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Stress seemed to consume you life at the moment, each day was another reminder of the time you had slipping away through your fingers I till your exams . You saw all your friends around you coping with it all and managing revision and school life. But you - you couldn't do it.
Everyone had always told you that you were intelligent and were very capable to getting at least a C in all your subjects. That you could cope with t was the added pressure that drove you insane. You were at the point where you had to choose the university you wanted to go to. You had two you were thinking of going to the first was the local University a good uni that would give you what you needed. The second a private school that required six B's and above to get in, that was £14,000 a year. The school that had all the facilities and people that would help you to getting where you wanted to be.
The second you wanted to attend, but that meant getting six B's . You had spoken to your mum and dad worried about failing your exams. However they only added to the pressure expressing how they wanted you to get at least three A's .
At this moment in time you didn't even know if you were going to pass. The expectations people had of you made you panic, you didn't want to let them down, you didn't want them to be disappointed in you- because you knew you could have done better. As well as Revising for your upcoming exams you were taking part in the school musical, Loserville.
The rehearsals were every Tuesday and Thursday lunch and then Thursday after school for an additional three hours. You enjoyed it but there was always the voice in your mind arguing. Reminding you of the targets you needed to reach, the people you needed to please and the little time you had left. Saturday, the day usually considered for a lay in and a chance to rest, not for you every Saturday morning you had to be at the leisure Centre for half past eight, fulfilling yet another commitment. After completing two hours of sport you would stay and work until five pm where you would then go he and wish to collapse from the tiring day. But still you revised, your body was going to the sheer motivation not to disappoint. One night your parents had made plans to go to a family friends party which you had to attend, this took place only ten minutes after your work so you rushed home and changed before leaving once again. Your parents aloud you to bring one person so you chose your boyfriend Robbie. Unintentionally you had been ignoring Robbie it was just that your life was so hectic now you had not had time for the person you needed most.

When you arrived at the party you ha little to no energy left. you sat down in the front living room hoping to gain some piece and quite for a moment so you were able to unwind. But it seemed the odds were against you as six you he children ran in screaming, then proceeding to continue the loud noise and chaos. You sat there your patients wearing thin, unable to say anything because that would be cruel to them as they did not know. Besides Robbie was sat on the floor playing with all of them. They're faces lit up with smiles. You decided you would take yourself upstairs away from the party and just sleep for a moment. as you arose from the chair Robbie looked toward you. "are you alright love ? " He asked the children climbing on top of him.
" Yea just a bit tired " you replied not wanting to make a fuss. with that you took yourself upstairs and laid down in the guest bed room. No sooner had you pulled the blanket over your head had the six children rampaged through the door yelling once again. By this point you were close to tears, the stress and tiredness getting to you. You hastily removed yourself from the room not wanting to break down just hoping for some quiet. As you ran down the stairs you passed Robbie who gripped your shoulders and turned you to gave him seeing the tears you tried desperately to hold back. "are you alright Y/N "
Just one concerned look from Robbie and you found yourself tearing down the walls you had built for yourself. You shook your head as he pulled you into his chest . " All I want to do is sleep and I can't because these kids followed me." Slowly the tears began to fall as your hid your face in his chest.
"Come on. I'll sort it out " Robbie grabbed your hand in his and lead you up the stairs to the room you had just been in, the children still yelling and jumping around . " Okay guys go down stairs " the children sighed and begrudgingly made their way down stairs.Robbie lead you over to the bed where you climbed in wrapping the duvet around yourself .Robbie sat in front of you "Y/N what's wrong " Robbie asked concern in his voice as he rubbed his thumb over your knuckles .
" I can't do it " you cried " I can't be what everyone wants me to be . I can't be the daughter that gets all A's I can't be the friend that is always there for everyone else because no one is there for me. I can't maintain my weight. I am so stressed, I literally have no time to myself and tonight all I wanted to do was sleep and I can't because those kids keep following me . " Robbie held you close, your head against his chest you could feel his soothing heartbeat. Robbie had everything together you wanted to be like that. You didn't want to be weak and falter you wanted I have it all together, but you couldn't help the way your mind spiralled into pits of despair where all the dark stopped your from finding your way out and instead lead you deeper.

" Your beautiful Y/N " Robbie
Spoke wiping away the tears that cascade down your cheeks. 'no I am not' your thoughts yelled .
" Your kind intelligent caring " Robbie listed. 'dumb,stupid,failure, fat , worthless your thought spat interrupting Robbie .
'You've been working so hard recently'
"And I know that whatever happens you'll get what you deserve because you've been trying so hard" Robbie rand his hands up and down your back the sensations somehow allowing you to catch your breath slightly although the rest still alluded you.
" But what if I fail? " You asked.
" You can always retake " Robbie reassured you placing a sincere kiss upon your forehead. You wrapped you arms around Robbie holding him tightly , as he did to you. You didn't want to let go. At this moment you needed Robbie you needed him to be there for you when you broke down because you knew it didn't scare him off and because you knew he was the only one able to get you to calm down. You buried your head in Robbie's shoulder crying softly but holding back any more tears not wanting to be any more of a burden. "I've probably got a load of mascara on your shirt now" you sobbed wiping away the streams of black. Robbie chuckled and helped to wipe away the remaining smudged makeup. "you know you can tell me anything Y/N. I am ways going to be here no matter what " There was sadness to the tone of his voice . As he looked you in the eyes.
Not everything , you thought thinking of everything you had hid about yourself, that only you knew. You never really trusted anyone fully anymore and found yourself become more closed. But with Robbie you slowly found yourself confiding in him and revealing a little bit more that no one knew. You gave a weak smile and hugged Robbie. Hugs are deceitful you thought. You can't see the persons face and therefore their emotions. You kissed Robbie's cheek and took his hand in yours as you arose. You went down stairs and enjoyed the rest of the party. From then on you and Robbie worked things out together. You didn't stress inwardly as much and Robbie confided in you too. You knew each other better and could get through things together .

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