Preference. His favourite thing

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About you

Pan : he lives your adventurous spirit , the way you always up for any adventure , how you don't break under pressure . Pan adores all of those things about you , however he will not show that he cares when the lost boys are around . As it would be unfair to treat you differently and if anyone knew , they wouldn't see him as a ruthless leader , but you never saw him as that any way which is another reason why he loves you .

Robbie : your laugh , its completely unique to you , sometimes you sound like a donkey, others you laugh so hard there is no sound but even if its jut a giggle ,as it echoed through the air Robbie gets caught up in watching you , when you finish you often catch him staring at you in awe . He loves the way you smile grows , how you crinkle your eyes . He loves how you can easily get caught up in something , whether its a chance to do something amazing, a project you've been working on , or a book . He loves how enthusiastic you get about it .

His favourite colour on you
Pan : Green
Robbie : Red

His favourite thing to do with you .
Pan : snuggle up on the sofa , wrapped in each others arms in the privacy of your own home. this is his favourite thing because when your with the list boys you don't get a chance to do this , alone he can express how he really feels
Robbie : anything that makes you happy , seeing your eyes light up and a smile stretch across your lips makes him realise each and every time just how hard he's fallen for you . Robbie looks at you and see's a future , he imagines your wedding , raising your children together and all the adventures you'll have . He thinks you would be the perfect family .

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