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Sorry I haven't updated in a while this is for 5Sauce42 ( sorry if your user name is wrong ) . Hope you like it x

Waking up from the creaking bed that provided no Comfort through out the night , you stretched your arms outward hearing your joints crack in the process. Waking up slightly you began with your regular routine a bored the Jolly Rodger . Making your bed you then changed out of the scratchy night gown into your white dress with flared skirt that ended just above your knee . Placing your black corset with golden rope over the top and black jacket with golden detailing and ruffles at the end of the sleeves .

You let your long Y/C/H flow down your back as you made your way onto the deck , seeing the crew already hard at work preparing the ship. You sighed and made your way down across the deck into the kitchen , the air was thick and damp , breathing it in you felt slightly suffocating . You reached above you and pulled down the frying Pan and placed it on the stove , warming it up in preparation for the bacon that would soon be sizzling on it . As that was warming up you got the bacon and bread and began cutting it into a variety of thin and thick slices , knowing that members of the crew all had different tastes and this would provide you with at least a chance that the crew wouldn't all be yelling at you and criticising your cooking despite none of them being able to. Laying it out on a plate you turned and crouched down gathering the few healthy things on this ship..Even though you knew it was very un-likely that any of the crew would like to consume anything that was good for them you placed a bowl of fruit on the table . You waited for the crew to come down and devour the breakfast you had prepared . Hook always told you that you must stand whilst they ate , making sure that they had all that they needed and that you could only eat after . And that you must also remain silent through out the duration of breakfast as a woman must be seen and not heard whilst completing and sticking to your duties as a woman .so you remained standing ,but your legs grew tired when they did not come down to eat , burp and drink then proceed to leave you to go back into deck and you to clean .You listened carefully and heard the usual noises of the crew managing the ship along with some you did not recognise .

Cautiously you made your way up the wooden steps that leaf to the deck where you saw non other then the devil himself standing there wearing the dark green jacket and his signature smirk . It appeared to be almost a neutral conversation between to two parties that for all existence had been at each others throats in a war of tit for tat . " Ah Y/N my dear . Pan here would like you to join him on Neverland " Hook decided to tell you , a smile played on his lips as he spoke .It hurt a little that he didn't care that much about you even though you had been apart of this crew for years . You turned to look at Pan to see him smiling smugly towards you . " However " hook continued bringing your attention back to him . " The crew and I couldn't let you go that easily , no , who would cook and clean . " The crew laughed and cheered at Hooks comment ,pin pointing what they thought to be my main roles a bored the Jolly Roger . " So we came to a compromise , you and Pan shall duel if you win you get to choose where you go , if you loose - "

" You join me on Neverland " Pan interrupted smiling toward you .

You nodded know your fate was tied up and woven into the ropes that bound the main features of the Jolly Rodger. Smee handed you a sword and gave you a sympathetic look as he backed away .

Pan bowed to you signalling he was ready to begin . You bowed in return when on the way back to standing you saw Pan swinging the blade above his head and toward you , you quickly jumped to your feet and blocked his attack . The crash of your swords rang through the air . You pushed against the blade in a fight for control . For a while it was a fair fight , the two of you both changed roles of victor and victim and passed the control around . all that ran through your min was all the horrid stories you had been told of Pan and his malice and corrupt adventures that left everyone traumatised and without a part of their soul . That's what kept you fighting , that kept your strength and will not to give up .with each attack and swing of your sword Pan became more surprised and vulnerable . When you were on the verge of beating him he took off into the air . you gritted your teeth at the un fair advantage and began to climb the mast web reaching the sail you stood tall looking around for Pan you couldn't see the lost boy anywhere . Just then you felt a pair if hands grip around your waist and pull you into the air . " You've already proved you can fight , join me on Neverland " you could feel Pans warm breath against your neck as he spoke . You felt his grip loosen around you when you didn't answer , soon you were falling through the air heading towards the deck . You hands grasped at the rope , using the momentum you had gathered you swung on the rope landing safely on the deck , shocked expressions were across all members if the crew . " Come down and fight fair " you yelled to Pan . he flew down to meet you only a few steps away . He placed his sword in his belt and stepped closer to you , this confused you , being weary you kept up your guard cautious of his movements . suddenly Pan placed a hand on your cheek and the other on you hip , he lent towards you and kissed your lips with his. The sudden action shocked every fibre in your body , but you couldn't tell if it was from the pleasure of having his lips on yours or his rash actions . His lips were soft but had a urgency about then as yours made contact over and over . With ECG kiss sparked a new interest in one another which continued to grow. Using the Han that was on your hip Pulled you closer, you brought your hands to his hips and slowly began tracing them down - until you felt the familiar cool metal of his sword . You pulled the sword out of his belt and placed it to his neck whilst holding your sword behind his head do he couldn't escape. The crew cheered as you defeated Pan. " devious Y/N , I like it " Pan breathed out winking at you .
" I learnt from the best "you retorted
" Well done Y/N " Hook congratulated placing an arm over your shoulder , as you removed the swords away from Pans neck . " As you won , you get to choose , are you going with Pan or staying aboard the Jolly Rodger ? " Hook asked . ' I am staying here " you announced proudly . Pan walked over to you stretching his hand out for you to shake . you reached out and took his hand in yours when he jerked his arm back and pulled you toward him . " You made the wrong decision " he whispered in your ear. " on the island you would be free , respected . If you ever change your mind just whisper to the wind ' I believe ' and ill come and get you " He kissed your cheek before pulling away and releasing his grip on your hand . "Goodbye Y/N , until the text time ' he bowed towards you and winked showing his signature smirk before flying away . leaving you wondering if you made the right choice .

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