Dont leave

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"Please, please don't leave" Y/N cried reaching out to touch the boy
that had capture her heart completely. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she tried to conceal them, knowing that as soon as he left she would only cry a thousand more, hoping that each one would bring him back.
"I can't stay " Peter said turning to face her. He brought his hand to her cheek and caressed it softly, her breath catching at the contact. She longed for more- she longed for more adventures together; more sunsets over the golden beaches; more time together and more than a caress of her cheek, but she knew it would only make the goodbye harder. " You know what that would mean" his voice saddened at the though of what waited for him.
" It would mean I could keep you" Y/N sobbed wrapping her arms around herself. The sea breeze blew off the waves and onto the shore where the two of them stood. The cold contributing to the pinkness of Y/N's cheeks as well as her tears. Peter stepped forward wanting to envelop her, to run his hands along her body and tell her everything would be alright, but instead he stood and watched his true love cry in front of him. Every particle of him urned to stay. To continue the life he and Y/N had made together. As she cried, her brown eyes glistening from her tears - he walked away.
He turned his back to the girl who he trusted completely leaving only a trail of footprints in the golden sand that would surely be blown away in a moment. He left with no goodbye or trinket of hers to keep. Just his memories that would fade over time. He had said goodbye before - a long time ago, it would only destroy him to say it again, as goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting. He didn't want to forget Y/N he wanted to keep her in his memory for the rest of his life, how short that might be. He continued to walk, his feet sinking into ground, until he could walk no further. He turned to take one last look at the island he called home. The mountains that he and the lost boys had ventured countless times, the lagoon which was just as dangerous as it was beautiful, the silver moon that greeted them each night. His breaths shook as he realised he too had been crying. He closed his eyes, savouring the last time he would be here, feeling the cool wind nip at his skin, smelling the forest and variety of plants that grew along side it. The bomb fire who's smell clung to your clothes. He would miss it all. Taking a deep breath, he collected himself wiping away the last tear that escaped and then he flew. Flying to a new realm where he would accept his fate as the merciless Peter Pan. He stepped onto the cracked concrete tiles making up the floor. As we walked he kept his gaze down, not caring about the cloaked figures that watched him like vultures. He entered the courtyard where the council would make their decision. The courtyard had been neglected and now had vines growing through tiles, Statues that were once smooth and proud, had began to crumble they no longer possessed a pure white colour but now owned a mixture of marks causes by stone against stone, and the natural decay caused by the elements overall producing a dirty grey.
He stood into the box quickly know they would have already made their decision and that this was all a formality . The hooded figures surrounded him from above, all seated on marble steps.
One of the hooded figures stepped forward, the cloak still covering his face in shadow.
" Peter Pan, you are brought here today, charged with numerous cases of murder, torture and physically manipulating others" the figures voice boomed across the realm silencing anyone around as they all stopped to listen intently.
" How do you plead ? "
Peter finally looked up, the charges he was facing were all true, in a time of rage and despair evil had taken over and corrupted him. He felt remorse for his actions and were surely paying for them now.
"Guilty" he announced, his voice strong although it could not have been more different to what he was feeling.
The hooded figure leaned forward as he spoke. " then I sentence you to death "
Peter was cuffed immediately as they brought him to the stone. A circular platform with only a wooden block in the middle.
As he stood behind the block the guard shoves him to the floor, His body crumpled beneath him, his head banging against the stone floor. He grimaced but the pain was nothing compared to leaving Y/N. He was numb, but he was ready.
He sat on his knees and placed his head against the wooden block. closing his eyes he thought back to Neverland and with his finally breath he uttered one word.
" Goodbye "

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