Bewitched part 2

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1st I am really sorry I haven't updated, exams suck. Also I am really sorry this imagine is awful ! It sort of acts like a filler for part 3 .
Please vote and comment I love reading them it really motivates me to write more and often makes me smile :) xx

Peters POV
Y/N posture changed, she stood tall and proud, looking down on everyone.
" Hello Peter " she spoke valorously.
Immediately I knew who it was.
" Wendy "

" Hello Peter darling, how lovely it is to see you again " Wendy spoke, her voice sweet and angelic, but Peter knew better than to trust the soft eyes and hopeful smile. He knew that beyond it was evil, hiding behind the purity of others - of Y/N , to deflect the eyes that dared to look deeper.
" How are you here ?! where's Y/N " peters voice roared. Peter was shocked and confused about the events that had taken place but it would have to wait.
He had no patients left for Wendy not one ounce to spare for her wickedness and trickery. He hated Wendy, he loathed everything about her and every moment they spent together he urned for it to be with Y/N.
Wendy gasped in fakery " but Peter Bear, is that anyway to greet me, after all we haven't seen each other in so long" she walked graciously toward him and ran her fingers along his chest circling him. Admiring every feature and detail she had forgotten over the years. Peter grimaced at the contact, remembering how Wendy would often do that when she lived on Neverland.

" I've missed you so much Peter " Wendy confessed wrapping her arms around the tense boy. " I've missed the boys, the bonfires and the bliss. Do you remember Peter how you and I spent days together in pure happiness, your smile or moans in ecstasy as our bodies rubbed against each oth-"
Wendy teased Peter with memories of the time they had spent together, but he knew it to all be false, he couldn't help but miss the memory and meaning that it once held, all the things that they did together, the person he thought she was before it became bad.
Wendy whispered all this into his ear, as an attempt to make him forget all the horror she caused by reminding him of the good. She was close to him, her body against his, peters breathing was staggered whilst hers remained calm.

" I remember " Peter whispered back, he leaned down, his lips tracing hers, he moved his hand,running it through her hair. For a moment they stayed - neither spoke and neither moved, they stayed on the precipice of kissing, the moment of wait and want.
They breathed together, matching each others pace as there hearts began to beat as one. Wendy's eyes flickered up to look at Peter before resting on his lips, they grazed one another before they connected finally. Wendy moved her hands up into Peters hair, running her hands through it whilst Peter moved his to her waist and gently began pushing her back until her back met the wall. Peter grabbed her hands and moved them above her head. They both panted heavily as the kiss got more intense. Peter only used one hand to hold hers in place and slowly, using is left hand reached to the side. He smirked into the kiss knowing that Wendy was completely engrossed in what was happening. Peters grip on Wendy tightened as a whimper slipped past her now red and swollen lips.
Peter chucked at hearing the person he hate squirm. Slowly and unsuspectingly he brought his left hand to her neck where he held the dagger.

"Where's Y/N" Peter repeated again his jaw clenched and pushing the dagger further into Wendy's neck. Peter thought for a moment he could have this over with, that things could return to normal before it got out of hand.
Wendy look as though she was going to cry, but the frown she wore began to shift into a sinister smile. She looked Peter dead in the eyes and laughed. it was filled with insanity a loss of control.
" Dear sweet Peter, did she not tell you?" Wendy cackled " oh this is precious, the great Peter Pan doesn't know everything "

" Well I have a knife against you neck and magic beyond your knowledge, so I suggest you start explaining " Peter threatened, he was pushing into the skin of neck now drawing blood as it trickled down her throat.
" She came to me " Wendy sneered
" I been here for months Peter and you never noticed, you were too wrapped up in your new toy, I saw the way you acted with her! It was the same way you acted with me. But you don't see her!
As soon as you looked away she wasn't the same. She's got a secret Peter, she's the reason I am here.
Wendy took enjoyment out of Peter not knowing, for once when they were together Wendy had all the power.
" Tell me Peter, what do actually know about Y/N"
" What I know is none of your business" her seethed, his jaw clenched and patience as thin as silk.
" Here's the deal Peter, I tell you where Y/N is and you give me what I want. "
" Can you promise me that Y/N will be safe and you won't hurt her?" All Peter could think about was what he didn't notice, was she happy with him as much as he was with her. He just wanted to have her back in his arms - happy.
" I promise I won't do anything to hurt her " Wendy promised.
" as long as you keep you part of the deal, you give me what I want "
Peter sighed, loosening his grip on the dagger slightly. "deal "

" I found Y/N a few months ago, she was by mermaid lagoon crying. " Wendy watched Peter carefully as she told him what he wanted to know, analysing each move making sure he wasn't going to act stupid.
" I went over, wondering if her tears had the same cause as mine " she said looking Peter directly in the eye.
" She confessed she couldn't stay here, that if she spent any more time with you it wouldn't end well, she wouldn't be able to control her actions - and you would die " wendy spoke with no sympathy her voice was monotone as though this ordeal bored her.
" So I said I would help. I told her when the moon was crescent the time would come and she would leave this place. "

" She's gone ?" Peter said dumbstruck, finally moving away from Wendy taking a moment to process everything he had just been told.

" I held up my side of the deal, now it's your turn "
" What do you want ? " Peter said annoyed.
" I want you - dead "

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