Will you

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You lay there exhausted, the day had been long and filled with tasks and all you wanted was for sleep to welcome you and keep you welcome in a world of dreams. But instead you had been denied of such a luxury and found yourself staring at the ceiling finding strange patterns and images to fill your boredom. you envied the boy sleeping peacefully beside you. His hair scruffy from rolling, one leg out the covers the other buried. The covers up to his shoulders keeping him warm and safe. You couldn't help but admire the person beside you. every small detail about them you loved, his height perfect for resting his head on yours and giving you a cuddle.The way his embrace made you feel secure and loved. His voice sincere when ever he spoke, the passion he had for acting and his laugh that echoed as one filled with joy and happiness.

Robbie shifted in the bed dragging the covers along with him, he started to make noises which made you smile. The noises began to change and you could begin to make out words.
It sparked your interest and your curiosity grew, you listened intently trying to figure out what secrets slipped passed his lips when his mind want there to guard them.
"Mmmh Y/N will you marry me ? "
You eyes widened, you sat there questioning if Robbie really felt this way, if it was simple a dream and didn't mean anything. and if you had heard him right "
Despite not being able to sleep before, you now had a hurricane of thoughts destroying any chance of sleep you may have had.
You looked around the room trying to collect your thoughts that had been scattered. You questioned wether you should bring it up, question Robbie if he really meant it or just ignore the fact that you had heard a question that would change your life. You looked over at the sleeping angel and thought of the life you had. All the memories of silly moments you had spent together, late night drives where you spoke about everything and nothing. The only thing that would beat the life you have with Robbie is the life your going to have with Robbie. Your wedding day, sharing it with all your friends and family you held dear, the children you could have running around your house together, Robbie being a protective Dad to his little girl. Lifting his children above his head and wrapping them in a warm embrace only wanting to keep them safe. Watching as they grow and become amazing individuals. as you travel the world embarking on adventures, writing a story for yourself.
And growing old together, spending every minute with the one person that understood everything about you, excepting and loving you all the same.
As you sat their, Robbie asleep , you knew what you answer would be.

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