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This is for pyramids_ hope you like it.

" Y/N . what are you doing ? " I turned aaround to see Peter standing in the door way his hands against the wooden frame. I used my body to hide the bag that laid on my bed along with all my belongings.
" Just re organising " I lied, hoping that if he didn't know - he wouldn't get hurt.
"Why are you doing that?" He asked walking over to me.
" It was a mess I just thought this way I could find things better" he was now directly in front of me and had placed his hands upon my waist. He looked upon me, his gaze questioning if I was telling the truth like the way a policeman stares down a suspect.
"Tell me the truth love " There was a tension in the room. Both of us could tell that something was about to happen, neither of us wanting to be the catalyst that sped it up.
I sighed knowing my plan to leave un noticed had failed.
" I am going home Peter " as soon as the words slipped past my lips Peter stoppes. He took his hands off my waist and stepped away from me. His expression changed, it hardened his jaw clenched and brow furrowed.
He reaches forward and circled his fingers around my wrist. " Don't go " he whispered, so quietly I heard his heart break through it.
" Peter I-"
" No Y/N, you can't leave " he interrupted his grip on my wrist tightening.
" Peter, please let me go, I've thought about this for a long time"
" And you Never said anything, if you had told me I could have made you happier I could have made this your home" Peter had raised his voice toward me. He kept his harsh gaze staring at me making me feel like a monster.
" Okay fine! You want to know why I want to go home and leave without you knowing ! " I snapped bulling my arm out of Peters grip
" I don't belong here Peter! No one thinks I do and there right. I miss my old life, the one where I had a family, where I was good at something, where being a girl wasn't a big deal and where you didn't exist! "
I had hidden all my feelings hoping they would change but as time went on and the longer I stayed on Neverland the stronger they became. I meant what I said about going home but my last remark seemed to cut straight through Peter. a world without him, if there was no Peter Pan I wouldn't have said goodbye to my old life, the list boys wouldn't miss their families because they would be with them and we wouldn't have gone through so much danger if we had never known the name Peter Pan.
" Then Go ! " Peter shouted, his eyes turning darker as his rage bulit. I grabbed the leaf bag off my bed and walked out the room deliberately shoving into Peter as I left. I headed toward the beach, I had agreed with the shadow that he would take me home at sunset and meet me here. It had only just passed noon so I still had plenty of time before I left. I reached inside my bag and pulled out a compass. It was a a sandy gold and had a map of Neverland engraved on the top along with the message "second star to the right and straight on till morning" Peter had given it to me when we watched the bonfire burn, lighting up the dark, connecting with the stars. The amber glow creating a comforting atmosphere as we sat by each other. it was the first time I had begun to appreciate Neverland and what it meant to everyone on it. He handed me the compass saying that as long as I had it, it would lead me places unlike any other but it would always bring me home, safe. I sighed at the memory. The night began to take over the sky as it shifted to a swirl of orange yellow and pink. But in between all of the colour immersed the shadow. He flew down to me and reached out his icy hand. I bent down and picked up my bag and began to walk toward the shadow.
"Y/N wait " I turned around to see Pan running through the trees toward me.
" Please " he called out again before stopping by my side.
" I thought you wanted me to go" I spat. this would have been so much easier if he had never found out I thought to myself.
" Do you remember why you came to Neverland Y/N ? " Peter asked stepping closer to me.
" I came after my parents got divorced, I never had any family anyway and it just made things so much harder. I always loved the stories I heard about Neverland and wished every night to be there. " Peter already knew this though, he knew about my messed up family and the disappointment that it brought me ever since I was little.
" Do you remember what you told me when you arrived? " he stepped closer and took my hands in his.
" I told you, you rescued me from a life that wasn't meant for me" every word was said calmly, every movement was slow and savoured.
" Do you remember when we sat around the bonfire? " He used his fingers to brush against my cheek and brush back a part of my brunette hair.
" It was the night I fell in love with Neverland, you and the lost boys made me feel like one of you- you gave me the compass and told me it would bring me back to you, back home. "
Our voices were like whispers against the sound if the waves crashing against the breaking sand. Peter slowly moved behind me, moving his hands to my shoulder.
" Do you remember the first time we?"
He said kissing my shoulders. I blushed at the thought but leant back into his touch.
" Now tell me, do you really want to leave?"
I couldn't answer, there was too much going on in my head, Peter didn't know me, not really, he only knew what he had seen. He doesn't know what I am like when I am angry, jealous, hyper, upset there's too much that would turn him away. When I didn't answer Peter wrapped his arms around me.
" Don't go. I need you Y/N before you came I was jut as lost as all the other boys here, this dark place became light again. All the memories we've created here. Are you really going to leave them all behind. Are you going to leave me ?"
He stepped forward placing one hand on my cheek the other on my waist. He looked into my eyes and I stared into his hazel ones. "Are you really going to leave US?"
He bent down and placed his lips onto mine. Pushing gently against mine. He pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tightly.
"Never say goodbye " I said smirking as we parted. Peters eyes lit up and a smile spread across his cheeks. He picked me up and spun me aroun, our laughs filling the air.
" I love you Peter Pan "
" I love you Y/N"
And we shared another kiss under the sunset, out hearts beating in time and our story just beginning.

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