Meeting his parents

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This is for Yann hope you like it xx
Panswendy will you please message me , Thanks for reading ,i really appreciate it xxx

You pace nervously around your room waiting for Robbie . Today was the day you were going to meet his parents . Because you were at collage you had ,had no time to meet them but now it was happening and you were terrified. what if they didn't like you and made You and Robbie break up because they thought that would be best.You breathed deeply trying to calm yourself just as Robbie walked in buttoning up his suit jacket . His attention disappeared from the buttons and onto you . as he saw the nervousness and worry in your eyes. Instantly he wrapped his arms around your in a tight embrace . " Hey it's going to be alright , stop worrying " Robbie's words were made only from kindness as he did his best to comfort you . "Y/N you have nothing to worry about " He had his arms on your shoulders and moved his head so that his eyes would lock with yours as he spoke , even though you were looking down toward the floor. You tried to keep your gaze down as it meant you didn't have to face what was around you ." I am nervous, what if - " you tried to explain to Robbie but his soft lips on yours interrupted you .
"Y/N you don't need to be nervous, I've only ever said nice things about you to my parents, they have been wanting to meat you for ages . Besides even if there was something they didn't like about you , do you really think that I would listen to them. Y/N yes there my parents but that didn't mean that there opinion matters on everything . I love you and I am sure they will too . " Robbie said to me with a smile .he grabbed your small hand in his large ones and pulled you up from the bed . You let go of his hand and pulled him close in a warm embrace simply grateful that Robbie was there for you . You had always felt so much better in Robbie's arms . As if no matter where you were in the world as long as you were with Robbie and could hold each other the world around you was on hold because it was you too that mattered .
His familiar sent filled your nostrils instantly calming you and taking you back to the first time you met , the first time you kissed. your first date , all that lead up to where you were now. And at this moment you were elated but nerve still had some control over you am made you anxious about tonight . You sat in the passengers seat of the car fiddling with the bottom of your favourite top and anything else around you . Afraid to look out the window knowing the amount of time you had left was slipping away as you drove on. Robbie noticed you were still nervous and reached his hand out for you to hold , he gave it a reassuring light squeeze and gave you a small smile . Soon you pulled up into his parents drive ways and found yourself knocking on the door to the house you had visited a thousand times by this was the first time you felt anxious and stepping over the thresh hold would provide to be a challenge on its own . We waited patiently as the door swung open revealing Robbie's smiling parents . She greeted Robbie warmly with a crushing hug that surely took the wind out of him . She ushered the both of you inside , you followed closely behind Robbie . " come sit down , dinners just about to be served" she said smiling . you let out part of breath you were holding in and felt yourself relax slightly . " You have a lovely home" you complimented being truthful but also hoping it would earn you some brownie points . "Thanks you Y/n " Robbie's mum said placing the food down on the table . she wiped her hands on the tea towel and took a seat opposite you and next to her husband , Robbie's Dad . Robbie began to spin stories about the new film he was apart of . Everyone listened intently as you enjoyed the meal , making sure to compliment his parents on it . " So Y/N " his father began. " when Robbie is away filming what are you doing ? "
You finished your mouthful of food before answering the question.
" Collage is very time consuming at the moment and I am trying my best to keep focused and achieve what I have out my mind to "

" What are you studying ?" his mother asked enthusiastically .
" Um creative writing , psychology , business and drama "
" Quite a variety then " Robbie mum smiled . " What made you chose those?"

" I enjoy them , each one offers a unique perspective and a log of opportunities "
You continued to talk through out the meal until everyone had finished. Robbie's mum began to clean the table , you jumped up and offered to help clean, picking up what was left on the table and brought it into the kitchen where you began to clean .
" You didn't have to dear " Robbie's mum said although it was clear she appreciated the help .
" It's no trouble honestly " You smiled at her placing the plaits in the dishwasher . " Can I ask you something that's been going through my mind the whole night ? " You asked bravely .
"Of corse , what do you need ? "
You but your lip for a second thinking of all the possible outcomes .
" What was Robbie like as a child ? "
Robbie's mother laughed at your question before revealing all the juicy information about him .

' It's true , Robbie used to wear Fiona's clothes when he was little , look I have a picture " Robbie's mum took the photo from the fridge and showed it to you . " Please say that's not THAT photo ? " Robbie pleaded as he entered the kitchen . You looked up smiling at him . " You are such a pretty little boy " you laughed and watched as his cheeks went red from embarrassment . You walked toward him and wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a quick peck on the cheek . " But I still love you " the smile not leaving your lips .
' Love you too " Robbie mumbled before returning the kiss on the cheek.
" You two are adorable " Robbie mum said whilst taking a picture on her phone . She looked in awe at the two of you before throwing the tea towel at Robbie . " You and your father can do the rest " she instructed leading you into the living room telling you stories about Robbie and what he was like and all the adventures they had been on .
" The way Robbie looks at you makes my heart melt Y/N , he's never looked at anyone else like that before , never been in love like this . " She said , her kind words were truthful and as you gazed up and saw Robbie smiling toward you , you knew they were true .
' I hope so , because I feel the exact same way . All it takes is one glance and I fall in love with him all over, he is so kind and loving and I hope that we will spend the rest of our lives together " the words fell from your lips before you had realised what you had said - but it didn't matter because you knew it was true .
The time came when you and Robbie had to leave but before you did both of Robbie's parents gave you long hugs which you returned ,feeling much better about today than when you had arrived .
As you drove home the small smile stayed on your lips . you held Robbie's hand in yours smiling at him .
" What's making you smile ? ' He asked smiling back .
' Something your mum said ' you replied thinking back to your long conversation .
" Don't believe anything she says about my childhood my sisters were cruel and most of the time it was because of them " You giggled at Robbie's reply loving every single thing about him and knowing it could only get better .

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