Chapter 10 : diving

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I am sorry I haven't updated . I've got my reasons so please don't be mad .

This is a Robbie story

I was on holiday in Egypt , my friends and I were now scuba diving . Well I was they were on the boat drinking , but I didn't mind . I looked around at the breath taking coral reef . Everything that surrounded me was full of beauty containing safe passage for the creatures of the sea . And allowing them to live peacefully . The water provided me with tranquility it was so quiet and peaceful with the fish coming out of their anenamy and swimming around me , all different colours , shapes and sizes . So close I could touch them . At first glance the coral was only a bland shade of brown but close up it is filled with astonishing variety of everything . I made sure to try and take in everything around me as I probably wouldn't get an opportunity like this again . And if I was lucky enough too it would never the same as no matter where in the world i go Egypt will always be special to me because of it also the world is continuously changing and the coral may be gone . I moved away from the spot I had been at for a while now and simply looked at the crystal clear ocean around me and saw a different world . The bubbles that surrounded me made me feel as If I was being welcomed . And I could not help it as my mind wondered thinking what I would be like to be a mermaid . Thanks to my snorkel I was able to breath under water and half way there.

I placed my fins together and swam to the surface like a mermaid would allowing my hair to flow around me . I reached the surface looked around to see I had much further than I had I tended as the boat was now a dot on the horizon . Using my remaining energy I kicked my legs and used the tide to carry me to the boat . The sun was setting and the water grew cold . I could see the boat clearly now but it wasn't the one I came on . I had long past fatigue by this point and was praying that whoever owned the boat would be kind enough to allow me aboard to use their radio and contact the ship I came with .

I made my way to the front and saw of the boat and saw people jumping off from the second deck . One came up from the water after diving , water droplets flew out as he shook his head , he saw me and raised an eyebrow not knowing who I was . I blushed as he swam over to me ." Hello" he began " hello " I replied shyly

" um , are you alright " he asked

" okay this is going to sound strange, but please don't think I am crazy " he continued whilst looking at me with hopeful and curious eyes " are you a mermaid ? "

I chuckled slightly and the thought of being a mermaid , it's not as if it hadn't crossed my mind about not being human . He must have seen my flippers" no I am not a mermaid " I answered

" okay so how did you get here ? " I was exhausted and was struggling to stay a float " I don't mean to be rude , but please can I come aboard your boat and I'll tell you " oh yea of corse " he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him toward the boat gaining states from his friends . We were at the edge of the boat and he placed a hand at my waist to keep me steady as I made my way up the ladder . I looked down at him with a thankful smile and he returned one .

He followed up the ladder behind me and once again grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him . My body was tingling and I had goosebumps but I couldn't tell if it was from being in the freezing water or from this boys touch .

He brought me into a beautiful room and sat me down on a very comfortable sofa . " thank you " I muttered as he handed me a towel and sat down opposite me . " I didn't get your name " he said sitting down beside me " its Y/N"

" that's beautiful " he muttered but I was still able to here him " I am Robbie" he said louder and put his hand out for me to shake . Which I did and again got goosebumps . " what were you doing ? And how did you get this far out to sea ? " he asked

" oh " I had forgotten to tell him " well , I was snorkelling in the Red Sea with my friends who were on the boat drinking whilst I continued looking at the reef . I got a little bit carried away and lost track of time and where I was , ending up here " I finished explaining what happened and looked over at Robbie who seem unfazed by what I said . " would you like to stay here ? " he asked and to be honest yes I did . I was too tired to do anything else . " if its not too much trouble " I replied . He smiled at me " of corse not Y/N "

I felt my cheeks heat up at his gorgeous smile . " look at you , your freezing " Robbie noticed , my teeth were chattering and I had goosebumps along my body . Next thing I I knew he had sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled into his chest . He was so warm and welcoming like a hot drink on a cold winters day . " Come on , I'll get you some clothes " he said . This boy is so sweet . he grabbed my hand and began walking me down the boat . on the way I saw a plastic bottle filled with water and cigarettes tied to the banister of the stairs . personally I don't smoke and don't like it , and as I looked at this bottle I couldn't help but notice that it would be an almost perfect representation of what smoking does to your lungs . You see without a single cigarette the water was clear but as each one was added the water became yellow, grimy and dark . " You smoke ? " I asked

" No " he replied " honestly I really don't like the smell and when ever I pass someone who is smoking I physically can't stop myself from coughing . Do you. ..smoke that is ?"

" No " I agreed with what he said about it . I never really understood why anyone would smoke it gives you a moments if satisfaction then extreme amounts of pain if you get cancer.

His arm was still around me as we continued to travel through the boat . It was electric , I was numb but on fire at the same time just by his touch . He brought me to a door which he opened for me " what a gentleman " I teased as I walked into his room . I stood there awkwardly as he went to his chest of draws and rummaged through them . " Here " he said handing me one of his tops . I looked at him uncertain . I don't even know him and he's giving me his clothes . " Go on then , put it on " he smiled at me . probably because he thought I was being stupid however it didn't bother me because I was . I put the top on over my green bikini as it fell just above my knee's . I looked down at the top and then back at Robbie . it's weird how differently clothing fit on other people I thought to myself. I am short and always have been meaning its always been impossible to find clothes that fit right . I looked over to Robbie and saw his eyes wide . " What ? " I questioned " why are you staring at me ? " He walked over to me and placed his hands around my hips causing me to laugh and wiggle " Robbie don't " i giggled he raised an eyebrow at me . " I am ticklish "

" oh are you now " he raised his eyebrow further before he continued to tickle me . Immediately laughter escaped my lips as his fingers ran along my body . I was ticklish everywhere which left me powerless to Robbie. He laughed as I tried to escape his grip and push him away but it didn't work . I was panting now and I needed to breath . " Robbie - please - stop " I said the air escaping my lungs . he let go of me whilst I regained my breath . " Are you okay " he asked. Concern in his voice . I simply nodded in reply . I looked over toward him and saw his emerald green eyes staring back at me . a small smile spread across my lips as colour rushed to my cheeks . " You're so cute " . Everyone clef me cute , I didn't like it because they always meant it in a childish way . I could be immature but I could be everything .Not brilliant at everything but I could try . If you needed me to listen I would , I wasn't dumb I had a bizarre knowledge about a variety of things but I also remembered things academically. I enjoyed doing sport and taking part in activities , being creative . even though I wasn't good at all these things I enjoyed them and I tried . I didn't like being one thing .

I think Robbie saw that I didn't like being called cute from the look on my face . " I meant it as a compliment '' Robbie spoke " I didn't mean it like a child " he was staring at the floor as he spoke , I held his hand in mine and thanked him . for everything he had been so nice to me and we'd only just met , allowing me to come onto the boat , giving me a towel , giving me his top and calling me cute .

Maybe we could sail off into the sunset together

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