After Party

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Months of gruelling rehearsals, fitting in with you busy schedule, left you feeling worn, exhausted and tired. Every single muscle in your body begged for a break, but you were too close now to give in. Every other year the school decided to put on a musical, and every other year you auditioned to become a principle dance and singer, you never went for a role because you knew it wasn't what you desired. You desired to hear the roar of the crowd when you danced. That melodic tune against the rhythm of the music. An accumulation of movements that all together created a piece that you had perfected. Each movement performed with precision and skill, smiling during every single one so that the audience felt as though, this performance was something you could be proud of.

Yes it was a school production, but your teachers were determined to go beyond mediocrity, making sure that you turned up to every single rehearsal through out the week and weekend, meaning that you hadn't been able to go to work for the past month, due to the strict requirements. Yes it was hard work and yes it was constant but when your finally on the stage and you can look out across the crowd and see over one hundred pairs of eyes watching YOU, it was all worth it. This automatically sound as though you crave attention from others in order to be happy. But that's not the truth. The truth is that you all worked hard to create something and seeing other people smile, laugh or feel some sort of emotion was reward enough, because you had done it right.

Yes you loved performing but another reason you had decided to join the musical was to make friends. This was your first year at collage (sixthform) and you wanted to fit in, to make friends and not feel as though everyone around you was simply a presence. During the tiresome rehearsals you met someone named Robbie. With brown fluffy hair, gleaming eyes and a mischievous smile you couldn't help but love being around him. It started when you were both given a solo in 'We are the world' having to share a mic became problematic due to the contrasting height of him being 6ft 2 and your petite height of 5ft 1. And that's how it began, you would laugh at each other smiling brightly as you sung together. What made it worse was the costume changes. During this particular song all solo singers where given a long black curly wig, a black hat, sun glasses and white sparkly glove to replicate Michael Jackson. The wigs were awful, itchy and hot and neither of you liked them, but you put up with that horrible thing for the show. Often one of you would walk gingerly behind the other. So that they were unaware of your presence. Creeping up behind them and tucking slowly at the awful wig untill you were noticed. Stupid, cheeky things like that is what made the long rehearsals bearable. Just being able to act comfortably around each other. You couldnt explain what it was that made you feel so comfortable around Robbie. Even after the first day of meeting the next day you were quick to embrace eachother in a tight hug with warm smiles upon seeing eachother. As the months continued, the two of you grew familiar with each other. It wasn't odd to see you and Robbie dancing back stage or smiling at each other from across the wings. He made you smile he made you feel wanted, especially when he hugged you. His tall frame would tower above you, but he would bend down and you would reach up to wrap your arms around him. With his muscular arms around you, you felt safe. Sometimes Robbie was too cheeky and when he hugged you would very slowly trail his hands down, or tap your bum when preparing for the next scene. Every time you scolded him for it but he would just smile at you and you'd forgive him.

You all completed five amazing shows, the crowd often sung along to the familiar songs and the days that followed after were filled with congratulations, it made you smile but all the while you'd look at Robbie and question what was going on. He didn't message you as much and didn't smile as brightly. You desperately tried to ignore it the hollow feeling that grew with every glimpse he ignored and every text he didn't respond to. But you weren't going to let him ruin it for you,you chastises yourself how could you possibly feel strongly toward him, you had only known him a few months.

The final play had finished and everyone had put in as much energy as they could muster, in a deliberate effort to make it special. After which, you collected your things from the dressing room that you shared with nine other girls and headed toward Charlie's. Charlie was given one of the main characters and executed his character perfectly, often making the crowd laugh. He was also holding an after party. He didn't invite the 180 cast members but instead just the people in your year and a few others who we had grown close too, including Robbie.

But within such a short space of time Robbie had made your emotions go haywire and now, you were angry, he made you feel special and then dropped you, leaving you on the side like something had been thrown away, but being you, you didn't tell him just occasionally glared at him across the room without him seeing. Charlie had decided to bring out wine and other forms of alcohol which you all drank, some having a bigger effect than others. Milly one of the girls was beyond the capability of walking in a straight line and often fell onto you for balance and guidance. If you were honest though you probably weren't sober either and thus brought problems when you saw Robbie. Milly was the'I love you drunk' and didn't stop informing you of this, but she also asked you if you were okay to which you replied. 'I am annoyed with Robbie' unaware that the giant stood behind you.

'Y/N why are you annoyed with me' Robbie asked a hint of concern in his voice.

Milly had let go of you and now stumbled back to the front door, probably seeking more alcohol, but as you saw her lwave in the corner of your eye. Your stomach sank. As you looked toward him the cool autum air grew thick. All the conversations you had gone through in your mind about how to confront him left. A chilling breeze brought you back remembering you still hadnt spoken a word. You looked into his eyes, that inkling of concern seemed to twinkle. Your head dropped as you sighed.

'why do you think?' you replied, your voice coming out higher than you expected. The hurt you felt had stayed no matter what you did to try and ignore it.

'I don't know that's why I am asking'. For the briefest of moments you accepted he had a point but you were angry at him and instead walked away from him, annoyed at yourself for even having these feelings and for bringing it up. The cool air of the night didn't effect you, because you knew you couldn't escape this now.

'Y/N what have I done?!' Robbie called out after you, grabbing your hand and turning you to face him. He looked down at you. The concern now becoming more apparent in his expression. His eyes still shining, his hair still fluffy but the smile wasn't there. Holding both your hands in his gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. You just stared at him, all your thoughts about Robbie swirled through your mind, it all confused you. You were unable to form a sentence when there was so much you wanted to say.

'Y/N please' Robbie begged and with that, your mind settled on one thought, the one that had caused you the most distress.

' YOUR A FUCK BOY ROBBIE' you tore you hands from his as he just looked at you.

' your a fuck boy and you know it' you continued, already you knew it was a mistake but it was too late.

'wait, do you like me Y/N?!' he asked bewildered by you.

' I DON'T KNOW' you yelled at him.

'Y/n' he pulled you closer wrapping his arms around you. You put your head to his chest trying not to cry. ' How could I expect to pull someone like you?'

he ran his hand up and down your back and for a brief moment you though you might be able to sort something out. His head fell lower, resting in the crook of your neck. You held him. Closing your eyes, you felt comfortable.

Your eyes snapped open and you jerked yourself away whe ln you felt Robbies lips on your neck.

' Robbie stop' you said pushing him off, you kept your gaze down toward the grass. 'Oh my god'. You thought to yourself. How could i expect to pull someone like you ... Thats what Robbie had said.... He didnt care. He just wanted someonw to satisfy his libido. You wrapped your arms around yourself. Keeping your gaze away from him.

'Robbie our lifts here' you heard Olly yell from inside the house.

'I've got to go' he said quietly looking toward you. 'I love you' he spoke. You deapised how easily it rolled off his tongue, how easily it slipped passes his lips.

' No you don't' you said to yourself. walking back inside as he walked to the car.

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