Chapter 14 : Friends

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You've been in high school for a couple of years now and you still didn't know everyone in your year . It's not that you were doing this deliberately but up to a year ago all of your classes had been with your form So you never really saw anyone else . The teachers would put you in a seating plan and from there you would happily talk to everyone around you , expanding your friendships to new amazing people with personalities so bizarre and unique you couldn't help but love the people around you . There was this one boy who was in two of your classes English and ICT . You had become really close with him .Every night you would stay up and talk to each other about everything and nothing . It was a friendship you could rely on . He would help you in ICT when you had no idea what your crazy teacher was on about or you had a test and you would help him in English . You didn't sit together but it wouldn't stop you going over to each other and staying there the whole time Robbie wasn't popular he wasn't a jock and he wasn't a geek , he was Robbie and average but that's what you liked about him he wasn't something amazing to everyone else , just to you . which made him yours .

" Robbie". You called . He instantly turned around at the sound of your voice and smiled when he saw you " come here " you mouthed to him as you waved your hands . It was your last English lesson of term and your teacher had decided to put on a film as no one would pay attention .
" Nooo " he mouthed back .Robbie shook his head raising an eyebrow as a smirk snuck onto his face .
"pleaseeee " you whispered grasping my hands together in a pleading manner as well as pouting . He rolled his eyes and sighed before finally joking you at the back of the room .
He sat down in the chair beside you and began to watch the film .
You looked over at him and saw as the projector illuminated his perfect features . He sat in the chair slouched slightly with one arm over his stomach and the one closest to you hanging by his side . You did the same and looked forward to the screen . For a long time now you had developed feelings for Robbie and the two if you would often discus that you had crushes but neither if you would budge an tell the other who it was . As your hand swayed by your side you longed to feel Robbie's fingers brush against yours slightly before your fingers interlinked and held hands . You looked over towards Robbie but his eyes stayed on the screen . You sighed to yourself and turned to the screen . You were watching the Avengers , It was a good film but you had seen it before and different ways of You and Robbie finally getting together played over and over in your mind . Something so simple as a peck on the lips of holding your hand as you walked , that's all you wanted. When the bell sounded you grabbed your bag and began to walk out of the class room ." Y/N " Robbie called after you . You ignored him , it wasn't his fault but you had gotten annoyed because it was only you upsetting yourself giving yourself unrealistic ideas So you thought it would be best to avoid everyone so you didn't end up yelling at them . But Robbie caught up
" hey Y/N , I was wondering do you want to go out ? " he mumbled the last part so you didn't fully hear what he had said .
" did you just ask me out ? " you questioned . He nodded shyly .
Despite all the thoughts running through your head previously your feelings were confused and now you were questioning if you really wanted a relationship . What if you broke up and ruined your friendship. You looked up at him and he gazed at you " let me think about it " you rushed out and began walking away leaving Robbie standing there .
What was going on inside your head , you had all these emotions .so in a time like this you did what you usually do and pretend that nothing happened . Over the next few days you saw and spoke to Robbie as usually completely ignoring that he had asked you out only a few days ago . Despite you pretending this were normal you could see it in Robbie's eyes that he was waiting for an answer . One that you couldn't give
" hey Y/N " your friend Lauryn called and began walking beside you . " you know Robbie is still waiting for an answer "
" Is he ?" You sighed and ran your hands trough your hair
" you know , he'd be good at being a boyfriend "
" I know " you said
" I thought you liked him " Lauryn questioned
" I do "
" so what's the problem ?"
" what if things go wrong " you looked at her with sorrow filled eyes , you didn't want to ruin things between you. You practically acts like a couple but you didn't like the idea of labelling it .

Nearing the end of lunch at school the next day you ran into Robbie , he looked down at you and forced a smile " yes " you muttered
He gave you a questionable look not understanding . " yes - I will go out with you " you said shyly . He looked at you with wide eyes .
" really ? " his mouth hung open as you nodded your head . He wrapped you in his embrace and you nuzzled your head into his chest . In that moment you got into your head again and immediately regretted speaking that one three letter word .
The bell rung and you journeyed to your individual classes . What have I done you thought to yourself . This thought circled through your head all day . You pulled out your phone and got up Robbie's contact information

Robbie I am really sorry - I can't do this - I don't want to be in a relationship- this didn't mean I don't like you I do . I just . I don't want to ruin anything .

You clicked send and nervously waited a reply .

It's okay :( . Can I just ask why you said yes in the first place ? Xxx
- Robbie

You sighed knowing that no matter what now Robbie had confessed his love for you and you pushed it back into his face . And you felt awful about it . The least you could do was be honest , he deserved that .

I felt pressured by my friends - but I am ending it because I am no good at relationships ... They scare me .

I still love you Y/N But I understand :(

With that your heart crumble you had done what you wanted to avoid and make things weird between your best friend . Over the next couple of days you and Robbie had Maths and English together but you didn't speak and barley made eye contact . You did your best to make things not awkward between you two and continue as normal , but Robbie needed time and you understood .
Months had passed you and Robbie had spoken a few times but you were no way close to what you used to be . One night you were on face book and you saw Robbie come online .

Hey . can I ask you something ? You missed Robbie they late night conversations the comfort you had in each other , they way you could mess about and insult each other and neither of you would take offence .

Um yea . he replied

Why did we stop being friends?

Well I guess it's because after you dumped me I just felt embarrassed

I am sorry I really am . Can we be friends again

Yea I guess

Good ! I miss talking to you . I still care about you . are you okay ?

From there you and Robbie started your friendship again leaving the past begins you . it turns out he had been talking to one of the girls in your class and may be starting a relationship with her . you were happy for Robbie despite the confident display he put on Robbie's family life hasn't been great and he showed it on his skin .
After a few weeks they were dating and you had heard a vicious rumour about one of your best friends . your other friends can't and told you that it was Robbie's girlfriend had started the rumour and openly confessed to doing it . Your blood boing and seeing red you stormed to Robbie's form and smashed open the door . " Where's Robbie ! " You yelled to everyone in the class room . when you saw him you stormed straight over to him , by the look on his face you could tell he was slightly scared .
" Your girlfriend is a BITCH " you yelled at him . he stared at you with open eyes
" Um okay ? " It was clear he didn't know what had happened .
" She started a rumour about Y/B/F/N saying she had dry sex all round the school with different people !!! " Just the thought of your now ex friend betraying your best friend made you furious .
" Look I know it's not your fault but you need to know what she is truly like ! she's a manipulative cruel narcissistic Bitch you had no right to do something like that !" by this time the majority if his form was staring at me as You yelled . You didn't regret any of what you were saying . You stormed out if his form still enraged I what had happened and the fact that Robbie just stood there .
You found out about a month later that Robbie broke up with that cow . he apologised over and over for what happened but it wasn't his fault . you were just glad to know that Robbie was on your side . no matter what .

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