What he does when your pregnant

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A few months ago you had told Peter he was going to be a dad instantly he made sure everything was safe and comfortable for you and the baby . He wouldn't let you around the target range even when it was empty or allow you to venture into the woods unless you had either him or Felix by your side in case anything was to happen . .Constantly he would check up on you making sure that everything was okay. Enveloping you in his arms as much as he could you cuddled into the man who would soon become a father - the father of your child . At the beginning of the pregnancy you were scared to tell him , you weren't sure of the idea in your head that Peter would be a brilliant father who spent hours holding your child , not wanting to move incase they woke and not wanting to because he was so lost gazing down at what you had both created ,rushing to there side whenever they cried or needed help and as they got older played with them in the forest . Was correct , what if he never wanted the child that grew inside of you and became bitter because the child was no more than a burden to him . When you did tell him you told him in the comfort of your cabin with no one else around . As the words left your lips the knot on your stomach only grew tighter as tears began to prick and spill down his cheeks . " If you don't want the baby that's fine - but I am not going to kill it. Send me back home and I'll leave you and the lost boys . you won't ever have to deal with us again ." Tears had made a steady stream down your cheeks at the thought of leaving Peter and making him miserable because of a singular night of love and passion.
You wiped away the tears and looked up to see Peter standing directly in front of you . " I am going to be a Dad." Tears were still falling from his eyes , you fought against the ones that desperately wanted to fall and nodded in reply . A smile appeared on his lips as he brought his hands to your stomach and ran his fingers along causing you to shiver as goosebumps formed along your skin. " Your already home . Neverland may be my island but you and our baby are my world " He wrapped his strong arms around you in a protective and loving manner , he pulled away a look of panic across his face . " Your pregnant ! you have to rest , stay here and - " You laughed at his reaction, he was jumping around panicking , apart from you and Pan you were the only ones close to knowing anything about pregnancy .
That was 6 months ago . Since then you had grown huge and suffered with the usual effects of being pregnant. Every morning around half an hour after eating you would rush to the toilet to vomit. When it first happened Peter rushed to your side and began to panic not knowing what caused it and if anything was wrong . in the beginning it was sweet how he worried but now it began to get annoying . he wouldn't allow you to do anything in fear of risking the life if the baby even if it was just for something simple as too helping one of the lost boys . Peter even got the lost boys to take care of you .
when you were given five minutes alone you would prepare the nursery and decorate it so that your baby would be able to have an adventure of its own . " Aww look how adorable our baby is going to look in these " Peter said holding up two little outfits ,green being the main colour . "Peter where did you get these ?" you asked admiring the beautiful items of clothing . " A little bit of magic " he came and sat next to you and you cuddled into his warm embrace . overwhelming you with the warm sensation of security . you jumped suddenly out of his grip . instantly he looked at you concern in his eyes " what is it ? is everything alright ? panic was in his voice . " It's the baby there - " you were interrupted by your child kicking you once again . " Peter ! the baby's kicking " you looked at him and saw a bright twinkle in his eye .. you grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach . A grin wouldn't leave his face as he felt your child move inside of you .

When the time came for the baby all hell broke loose on Neverland , you were the only one acting calmly.even Peter was running round . You were screaming as the contractions got closer and closer together . " Peter" you screamed . you took his hand in yours and held as tightly as you could . he did his best to comfort you but the agony coursing through your body made it impossible to pay attention . "Calm down , just breath " Peter placed one hand on your forehead and the other on your stomach. You looked at him with worried and saw a look of concentration on his face . you could feel his hands getting warm and a tingling sensation took over the pain and soon all you felt was numb . The sensation if sleep caused your eyelids to drip and your breathing to slow as you gave in to the welcoming dark .
When you woke up you saw Peter sitting beside you holding your child in his arms . " Peter " the whisper of his name caught his attention as he looked at you with loving eyes . " Hey " He grabbed your child's tiny hand in his and made them way to you " how are you feeling ? "
" Dreamshade doesn't compare " The smile on Peter never faded . " Would you like to hold her ? "
" It's a girl ! " Tears began to spill down your cheeks as images of your future came to mind .
"Yea . and she looks just like her mother " Peter handed you your daughter so carefully as if she was crystal . you looked down at the new life in your arms . You adjusted the small blanket covering your daughter and felt her tiny hand grasp around your finger . She was making the adorable baby noises that made your heart melt . " What do you want to call her ?" you asked Peter I he looked at you with an expression of shock he had no idea . " Um well- we made her together , so let's decide together . My mothers name was willow . Could we name her after her.? " You were shocked at the fact that he remembered his mother , he had never mentioned her . " Of corse , can we have Emerald as her middle name ? "

" Willow Emerald Pan . I like it . " From that day on you and Peter faces the biggest adventure of all , Raising your daughter , The lost boys were very protective of Willow and your little family never faces a problem they couldn't handle .

I am sorry I am just awful at updating. it took me all day just to do this because I am awful at writing and I get distracted easily . so .sorry .

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