Always here

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Hey , it's Dusk_x ,

Um , I am sorry this isn't an imagine , I have written one i am just stuck on how to end it . I am about to get all personal so if you don't like it or are going to judge please leave.

I consider myself to be - broken . Through out my life I have been bullied and gone through a lot .I know what hating yourself feels like , thinking yourself as worthless and I am sure that some of you may feel the same and I want you to know that I will be here for you , no matter what it is .

I would also like to point out that I really struggle with spelling so if there is a spelling mistake it's probably a typo but if not please be patient with me .
You guys really do mean a lot to me , as I express myself through my writing and it means a lot that you enjoy reading it . okay . love you xx

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