Roles In Revers

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just so you know , in this the role are reversed Peter isnt incharge of Neverland .

Peters POV

I woke up unable to move my hands and legs , I lifted my head to see them bound using thick rope , I lifted my head to see a girl sitting infront of me. She stared at me eye wide and stunning . Deep brown with long eyelashes making them appear bigger and a little bit of smoke eye shadow. She was sitting cross legged , she wore a green top with short sleeves, and charcole shorts , With angle boots to match . Her long straight brown hair came to her ribs and had a single small plait intwined in her flowing hair .
" Who are you ? " She spoke . Her voice like velvet .
" Oh I am sorry , I am Peter , Peter Pan " I smirked cockily , if she didn't know who I was then she didn't know my family or its history . " And you are ? " I questioned raising an eyebrow

" I am Ellie " she replied . She stood up and pulled out a knife from behind her . I flinched this girl was crazy and stunningly beautiful . That's always the worse . Ellie grabbed my hands and pulled them forward not being delicate in any way . She brought the knife forward and moved her hand in one quick movement . I looked down at my hands in disbelief and saw not a single cut it scratch . And no rope .
" Um . thank you " I began
" Don't thank me ! " She said hastily " you have no idea what kind of world you've entered " . Ellie's words shocked me as so far the only strange and potentially dangerous thing I had seen . Was her .
" Um , okay . sorry "
" And don't apologise ! I never understood why people apologise it doesn't change what happened it just means you have to remember it every time someone says sorry " Ellie looked strong but at this moment she wasn't . I could see hurt in her eyes , and it had been there for a long time . Ellie's mood changed extremely quick . she sprung up grabbed my wrists and began running . I was being dragged along behind her tripping in almost everything . The trees began to thin and ahead I could see the edge if a cliff , but Ellie's speed stayed constant if not increasing . " Ellie! " It was true this girl was crazy
" Jump ' she said grasping my wrist tighter . Before I had a chance to question her we had reached the end if the cliff and were jumping off the end . to my surprise the air was bit swirling around us as we plummeted to the ground instead it lifted us into the sky as the air grew cold I became more awake . I looked over at Ellie and saw her looking back at me . Her eyes now filled with joy and excitement and a smile stretching from each end if her cheeks . " How ?" was all I managed to squeak out . " Magic " she giggled as we began our decent .

" You haven't much since arriving Peter ? " Ellie questioned even though it was more of a statement as we landed
" You never really gave me a chance " I replied . it was true since I woke up I met her and jumped off a cliff . That's not usually the first thing that happened when you meet someone' I laughed while Ellie just stared at me confused . " We've met before Peter "
" What ? No we couldn't have ! " My voice surprised me as it came out shakily , Ellie began walking towards me . Leaves and twigs crunched and snapped under her feet . " Peter I am telling the truth " her voice was a mix of hurt and anger " Do you remember hose nights in your dreams , where you ran away to a magical island where children never grew up , where they could escape from reality "

" Yea, but how do you know about that ? "
" Because ! I brought you here " Ellie walked away stomping her feet . she picked up two swords near by and threw one at me . I took several steps back but was still abler I catch the sword in my left hand . I looked up and saw Ellie taking large steps towards me sword in hand . She swung at me and I raised my sword to block . " Woah Ellie ! " I blocked every strike Ellie put forward .
" Do you remember this. ?" She asked her voice raised almost yelling . ' Do you remember me teaching you how to fight and fly " As Ellie spoke her words sunk into me and I realised everything was true . " Ellie . Stop " I said deflecting another one of her blows " Ellie ! " Rather then simply deflecting her next hit I knocked the sword out of her hands . Pushing her back against a tree holding her in place . " Please stop this . " I pleaded growing up she was honestly the only person i truly liked and trusted " you don't understand Peter . everyone who has ever come to Neverland left and never came back you're the only person to stay ' Ellie was lonely on this island . If no one stayed for long then they wouldn't remember . but Ellie would . She would remember everyone who left .

~~~~ some time later ~~~~

" Peter come on . The Pirates are here" Ellie and I were thick as thieves and nothing came between us . adventures were waiting everyday and Pirates were there to make things exciting . We would often tease them . It wound them up but it was all a game . We were running through the forest swords at the ready for battle. " Hello boys " Ellie smirked as we came face to face with the Pirates
" Look love " Hook spoke " were not here for a fight so would you kindly move out of the way "
" Aww can't you beat me Hook ? " I tried to hide the laugh inside of me at Ellie's remark .
" Love I may be a one handed pirate but I can beat you easily " Hooks lips began to stretch into a smile .
" Prove it " Her eyes met his as they stared down at each other . Hook was the first to make a move however Ellie simply vanished and re appeared against a tree . " You going to have to do better then that " She grinned . Hook charged at her and their swords clashed . The rest of Hooks crew came charging at me . I twirled the sword in my hand and laughed . They joy these adventures brought me was like nothing else . Each pirate took a chance at fighting me but Ellie had trained me to well . Each of their blows made no impact as I deflected each one .

A scream traveled through the crowed if Pirates and everyone stood still . I turned to see Hook standing over Ellie and his sword in her chest . " ELLIE! " I ran over to her pushing past ever pirate that got in my way . I dropped my sword and knelt down beside her
" Lucky shot " she smiled . Even at the worst of times Ellie looked on the positive . Despite the fact that she was smiling her eyes told a different story . She was scared , Ellie had never wanted the attention to be put on her , she felt as if everyone should be put before her , She often said if she could switch places with someone and die so that they could live she would . But she considered herself to be broken , and she hated it , she felt that they way she acted wasn't normal and no matter how hard she wished and tried for something it was always someone else's turn someone else's chance .

" Ellie " I cried lifting her so I could wrap my arms around her . Where neither if us would let go " Ellie , I love you " I sobbed ." I knew from the moment we first met " I leaned down . I could feel her breath against my skin and allowed my lips to brush against her before connecting them . This kiss was incredible her soft plump lips against mine moulding into each other. It felt like Magic was passing between us . We broke away and I saw tears streaming down her face . " I love you too " She smiled . " You have the magic now . Make every child that comes here as happy as I am with you"
I kissed her lips one last time as the free , beautiful spirit that was Ellie ventured to a new adventure .

By this time Hook and his men had left and I was thankful for that , for them giving us time alone together , I kept my promise to Ellie I made sure that each child that came enjoyed themselves and had some happiness in their dreams as their reality was a nightmare . Some even stayed , they became my lost boys . To them I was Pan . Only to Ellie would I be known as Peter .

Sorry this was kind of sad . My family has been fighting a lot recently and I am stressed because of that and Exams :/ . Any way thank you for reading. If you would like an imagine message us . If you want out imagines to be different in any way comment . Please vote . Thanks again love you all. Keep being you xxx

Peter Pan & Robbie Kay ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora