The Attempt

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{This is going to be a  texting conversation between you and Robbie. This might me a little triggering, so read at your own caution~Panswendy}

R(obbie)- Hey gorgeous :) xx

Y(ou)- i love you, just remember that xx

R-What are you talking about? I know you love me, but not as much as I love you xx

Y-I'm being serious. No matter what happens, you were the best thing that has ever happened to me.

R- Sweetheart, what's going on? Please tell me, i'm really scared.

Y- Just know that I'll be happier, safer. 

R- No babe, no. Please. I have no one without you. Please don't be doing what I think you are going to do.

Y- I just can't last another day. It's not worth it anymore.

R- Hold on, I'm taking the next plane over there. Just don't do anything stupid.

Y- No, you just can't leave the set. You need to stay there to finish the movie.

R- I think the directer will understand when I tell him that the girl that i love is planning on killing herself. Just please stay calm.

Y- Move on, Robbie. You'll find someone better than me. You and I both know that I was just a rebound girl.

R- I really do care. Just please believe me. You are so much more than a rebound. You are my princess. I need you.

Y- I love you, but I just can't  deal with anything anymore.

R- Well, i'll miss you. see you up there i guess.

Y- bye robbie xx




R- IF you kill yourself, idk what i'd do

R- I wouldn't have anyone

R-I fu.cking love you

R- Please don't do it.

R-  You're the sweetest, most amazing, beautiful, hot, sexy, most talented, and smartest person. You really don't need to do this.



R- I'm about to cry

R- And I never cry

Y- I'm not strong enough.

R- Just please don't

R- It's all i'll ever ask of you again.

Y- I don't know if i can do that for you

R- Princess, just don't.

R- It gets better sweetheart

R- I want you to go to the hospital right now

Y- no

R- go now

Y- no, i'm not going to go

R- NO, go to the damn hospital

Y- NO!

R-Get your ass over there

Y- Don't tell me what to do!

R- I want you to live

Y- I just don't know if it's worth to live another day

R- it is. It always is

Y- Robbie, you and I live different lives. You can't possibly know what I'm going through at all

R- Uh well i do

R-I wanted to kill myself at one point too

Y- yeah, but for different reasons. If you walked in my shoes for a day, you'll realized how screwed up my life is

R- Babe, just please don't do it

Y- It'll just be so easy

R- I'm in freaking tears. And I don't know what to say to you anymore. I just love you and I need you

R- Babe please

Y- I just don't know what's wrong with me

R-Just come here, it's safe with me and you'll be alright

Y-I can't

R- Just Pretend

Y- I don't know if I can let myself

R- I don't know what to say anymore honestly

Y- Just say goodbye

R- I can't

Y- Then I will

Y- I loved you so much. I can't even describe it. Please move on. I'll be keeping you safe. xx

R- Babe...

Y- I love you.

R- I love you too.

R- I can't believe I'm just letting you go like this.

R- I'll never be able to find someone else that can make me smile, make me laugh, make me that happiest man alive. Please. I would have to kill myself too.

Y- Damn you Robbie


Y- Why did you have to get in my head? I was trying too, but i just couldn't

R- I'll be there in four hours. Just lay down and sleep. Everything is going to be okay. I'll make sure you're safe and loved.

Y- I really thought this was going to be it.

R- I know babe. I know. You made the right choice. Just please go to bed. You can't do anything to harm yourself while you're asleep. It'll clear you mind. 

Y- I love you to the moon and back

R- Well I love you to infinity and beyond xx

R- I'll wake you up when I get there.

R- my beautiful princess.

hi guys. It's panswendy. i hope you liked it. and I swear if one person says this is unrealistic I'm going to slap you. The majority of this was the exact conversation i had last night. I tweeked it to fit an actual relationship between the reader and robbie.

Leave your comments below..

if anyone need help, please feel free to message me either on this account or my main accont (@panswendy)

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