Remember Me

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Waking up in a strange and cold bed, I look around. Nothing is familiar, nothing is recognizable. The sheets cling to my sweaty body as I frantically search the room for something, anything that could bring me a sense of comfort. Where the hell am I?


Peter POV

Pulling at the roots of my hair, I scream into the wilderness. I can't believe what happened. I can't believe that she's gone. I thought she loved it here. I wanted her to have a home on my island, and I thought I gave it to her. 

She was the last person I would never want to make unhappy. I knew bringing her here was a bad idea. Ever since I met her in the land without magic, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I posed as a normal teenage boy just so I could get to know her. I saw what sorrows she's been through and I wanted to see her beautiful smile in every instant of her life.

Her anxiety and depression grew and grew, I had to tell her I had a home for her that she could be carefree and happy. Over the months, we grew close, so I told her who I really was. Of course she was hesitant, but I finally convinced her. I will never forget that little smirk she gave me when I told her I was Peter Pan. It was a perfectly beautiful combination of hope and disbelief.

I thought things where going so well. She was adapting quicker than any of the lost boys. I thought she felt free and happy here. I thought she was the perfect addition to the island. 

But I wasn't possessive or cruel to her. I gave her enough pixie dust to get her back to her mortal home if she ever felt unsafe or unhappy here. I prayed that she'd never use it, but I guess she did. 

My heart feels cold and alone. She must have taken it with her. I couldn't help but cry and scream and curse. She was my warmth. Some how she could always make me smile. Her beautiful laugh and gorgeous features made my heart swell. But she's gone. I couldn't keep her happy.

My red and swollen eyes saw a dark presence emerging from the shadows of the trees. 

"Who's there?" I yell with half a heart. The tree branch, where I was sitting, quickly split from a pirate's blade.

One of the pirates must have snuck up behind me while my heart was slowly dying. I fell and landed on a root. Groaning in pain, I stood up as quickly as I could. I was not going to be surprised again.

Several pirates emerged from the darkness and circled me in. Suddenly Hook made an appearance.

"Peter Pan, what a pleasure," He smirked. My tired eyes held contact with his. He knows how vulnerable I am right now and I know that I'll have to fight hard to defeat him.

"What do you want Hook, " I spat. "I'm not in the mood for one of your games."

"Aw is little Pan sad that his little girl is gone?" Hook chuckled and the others echoed. A burning rage circulated through my veins.

"DON'T TALK ABOUT HER IN THAT WAY!" I growled. She isn't a little girl.  She's strong and passionate and she amazes me every day. "What do you know Hook?"

"Well one thing that I do know is," He pulled something from his coat. It was the bag of pixie dust I gave her. Wait if she doesn't have...

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I scream. Rage was flowing through me. Before I knew it my knife was against Hook's neck and I could feel my veins pounding blood to every part of my body. I was beyond furious. 

Hook chuckled again. "I won't do that if I were you. She's safe, for now. I have a couple of my men keeping watch on her. She's quite the looker, if I do say to myself," I tightened my grip on him and the pirates moved in on me. They grabbed my arms and held me back. One took my blade and another placed the antimagic cuff on my wrist. I was practically docile now.

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