The Daughter of The Beast

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"Papa! That's so unfair!" I scream at my father, Rumple.

"Connie, you have come of age. You must marry," Papa defended himself.

Ever since all of Storybrooke came back to the Enchanted Forest, we have relapsed into the olden times.

You would think that since he waited to find my mother, Belle, he would wait until I found love. He has changed though. He is not the loving father that I had 6 years ago. That man is long gone. Ever since my mother died six years ago, he has become cruel and power hungry.

He is trying to get me to marry Prince Neil. I don't love him and I know Neil does not love me.

"Papa please," I beg with tears dripping from my hazel eyes. I pulled my auburn hair behind my ear. This is so unfair! I have even glimpsed at love!

"You will do as I say!" He yelled. "Now go up to your room! You need to get well rested for your wedding tomorrow!"

With a rivulet of tears streaming down my face, I stormed into my room. The welcoming and familiar vibe of my bedroom, instantly calmed my pounding head.

"Why me?" I mumble to myself and rest my aching head on one of my numerous pillows.

One of my candles fell from my dresser which instantly made my senses keen.

"Who's there?" I asked into my dark room. I whipped my dried tears from my face and gained more confidence. "Come out! You shouldn't be in here! Do you even know whose room you are in?"

"I know whose room this is," a cocky British voice rang through my bedroom.

"Then you know who my father is."

"I know him like family," The voice grew louder indicating that he was getting closer.

"Please just go away," I whined, pulling my pillow to my chest.

"That's not the nicest way to thank your savior," The voice echoed. Slowly the figure became visible. He was familiar, awfully familiar.

"Savior? I don't need saving!" I spat, getting out of bed.

"Then why were you crying?"

"How long have you been here?" My voice was quavering.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, my Connie," I could barely make out a smirk that was rising on his face. "Come with me. I promise that I won't force you to marry anyone. I know a place were responsibilities aren't allowed and we are left with games to play all day long. Connie, I can take you to Neverland."

"Neverland? That makes you-"

"Peter. Peter Pan," Peter spoke.

He gently grabbed both of my hands and pulled me cautiously towards the window. My whole body shivered in pleasure at the skin to skin contact.

"Do you trust me?" his raspy voice spoke. I nodded my head. Peter pulled my arms around his neck and held on to my waist. "Hang on, love."

I pulled my body closer to him as Peter took off into the night sky. It was an uneasy feeling. I was flying with my back towards the cold, dark ground that was so far under me. One wrong move and I could slip from Peter's grasp.

"You okay?" he mumbled into my ear as we headed to the second star to the right.

"I'm scared," I muttered, holding Peter even closer.

"Girls," he teased, flinging me over to that I was laying on his back. "Better?"

"Much. Thank you."


I remember that day as if it was just minutes ago. I remember my first step on the sweet Neverland sand. I couldn't tell you how long I have been here. Time is just a blur for me.

"Connie," Peter called from behind the rocks at the mermaid lagoon. He was in the water as I was laying on the warm beach.

"What is it Peter?" I asked, standing up and walked to where the water hits the sand.

"Come in the water with me," He begged.

"You know that I never learned how to swim. And besides, it's too cold," I whined.

The freezing water brushed against my feet and shivers start to rush down my spine.

"Don't be such a girl, Connie. No one is going to judge you because you can't swim. It's only me. It's Peter," he smiled a warm and comfortable smirk.


"No 'buts'. Please just keep me company. Only for a short time, love," Peter begged.

"Fine," I grunted and started to strip down to my under garments.

"See, there's nothing to be a afraid of, Connie."

I slowly paced my way through the water and made my way to Peter. His arms are wide and ready for a hug. I picked up my speed and swung my arms around Peter's waist.

Small, delightful tingles of pure bliss shook through my skin. Man, I love this boy and yet he will never know. Peter is blindly in love with that Tinkerbelle.

"What's wrong?" he murmured in my ear, slightly grazing his warm lips against it.

"I should go back to shore. The lost boys probably need some help preparing the feast for tonight," I mumble and pull away from Peter's warm grasp which left me vulnerable.

"No Connie! Wait!" He called back, but I ignored his callings. I can't ruin his relationship with Tinkerbelle.

He finally caught up with me. Peter grabbed my arm and flung me around so I was facing him. His eyes were filled with hurt, but laced with hope.

"What do you want from me?" I whimpered as Peter slammed me against his chest.

"I love you, Connie. Ever since I saw you in the Dark One's castle. You are my only love, Connie," Peter hummed.

"But what about Tinkerbelle?"

"What about Tinkerbelle? We were only pretending to date so that she could get a sparrow man jealous," He explained.

"I love you too, Peter," I spoke.

He just smiled widely and pulled me in closer. I felt his wet lips make contact with the top of my auburn head.


Thanks for reading! Sorry it took soo long to write!!! There is just sooo much going on!!!!

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For @lost_girl_forever_12

~~ Panswendy

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