Chapter 12 : bad day

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A Robbie imagine

You came home from an exhausting day of school fed up and annoyed , you slumped your bag down by the front door and immediately went to your room. You slammed the door behind you before allowing your body to fall limp onto the bed . You heard your phone buzz as you received a new message

"Hey babe you okay . " It read from your boyfriend Robbie

You couldn't help but feel conflicted yes it was lovely that he was concerned about you but at the same time you had , had enough and didn't want anyone to bother you .

" Yea I am fine x " you sent a simply reply back not wanting to bother anyone with your problems

You turned your phone onto silent and placed it face down onto the floor , whilst you decided to get comfy in your bed and pull the covers up to your neck and close your eyes .
You were awoken by a smiling Robbie looking down upon you .
" Robbie - what are you doing here " you spoke in a morning voice despite it being the afternoon close to evening.
" I brought you a few things " he said whilst pulling up his rucksack from beside him up onto the bed you were both sitting on .
" You didn't have to " you spoke waking up slightly
" I wanted to . Besides I know you haven't had the best day " He unzipped his back pack and pulled out biscuits Oreo and chocolate chip , a bar of chocolate , ice cream and a book

" The ice cream is to help your braces as you got them on today I thought they may be hurting . The Oreo and chocolate chip biscuits are for revision food as you have all your exams this week . And finally the book and bar of chocolate is so you can relax . you've been working so hard , you need a break "
You looked at him astonished and pulled him into an almighty hug which you needed so desperately . instinctively he hugged you back. And you both say there for a while comfortably in each others arms .

" Your too good for me." You spoke pulling away and wiping a few tears that seems to escaped . He grabbed your face in his hands and wiped the tears away using his thumb. Whilst gazing at me with loving eyes.
" Come on , the ice cream is going to melt " he said changing the topic , which was honestly the best thing he could have done , he handed me a spoon and took one himself as we opened the tub and began eating it as if we were coal miners shovelling it in .
" Do you wanna talk about it ? " He asked stroking my hair as I laid with my head in his chest .
" Well , I got my top brace on this morning and it hurts . I didn't even want braces I didn't think my teeth were that bad it was only a small overbite but everyone kept saying ' in the long run you'll appreciate it and have beautiful straight teeth ' The I came back to school and had tech with the teacher mumbling so I was unable to get any work done and now I am probably going to get a 💩 grade as well as having my dance mock last which I messed up and turns out I haven't even got enough material to fill a minute and a half ". I finished while placing a large spoonful of I've cream in between my lips .
" Well , today is over now and tomorrow is just beginning , there's no point in crying over yesterday " Robvie said . I know it may not have sounded particularly kind but it was true and I can't change what hat happened I can only appreciate now and hope that tomorrow will be better . Robbie and I then out on our favourite TV series and relaxed . We continued to talk about everything and nothing enjoying the company of one another becoming more and more tangled in each other .

The ice cream had long gone and it was getting late . Both Robbie and I were struggling to keep our eyes open
" I love you Y/N " Robbie said before driving off into a dream
" I love you too " I have him a quick peck on his cheek before giving in and allowing my eyes to close and have the darkness of night welcome me .

Help ! I am completely un-inspired for my stories . I can't think if a way to continue them and can only come up with imagines . Basically what happened in this imagine is true apart from Robbie and the food . So yes it's been a bad day . I have my science exam tomorrow and I am stresses . Please help , just wright a nice post in my message board or give me an idea
You don't mind me using to continue my story . Would really appreciate it . Also Panswendy is working on the request at the moment so it's up to her if and when she posts it

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