.

Peter Pan & Robbie Kay ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang