- Cool ! It's a very special name, may I say. My name's Justin. I know, I know very original, but I find it pretty cool haha ! He said, while smiling at me.

- Where are you from Justin ? I was very curious about him, he may be more special than I would of ever imagined.

- I'm from Mount Darkon. A very special mountain in Hawaii.

- Really ?! You're the first I know from there, I didn't know people lived there... May I ask, does that explain your mark. On your back.

- I don't know people keep asking me what it is but I have absolutely no idea ! Do you ?

- I do but i'll explain later, class is starting.

* * * * * * * * *

We were going to the gym, for sports class. Klonoa didn't quite look in shape. Me neither but he was skinny, didn't have so much muscles, but that completely contradicts what happened at the lunch break. John was way stronger than Klonoa but he still was strong enough to hold him with his own arm. I made sure to keep an eye on Klonoa. He wasn't so normal, he seemed to recognize everything about me in such time. The teacher said we all had to race. The fastest against the fastest, the slowest against the slowest. What he said was so mean but so fair, so I couldn't say a word. John's friend, Ken, was faster than john, and I mean really fast. Klonoa stud up to Ken and decided to race against him. He made a really bad choice, I didnt want to see this... The race had begun, the two of them were moving really fast. It was a 200 meter race. Anyone of them could catch up except within the 50 last meters. Ken had a fast start, he was first... For the moment. We all thought that Klonoa could never make it, but then, we saw him go faster and faster. The teacher was amazed. He outran Ken ! Ken was now second, he could not believe it, he was mindblowned. The way Klonoa ran was impossible to surpass. Ken ran and ran but Klonoa got even farther by the second. Obviously, Klonoa won, the teacher asked him to do the 100 meter race. We all new Usain Bolt did approximetly 9.69 seconds. We all wanted to see if he could possibly be faster.

* * * * * * * * *

I was so happy, but so confused. I had never ran as fast as that. Now they were asking me to try to beat Usain Bolt ! I guess I should try. Students around me were filming, probably wanted to have the fastest person on earth, on video. I heard a gunshot and started running as fast as I could. It felt like the track was getting longuer and longuer. I didnt hear a sound I was to concentrated on not falling or going more slower, I tried moving my legs faster and faster but it was still going the same speed. Everybody looked so proud of me, I couldnt let this chance go to waste. I started moved faster than a lamborghini, I saw the finish line and I thought : then god its finished !

* * * * * * * * *

I couldn't believe my eyes... Klonoa... Is... Incredible... He did 5 second something. How could that be. I couldnt even do 6 seconds in the 50 meters. He wrecked my record... Something's wrong with this kid. The teacher had big eyes facing her stopwatch, the students were not saying a thing, I screamed to the teacher :

- Hey teach, how much time did he take to run 100 meters... ?

- F..fff..five second seventy-eight... said the teacher without leaving the stopwatch of her eyes.

She rapidly ran inside to pick up the phone and talk to some commitee about the new world record. I ran and jumped in Klonoa's arms to congratulate him.

- Klonoa did you realize what you've done, you've set a new world record ! You did almost half of what Usain has done ! And you'll probably be able to meet him too. You could also get alot of money and sponsors on this. This could be an opportunity of a life time ! ... Sorry I was getting a little bit too exicted about this. Can't believe my friend accomplished a new world record...

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