Your future children

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You had long left Neverland with Peter by your side. You had grown up, you owned a house together and had two beautiful child that you adored .

A quiet knock came upon your door in the early hours of the morning , You sat up to see your five year old daughter Jane standing there eyes red and puffy lip pouted . " Jane what's wrong " your motherly instincts kicked in and immediately you were by her side wrapping your arms around her small frame as she held you close in fear of loosing you if she were to let go. You could feel her tears wetting your Pyjamas but didn't care . You picked her up and brought her to your bed where Peter was still asleep hi brown hair scruff from tossing and turning in the night . His mouth open slightly Nd his foot hanging out of the duvet. She kicked her legs under the covers and

Jane began to tell you about her nightmare when your two year old son Daniel began to cry . Peter woke up and rubbed his eyes . " I'll go see what's wrong " He picked up his nearby green t-shirt and walked into your children room . Your daughter Jane had curled herself up beside you as you stroked her hair . Peter walked back in carrying your sobbing son . you looked at Peter and sighed whilst gazing into his emerald eyes . He sat down beside you and your daughter. " how about a story " Peter suggest . Both your children's eyes widened a sparkle in their eyes and their attention completely on Peter .

" In a magical place called Neverland lived a boy who would Never grow up his name was Peter Pan and he lived on the island with a group called 'The Lost Boys' everyday they would embark in amazing adventures fighting pirates and having fun . Everything was just one big game to Peter. He was the ruler of Neverland he got to do whatever he wanted . He could even fly "

Jane and Daniel were grinning from ear to ear I grossed in Peters Story .

" How did he fly ?! " Jane asked jumping up and down .

" Three things . Faith , Trust and Pixie Dust , you see Peter Pan had a very special companion named Tinkerbell , Tinkerbell was a Pixie and gave Peter the Pixie dust he needed to fly , Because she was a pixie she wasn't a lost boy although they all treated her as if she was one . Peter and Tinkerbell were inseparable facing all there adventures together . But one day someone else arrived on the island it was a beautiful girl name Y/N . The moment Peter saw her , he knew he wanted her to stay with him and the lost boys on Neverland forever . He wanted to make her the very first lost girl . Y/N agreed to stay on the island she made every adventure memorable and every day a gift . Peter couldn't imagine Neverland without her. That's why he was devastated when the evil Captain Hook kidnapped Y/N . "

Jane and Daniel booed at Hook expressing there hatred if him . making me giggle.

" Peter Pan snuck onto Hooks ships along with the Lost Boys surprising hook . There was a huge battle in which Y/N and Peter fought back to back . Peter reached down using his free had and grasped Y/N . He whispered into Y/N's ear something he had never experienced before it terrified him but excited ever bone in his body . He had realised that he had fell in love "

The story was interrupted by our son " ewwwww that's gross "

" No it's not " Jane argued

" He told Y/N that he loved her . and with that happy thought they were lifted into the air . The lost boys soon followed as they escaped back to the island .where they all cheered in Triumph . Peter Rushed over to Y/N to make sure she was okay . " I love you too " Happiness overwhelmed Peter to show all of Neverland he flew into the air and crowed coming down with a smile on his face . From then on they lived in Neverland as one giant family. There adventures continuing even now " Peter finished the story . Daniel and Jane were yawning and rubbing there eyes. " But daddy what happened to Y/N " and Peter ? What other Adventures did they have? "

" That's a story for another night . come on time for bed . Give daddy a hug goodnight and off to bed "

Our two beautiful children scrambled across the bed and squeezed Peter whilst he hugged then back . " goodnight . love you " he said kissing there cheeks . You took both your children back to bed as they fell asleep instantly . you walked back into your room and saw Peter gazing at you .

" And they lived happily ever after " he said smiling at you you cuddled up beside him and feel asleep in each others arms .

I am sorry it's a short and bad chapter but its a chapter . honestly I am wondering when Panswendy is going to write a chapter . anyway please vote and comment . xx love you xx

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